Gotta ask... maple syrup

What's funny is that I actually was raised with real maple syrup (mom from Schnectady) but disliked it. Gimme some Eggo. ;) Then I married a dude and we had a kid and both of them have WILD reactions to anything based on corn syrup. CS solids, CS, and HFCS send them through the roof. So the fake stuff destroys them. (even the stuff that touts having no HFCS still has CS)

For us, we as a family literally cannot use the fake stuff.

We once brought the real stuff to a restaurant in walking distance from our home, and I felt REALLY uncomfortable about it and was hiding it, and the server asked if I'd brought in booze to put in my coffee LOL. She thought we were weird for bringing in syrup.

Anyway, DS has gotten used to butter and powdered sugar (which is "cut" with cornstarch to make it flow, but thankfully he doesn't react to all corn, just the syrup-based stuff, but others aren't so relatively lucky!) and I rarely ask for the real stuff anymore.

But if you ever see me at breakfast withOUT DS and DH, I'm the one sneaking the FAKE stuff on my pancakes, because ahhhh, at last, I *can*.

(hiding head in shame...sorry mom, wherever you are!)

(also I've done the "master cleanse" fast many times, up to 20 days at a time, which uses grade B maple syrup as a base to what you get to drink, so the real stuff makes me shudder, thinking of the other stuff that goes along with the fast...)
Being an Arizona boy I grew up on the fake stuff. One year for Valentine's Day I decided I was going to make my wife s great breakfast including real maple syrup and real butter. I put my usual 1/2 stick of butter and drenched my waffles in the real syrup and took a big ole dripping bite. I almost spit it out, I hated the syrup! Haven't tried it again in about 15 years, I'll stick with my Log Cabin or Aunt Jemima fake stuff. Don't flame me please, I know I should like the real stuff better but when you're used to crap, you're used to crap!
We always had the fake stuff when I was growing up. But then I got a taste of the real stuff as an adult and grew to prefer it. Now when I taste the fake stuff, I wonder how on earth I liked it when I was young. It tastes too "chemically". :crazy2: I'll use it if that's all that's available, but the real stuff is infinitely better.
We only buy the grade B real stuff; I think it has a better flavor than grade A. I can't stand fake syrup, might as well just pour on straight corn syrup. We received a small bottle of the real stuff in our first cruise FE and it was wonderful on Mickey waffles.

Going to probably ruffle a few feathers but REALLY?? Unless you are allergic, or have a specific health issue, this seems a bit snobbish. What next? Oh, Captain - are those free-range eggs? Is the veggie platter non GMO? Is that cheese from Wisconsin? Because really they know cheese... Where does it end? Just enjoy the trip already!
Perhaps this is our future...

Effective for cruises embarking on or after September 30, 2015, Disney Cruise Line Guests may bring a maximum of 2 bottles of unopened maple syrup (no larger than 100 ml) on board at the beginning of the voyage and at each port-of-call.

Guests wishing to consume maple syrup that they have brought on board in one of the dining rooms will be charged a screw cap fee of $25.00 per bottle. Please note:

  • These condiments must be packed in carry-on (not checked) bags or luggage.
  • Any syrup packed in checked luggage will be removed and stored until the end of the cruise.
  • Any syrup in excess of 2 bottles will be stored until the end of the cruise.
  • Bringing blueberry, strawberry, or any other fruit-based syrup (including powdered syrup) on board is prohibited. These items will be stored until the end of the cruise.
  • Guest MUST retrieve any stored syrup at the end of the cruise. Items not retrieved will be destroyed, and no compensation will be offered.
  • Syrup brought on board may not be consumed in any lounge or public area.
Please note that the Disney Cruise Line syrup policy is subject to change without notice.

HAHAHAHA!!!!! This made my day. :rotfl:
Going to probably ruffle a few feathers but REALLY?? Unless you are allergic, or have a specific health issue, this seems a bit snobbish. What next? Oh, Captain - are those free-range eggs? Is the veggie platter non GMO? Is that cheese from Wisconsin? Because really they know cheese... Where does it end? Just enjoy the trip already!

