Have You Ever Had To Confront Another Guest's Poor Behavior?

At TSMM rope droP years ago, a young woman in a scooter ran into my 9 year old son, who was walking directly in front of her, and knocked him to the ground. I yelled something and she said “I told him twice to get out of the way.” I was livid. Then her large husband came over and yelled at me…so that was the end. I was scared. A fight with an intimidating person was only going to wreck my day. 7 years later I’m still mad that woman thought it was okay to run him over so she could get to TSMM faster.

On the plus side, even longer ago, my 5 year old walked out of the men’s room without waiting for his father and promptly got lost. A woman seated at a table by Astro orbiter noticed him wandering, he showed her my phone number, and she called me.

there are definitely good people to balance out the bad.
Heh. I do it all the time. Soon as I hit Disney property I become this cheery, positive, happy child at heart and just cannot stand by and let someone be mean to another guest - or cast member. I do everything I can to disarm situations, remind them that they’re in the most magical place on earth, or find a way to help. If none of that works, I commiserate with their target and try to cheer them up.
I've seen a lot of rude behavior at Disney - folks standing WAY too close, line cutters, noise makers during FOTLK or other shows, videographers ruining dark rides, questionable behavior towards kids and each other, fireworks kid on shoulders folks, parade squeezers at the last minute, tablet above head at fireworks folks, bus refusing to move to the back folks, etc. The parties of 10 that stop and block the entire walking path in front of Small World. Why do folks stop in the middle of what is clearly a walkway?

Since I frequently travel solo - the folks holding a table with no food really irritates me. The technique of not allowing folks to sit at tables at QS during busy times before folks have their food that Universal does at the WWOHP QS places is stellar. I don't know how many times I have wandered around looking for a table with a tray of food seeing folks holding tables again and again. There's nothing in writing that says you can't do this so I'm sure some folks don't even think of this as rude, but man it sucks as solo traveler.

I've also seen a lot of acts of kindness - not only from CM's, but guest to guest. Bandaid and diaper sharing, picking up dropped toys, kids sharing tablets in line, helping a parent in need, giving up a seat, giving kids a view at a parade, etc.

I usually have the right attitude when at WDW and can let most of roll off me - but some days I feel like, "Why did I come to this crowded space in the first place?"
I usually ignore it as best I can but a couple of times we did. Once a man and his daughter cut into the FP line for Splash Mtn from the regular line. My 6 or so year old told the cast member at the end of the FP line. The CM confronted him and asked him to tap there. He did not have a FP. (They we’re not using that tapstile at that time ). He made up this long tail and the CM finally let them ride to prob get rid of them. They got the front row my daughter wanted. She was angry about this for years. Literally years.
The other thing I remember was we had a spot for the parade with my daughter sitting in front of me at the line and a woman came up and stood in front of her. Right against her crossed legs. I told her to find another spot. She started yelling at me. The entire crowd around us started yelling at her to move to another area. It was awesome. She did move on. I can’t remember any other times we did anything.
Yes, at the quiet pool at the Poly this past week. It was after 11pm because they had just shut down the main pool. A few of us migrated over to the "quiet" pool. We wanted to relax in the hot tub but a father and late teen daughter were tossing a ball around from one side of the hot tub to the other while practically shouting their conversation to each other. No one else could converse, or relax. I made a subtle comment at first, like "relaxing night tonight isn't it?... hoping they would clue in. After it continued my wife and I got up to go in the pool instead, and they they said something like, leaving already? ...to which I replied "I was hoping for a peaceful evening" (keep in mind it was after 11pm at this point.) So as soon as I get in the pool, they follow and get in the pool as well? It was so bizarre. I immediately got out and went back to the hot tub, and then they definitely got the point. ...to which the daughter yells to her Dad so the whole pool could hear... "Look dad, we made enemies already!"

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Yes. I used my teacher voice on a group of teen boys without supervision who were acting like a group of teen boys without supervision. A Jungle Cruise CM asked them not to go under the rope by the stairs and to use the ramp to join line. They pretended they didn't hear as she repeatedly asked them to go around. I stopped in front of them with my best teacher/mom face and said, "Gentlemen. Did you not hear her? She asked you to go around," followed by the uncomfortable stare down while I awaited their answer. I got sheepish looks from 4/5 of the group along with the requisite apology. The best was when I said, "Okay. Join the line please," and they did. My daughters just shook their heads and muttered something about "everywhere she goes..." :confused3
I was sitting waiting for the parade when a little boy started to clim on me I asked him nicely to stop the dad yells at me not to tell his son to stop doing something that this was his vacation and they do not tell there kids no on vacation
I forgot about the woman sitting next to me on Star Tours that was live-streaming her ride experience on some platform. She had her phone light on and was talking loudly through the first half of the ride. I asked her to please stop and she proceeded to shine the light in my face.
I yelled at a woman and her friend at Gaston's Tavern. There were no seats remaining outdoors, so they sat down at a table that was roped off and had a large sign placed on it that said the table was restricted due to COVID spacing guidelines.

