Has anyone *NOT* received *ALL* their Hershey SW GC's?


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Sep 2, 1999
Hey, is there anyone out there in the same boat?

We sent in enough wrappers for each of us in the family (4)... We received 2 separate envelopes in mid-December, then we received one shortly after Christmas.... now we are still waiting on the 4th.. anyone have the same thing happen?

We just sent ours in Dec. 11, for two people. I keep checking the mail daily, but nothing yet. How long did it take? I just did a second round this week to get another GC it was so easy to get rid of the candy at DH work.
Me too! We only received 3 of the 4, they were all 3 received the same day in November and the other one seems to be lost. I called last week and no one has called me back. Has anyone had a lost one turn up? They told me andother 4-6 weeks before I will get a reply.ê


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It took about six weeks to get our initial GC's... the woman I spoke with at Hershey's yesterday gave me a reference number, and told me to call back in two weeks, and give that reference number... so I guess I'll wait til then... I got 3 out of the 4, so I'm happy, but I would like 4 out of 4...
i just recieved my 6th one. apparently i submitted two under my dh's name and none under dd's. after calling three time (very politely) Karla told me what happened and they offered to send it out under my dh's name. hershery was very nice about it and you can bet i was appreciative. i just wanted every one to know what hershey did a good thing.
Artie, can you leave me the phone number you called Hershey about the Names, I did about the same, both in my name, none in my husbands. Followed up the next day with a letter to the promotions, to clear it up. Hopefully they caught it. But just in case, I can have the number. Thanks. See you on the Cruise???
I would love to have the number also. I sent 4 and have only received 3. My email address is melanieelder@yahoo.com

Thanks! Melanie :)
How did you send the upcs, I sent them in snack bags, at 36 per bag, from one box. Put all in 8x10 yellow envelope, mailed with certified mail delivery. How did you send them? Just checking in case I send in one more. Thanks
les are we on the same cruise? i think i saw your name listed a way back. July 7 2001 hope so. here is the number i called spoke to karla twice and diane once. the hershey number is 1 800 468 1714. i believe it is open 9 to 4 est. good luck. she was very helpful.
I spoke w/ a lady @ Hershey and she said they have to be in their office by Jan 31, so I'm getting everything ready today. She also told me that the size of the candy must be a 1.5 oz or larger. My family loves the Hershey bar w/ almonds, and I've collected several of those, but I realize now that they are only 1.4 oz. YIKES, has anyone else sent in Heshery w/almonds and had any problems with them accepting them as part of the promo? Thanks for any and all replies. Gerri

And it's January 20th.. Is there anyway I can pull this off... Where did you all buy the candy. What part of the wrapper did you send in? How did you sell the candy at DH's work, if you have to pull off the whole wrapper. What do you think is the last day you can mail these in and make the 1/31 deadline? Any help appreciated.
email bethsg@aol.com

DCL 4 day 11/18/2001
I think as long as you have it postmarked by 1/31 you should be okay... as for where to buy it, start calling right now and getting prices!! You can easily pull this off if you don't have to work Monday!!! You could buy the candy tomorrow, assuming you can find it, and by Monday at 5pm you can have all the wrappers off the candy, stapled in packs of 10 & put 28 packs in a freezer bag, put your 3x5 notecard on each side of the freezer bag & get it mailed off in a Priority mailer!!! You can do it!! Take note, Twizzlers are included in the promotion, and sometimes you can find those for even less than the candy bars!! Good luck, you better get running!!
the promotional literature said 1.4 to 3.5 size with a list of bars that qualify. i know i used many bars with a weight of 1.4, and have recieved all 6(times 275 each) of my vochers. go for it! :eek:
Target in Maryland has them $8.49 per box of 30 which makes them about 29 cents a piece. I just bought enough for two certificates and cut them out last night. It took about 2 hours, and $163.00. My DH takes them to work. That was 5 cents per bar cheaper than Sam's Club. Its not too late, you have until next Wednesday.


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