Oh, take a chill pill. It was just a question.
Going to probably ruffle a few feathers but REALLY?? Unless you are allergic, or have a specific health issue, this seems a bit snobbish. What next? Oh, Captain - are those free-range eggs? Is the veggie platter non GMO? Is that cheese from Wisconsin? Because really they know cheese... Where does it end? Just enjoy the trip already!
These are really bad comparisons. Take the eggs for example. You can have two eggs, one of which is free range and one of which is not. But they are both real eggs. Take the cheese for example. You could have Wisconsin Cheddar and Vermont Cheddar. You might want the Wisconsin (though, for the life of me, I can't understand why). But either way, both cheeses are real cheese. With the "Table Syrup", what is provided by the ship simply isn't real. It is a gummy mess. We're not talking about the difference between Quebec Maple Syrup and Vermont Maple Syrup. We are talking about the difference between thickened, colored corn syrup and maple syrup. I guess you either "get it" or you don't. But you shouldn't belittle those who do.
I think you could make that comparison with almost any item on the menu... is this "REAL"? Is that "REAL?" Yes it's "TABLE SYRUP"! Yes those are frozen stawberries with a ton of corn syrup? Oh the ice cream... yah, thats "REAL". Just see a bit of hypocrisy - just take it for what it is and have a good time.
I think you could make that comparison with almost any item on the menu... is this "REAL"? Is that "REAL?" Yes it's "TABLE SYRUP"! Yes those are frozen stawberries with a ton of corn syrup? Oh the ice cream... yah, thats "REAL". Just see a bit of hypocrisy - just take it for what it is and have a good time.

It's like the difference between real orange juice and Tang. Or real brewed coffee and Sanka. There's no hypocrisy here. It's a matter of personal preference. A lot of people won't eat the soft serve " ice cream" because it isn't actual ice cream. Some people want to have their Mickey waffles but can't stand the taste of the fake syrup so they want to bring their own. Why is that hypocrisy?
Is that "REAL?" Yes it's "TABLE SYRUP"!
So the hypocrisy would exist if someone insisted on bringing on their own squeeze bottle of "Log Cabin" because the ship uses "Eggo". I could almost, sort of, kind of see that point. (Though people ought to be free to prefer anything they want.) But to say that wanting real maple syrup is hypocritical because the Table Syrup is real is a stretch. The "real OJ vs. Tang" example above is right on the money.
Well my point being that the same person who insists on a "real fill in the blank here" will gladly eat the soft serve, or frozen waffles, or pretend bacon... at some point its just a matter of accepting it for what it is. But by all means... "to each his / her own". It is a free country and up until now you are allowed to bring an unlimited quantity of vermont's finest aboard the ship. Good luck getting it past the TSA!
Good luck getting it past the TSA!
1. I am not aware of a TSA agent at the checkout counter of the Publix where we buy our pre-cruise provisions the morning of our cruise.
2. I don't think there is any greater restriction against putting a bottle of maple syrup in my checked luggage as there is against putting in a bottle of shampoo.
2. I don't think there is any greater restriction against putting a bottle of maple syrup in my checked luggage as there is against putting in a bottle of shampoo.

Is there going to be a sudden spike in complaints of people's luggage soaked in Vermont maple syrup from bottles stored in checked luggage breaking?:confused3:rolleyes::rotfl:
Going to probably ruffle a few feathers but REALLY?? Unless you are allergic, or have a specific health issue, this seems a bit snobbish. What next? Oh, Captain - are those free-range eggs? Is the veggie platter non GMO? Is that cheese from Wisconsin? Because really they know cheese... Where does it end? Just enjoy the trip already!

Some of us have taste buds that can actually tell the difference (!) and some of us are gourmet. It has nothing to do with being snobbish.


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