I asked them nicely to not sit there, as it was within arms reach from me and made me uncomfortable. I emphasized that the Cast Members roped off the table for a reason... trying to keep everybody safe with social distancing. They laughed and sat down anyway. What's even more upsetting was a Cast Member who was cleaning tables in that section told them he didn't care if they sat there.

I stood up and vocally (in loud fashion) expressed my discontent with their stupidity and "all about me" attitude. And then sat back down and stared at them as I enjoyed my cinnamon roll.
So far the worst behaviour I've seen at WDW has been a member of my own party. In restaurants, I gritted my teeth, and carefully timed a trip to the washroom when I could see our server at the order kiosk to slip them an extra tip. In the parks, I took note of CMs he may have sniped at and sent them a #castcompliment later that night. I just didn't have the energy for a big confrontation during the trip, and I doubt it would have helped anyway.
Of all my years going to Disney I have only onetime got in a shouting match with another guest where Dis cast had to intervene. I feel bad and wish the situation was handled better on my part. The lady was trying to get pictures of her kids when my young kids ran in her veiw. She started yelling at my kids and proceeded to move them out the way by putting her hands on them. I just flipped out and we cursing each other out. Meanwhile all the kids were looking scared. I felt bad afterwards and to this day when something bad happens with another rude guest I try to brush it off and keep moving. We were at Aventura hotel in July sitting outside of the pool area when another family sat next to us. It was all good until one of their party members started smoking a cigar and the smoke was blowing directly in my face. It wasnt worth it for me to tell him 1 this is a no smoking section and 2 your smoke is choking me up. Instead I grab my belongings and moved to the other side. It sucks but sometimes it is just not worth getting into fights on vacation.
Yes, at the quiet pool at the Poly this past week. It was after 11pm because they had just shut down the main pool. A few of us migrated over to the "quiet" pool. We wanted to relax in the hot tub but a father and late teen daughter were tossing a ball around from one side of the hot tub to the other while practically shouting their conversation to each other. No one else could converse, or relax. I made a subtle comment at first, like "relaxing night tonight isn't it?... hoping they would clue in. After it continued my wife and I got up to go in the pool instead, and they they said something like, leaving already? ...to which I replied "I was hoping for a peaceful evening" (keep in mind it was after 11pm at this point.) So as soon as I get in the pool, they follow and get in the pool as well? It was so bizarre. I immediately got out and went back to the hot tub, and then they definitely got the point. ...to which the daughter yells to her Dad so the whole pool could hear... "Look dad, we made enemies already!"

OMG. The dad-who-never-plays- with - his - kid syndrome!! But put the looser in a pool and suddenly they have to play catch! And be obnoxious and don’t apologize if they hit you.
Not exactly confront but this woman lost her darn mind with me over something so ridiculous. I just blame her lack of knowledge I guess. 😂

It’s our last day and we are at MK for the evening. We get off Splash Mountain and I had purchased the memory maker so I would usually just walk up to the photos and tap quick and leave. The rest of my family doesn’t even mess with walking up because it’s always crowded and it will pop up on our phones soon after. So I go up and see our photo and reach out and tap it and this woman standing there says “Guess we can’t see our picture now since they scanned it” all nasty to whoever she was with while looking at me. I said “excuse me” and she says “thanks to you scanning it, now we can’t see our photo now” I pointed to the screen and said “the photo is right there, did you tap it” and she said “no, we just want to look at it and you cut us and scanned it and now it’s going to disappear, you have to let us look at it first” I was thinking what on earth is this woman talking about!? And she was being so nasty with her attitude and tone. Like yelling at me like I did something wrong. I said “I don’t think you understand how this works. You get off the ride, see your picture and then tap it with your band if you have one.” And she says “well we don’t have bands and I just want to look at it”. I’m dumbfounded at this point and say “so you expect me to know that walking up here and just stand here and wait until you are done looking at it and then tap it?” And she said “yes we were here first” and I said “well that’s not exactly how it works and good luck with that” and walked away. Ugh…and the funny thing is we are forever stuck with her in our picture since she was in the same boat as us! I told DH that we need to photoshop emojis or something over her face!

