Good friend having nasty sounding surgery tomorrow..UPDATE page 2


Never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and the pi
Aug 14, 2002
An old friend who used to post here is having surgery tomorrow so if you wish to send positive vibes, PD, prayers or good thoughts her way I will be happy to forward the sentiments along.

Beverly Lynn is having a lateral release of the left patella, which means they have to cut the muscles and ligaments down the outside of the leg above and below the knee to release the kneecap, then they will take the kneecap and ball out of the knee/socket and clean those up, they will also clean out any tiny bone fragments and any little pieces of cartilage floating in the area, smooth out the cap and ball, break the top of the tibia(they go down about 1.5 inches) they break it across then in half, then they take those halves move them towards the outsie of the leg on either side and then they have to screw them to the rest of the tibia and then reconstruct the knee back to how it is supposed to be.

Sounds very painful to me and she has gone through her fair share of pain... so here's hoping it goes smoothly with a quick, complete, and as pain free recovery as possible.
She knows she is in my prayers with loads of Pixie Dust and good vibes and good vibrations and all that coming her way!!! I told her she is even welcome to come and stay with me in my BRAND NEW HIGH RISE TRAILER if she wants;) I promise I'll close the door:)

Love ya Beverly and huge {{{HUGS}}} whether your a huggy person or not:D
Thanks, BTS, for the heads up. My very best and prayer for Beverly, she has been through so much with those knees. Hope this does the trick for her, finally. Take care, Beverly. :wave:
Sorry to hear Beverly needs more knee surgery :( She'll be in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery and an end to the pain.
Prayers and PD for Beverly! I hope her surgery goes well and her recovery goes quickly.
Thanks for letting us know. I will keep Beverly Lynn in my thoughts and prayers. I wish her the best during this and I hope it helps fix her knee.
BL, best of luck to you. Come and check in at the Den when you can. :)
I hope the surgery goes easily for BL and that she recovers easily and quickly.
I'll be thinking good thoughts for a safe surgery and quick and painless recovery.
Lots of PD coming your way Beverly Lynn. No falling down any stairs this time! GEt well real fast.
Sounds like a painful recovery! Prayers being said and pixie dust being sent!
Ouch! It does sound painful.

BL, sending prayers and pixie dust for you.
I've often wondered how she was sorry to hear it isn't good!...sending good thoughts and prayers her way...

:wave: Bev! :eek: :rolleyes: (She doesn't like to be called that. ;)

I hope you read these responses to know that your ol' DIS buddies are thinking of you and praying for you during this very rough time. I wish you the best!! I hope you or ByTheSea will keep us updated on your progress. Take care.
Wishing BL lots of good luck with the surgery, sounds so painful.. sending lots of healing pixie dust her way..


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