Has this been an unusual year, weather wise for Orlando?


Earning My Ears
Oct 23, 2000
Went to Orlando week of Thanksgiving this year. One day it was in the 80's. We were all in shorts going on the wet rides in IOA. The next day we were freezing to death. Don't know for sure what the temp was but we thought we could handle anything remotely chilly being from Boston, but we had to wear three layers and still froze. Been watching the news lately and it seems to be very cold in Orlando. Is this unusual??
Yes, Orlando DOES sometime have a winter... :) Kinda funny, but you never know if it'll be 80 or 20 on Christmas day (has been both in the last decade or so). Since Thanksgiving, this has been one of our colder years... in fact, I think we broke a record on New Years Eve.

It's not so much the temperature, but the lack of rain that's got everyone here concerned. Central Florida is in the middle of it's worst drought in 50-100 years. All the lakes are down 10+ feet (some have even completely dried up!). Give it a couple more months of this and the place will almost be a desert

Orlando 640x480 picture of the day.
Ha! Lack of rain! Well, apparently Florida hasn't had their usual rainy season in June for like 3 years, but when we went this June we started it up again! Every afternoon, without fail, the coulds would roll in and the monsoon would start! It was actually kind of nice because it was so dang hot! It cooled us off a bit. And it usually was either just a shower, or it stopped before it was time for the shows and parades at night. So it worked out good. They did close rides though. Luckily once we figured out the rain schedule we knew which rides to get done in the morning. The one problem it caused was that we bought the yellow mickey ponchos... just like everyone else in the park! So it was harder to keep all 13 of us together because everyone looked the same! :D But that's ok. One of my fondest memories is puddle jumping in Magic Kingdom. Surprisingly, the rain seemed to perk everyone up! Kids were running everywhere and jumping in puddles and adults were happy to get cooled off. I can't believe I wrote that much just on the weather! It's a good thing I haven't gotten around to posting a trip report yet! ;) Happy New Year!

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)


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