These kind of things drive me crazy... it's one thing when people are rude and just don't care that they are in the wrong. It's the worst when people think they are justified and act self-righteous, but have no idea what they are talking about. You should take solace in fact that she wasted half of her "looking" time arguing with you. Also, its a huge pain when your picture goes away before you've tapped.

I was once going to jump in line at park close for Flight of Passage, but was blocked by a group of guests that were huddled right at the entrance. I politely said excuse me, to which they said "oh, don't bother, the line is 60 minutes, you'll never make it before the park closes." I told them helpfully that as long as you're in line, they'll let you ride, to which one of them said, "No, that's not the case, I've been sent out of line at close before. I don't know why so many people are getting in line." I told them I've done it all the time, but they just didn't want to believe or admit they were wrong and continued to block the way. I finally said "well, I'll take my chances" and elbowed through, to which one sarcastically said "wow, excuse us. Enjoy waiting in line." It was a minor thing but when people are so adamant they are right when they are plainly wrong
I try to myob and let some stuff roll off, but the one thing i will NOT tolerate is harassing or abusing animals. Low-life trashy parents think it's cute when their kids scare birds and ducks or throw things at them. I will not hesitate to step in if they come dangerously close to catching a critter or actually hit them with anything.
Videographers (the ones with lights on) on dark rides are usually the only people I ever confront. They are usually the only consistent people issue I find at WDW, besides the people who like to run over your ankles with strollers while leaving fireworks or the occasional misbehaved adult. Always exceptions of course each year but are usually far and fee between. At least in all our past WDW trips.

But during this last trip, the line cutting that was rampant in WDW, which I’ve never experienced like this at WDW, eventually pushed me into a new corner towards the end of our trip where I found myself saying something to every person that used the “excuse me, meeting up with family” BS. Was not successful in stopping any of them though but I certainly made them feel uncomfortable for cheating their way through, at least some of them I hope. Most didn’t care one bit.
I came close this summer!

I've *never* been on Frozen when there wasn't someone Facetiming/recording, etc. with their phone. In June, someone was recording with their flash on the whole time, totally ruined it. Very frustrating after a 50-minute wait!
That's my experience on Pirates. I always ask them to turn their light off, but they rarely do.
Honestly, I try not to get in confrontations, period. Even when one is justified, getting in a shouting match or being sharp with someone tends to make the situation worse rather than better. I try to let a lot of things go, and if I find someone annoying at the parks and have the opportunity to physically leave their presence, I'll do that. Other times I'll involve a cast member if I have to. In January this year I ducked out of the Pirates of the Caribbean line twice because the guests behind me each time were not maintaining distance or keeping their masks up over their noses. The first time was in the extended part of the queue on the open walkway so I just stepped to the side and went to the back of the line. The second time, I was further up in line and waited until I reached a CM at a switchback and asked to be let out (they actually sent me to the front of the line, which was super nice! I genuinely would have just gone to the back of the line again rather than deal with the family behind me crowding into my space with their noses out spewing germs). On that same trip I did end up 'confronting' a couple in the queue for Space Mountain, where there really wasn't any opportunity for escape. I gave them a few chances to keep distance on their own, trying to signal with body language really clearly when I was stopping and starting--no dice, they were on my heels at every turn. So the next time they did it I turned around and asked in my calmest, friendliest voice if they could please stay six feet back on the markers. They seemed surprised but did not argue and gave me distance after that. I'm sure it would have been a much different story if I'd blown my lid at them. Always a risk people will blow up at even the gentlest criticism, but I figured taking the chance was better than accepting the potential COVID exposure while stewing over it, and it paid off.

Honestly, in general I would rather either look the other way if it's something that's not actually creating a problem for me (or creating a safety problem, or causing harm to wildlife), and if I do have to do something about it I prefer to talk to a cast member rather than deal with it directly. They have the authority to either do something about it or call someone who has authority if it escalates. I'm just a guest and I don't get to impose my will on the other guests, no matter how justified I would feel about it--plus I just don't want to get into a fight on vacation.
In April we were in HS sitting in front of Sci Fi waiting for our table when a large family came and sat near us. The mom didn't have her mask on and when the CM came over and asked her to put her mask on the mom got so rude with her. It made me so mad. The CM was just doing her job and didn't deserve that. One of the woman's kids said something to her and she said "Well we just walked a mile to get here and I'm hot" I was so tempted to say so did we but you don't see us with our masks down and getting rude with the CM's. I didn't say anything though because I figured it wasn't worth it.


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