Great new Jim Hill article -- And props to The Baron...


Did you know some ferns date back to Prehistoric t
May 30, 2000
Jim Hill is back with another great one. For those of us who have seen Jim go soft lately with gushing praise for Disney in every article ;) ;) here's one that deals with issues we have been debating for two years here.

"The Mouse doesn't do that anymore, Eric. A year or so, Disney decided that courtesy cost way too much. So they began telling the folks at Guest Relations to seriously cut back on the perks that they used to hand out to customers."

Sound familiar? The Baron used to tell us over and over that Courtesy and Show were sliding off of the four point Promise.

But even better is the section when Diamond Jim talks about the 'City Hall Scammers.' Anyone familiar with Baron's pieces about his State of the World remember that it was anethema to Baron to accept freebies for a complaint...for the preciese reason that Burbank will blow off the complaint as being satisfied. Now burbank has used these Scammers as a rotten excuse to cut back on the courtesy they extended to guests.

The last tidbit? Changes coming soon from on high in Parks? Read to find out...Jim's been hitting the typewriter overtime lately...
When I read that I couldn't help but think about that formerly former web site with all the tips and pointers about "schmoozing" to get freebies at wdw.

Hey, some of those "schmoozing" techniques were great: lying, bullying service employees, and my all-time favorite: throwing a hissy fit and interrupting a parade! If you're willing to stand in the middle of an ongoing parade, Disney should give you three nights in a deluxe hotel. Don't move until they agree to it!
If you're going to do your business in the service industry, as Disney's Parks do, you have to find a way to keep the "legits" happy without giving away the store to the schleps looking for freebies.

Its a tough balancing act, and it requires good judgement and commitment. But since that is the business Disney has chosen to make its fortune in, they must remain up to the challenge or they will face the long term consequences. Hopefully Rasulo understands this, as the article indicates he might.
After my experience with the CM at MK's City Hall basically saying, "Too bad, your loss, nothing we can do about it, TPB are always right," I'm wondering if these guys get training in being nasty.

Didn't Customer Service use to mean "Customer Service" or "The Customer is always right?"
"Didn't Customer Service use to mean "Customer Service" or "The Customer is always right?"

It used to mean that,but that was back in the day when people were rational,honest,fair,understanding,courtious,open minding.......

Today people are rude,arrogant,spoiled,feel entitled to everything, inconsiderate,greedy........

I've worked in the service industry the last 22 years. I hate it. People don't listen,they hear what they want to hear, don't read their contracts/warranties, are sarcastic and closed minded. When my two sons graduate college,I'm outta here. I get paid very well and it's a struggle for me to bite my tongue or not rip some idiots head off. I don't know how the CM's deal with it everyday for what they are getting paid. I'll bend over backwards for a customer that treats me with respect and is willing to work with me,and I'm sure the majority of the CM's are the same. But I think even Walt would be disgusted of the way people are today.
I would agree with KnViking. I also deal with people every day at work and THEY ARE ALWAYS TRYING TO PULL SCAMS!!! So while disney should try to help out those who truly need it they also have to look out for scammers and people who are just looking for a excuse to sue. I guess ive been lucky because ive had no problems with any CM and have found them to be helpful. In fact about 6 yrs ago one on my kids lost her autograph book near the end of our vacation and was highly upset and we had no time to try and get all the autographs she had. So we went to guest relations at MK and asked if it was turned in and it wasnt but they were very nice and helpful and took our name/address. About a week leater we got a autograph book in the mail with almost all the ones we had. So they did go the extra mile to make my child happy. Now if i was as much of a lowlife like alot of customers are im sure i could go to GR and make a sob story and probably get similiar treatment. Now a company has to be on the lookout for scams or they would go broke trying to fulfill the requests of the scammers!!
It's a sad world indeed if the response to meaness and scamming has to be more meaness. That just seems to feed a vicious cycle of unhappiness.

I would like "The Happiest Place on Earth" to be a happy place and I don't go there to be treated badly by the staff. The world today is bad enough as it is, and to find the real world's problems in once what was once an untouchable and pristine place is disheartening.

I might be a foolish optimist, but I believe things will only get better if there was more kindness in the world, and kindness starts with each of us. Right now, with the world in the state it is in, with the economy as bad as it is, with no job and no prospect of a job for a long time, thinking of the essential goodness of people is all that keeps me going. I hope some of you agree. :wave:
Should the disney staff mistreat the guests, no!!!! But they also have to make sure when people complain that it is a legitimate complaint and not just a scamto get something for nothing!!!
Also the reality is IMHO with all of the new parks/hotels/attractions their are more job opportunities out their which can make it harder to get the work staff that you want. Its not like the public schools in any urban area are graduating top notch people and if press reports are correct FLA has subpar schools which will impact the work force.


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