Good Books

Janet Evanovich's Stephaine Plum books are great "vacation" books.

Yes, great vacation reads! I also like her "Motor Mouth" series. I also love Phillipa Gregory books on vacation, I read "The White Queen" on the Wonder last month.
Jamie and Claire.............;)

No, honestly they are the main characters but its a wonderful love story about time travel but not typical time travel. It's based out of Scotland and involves the Circles of stones. Its absolutely wonderful. The books are long but you will be so absorbed in the story you will never know. I could not put it down to even cook meals and feed my children. :coffee: You feel part of the story while reading it.

Can you tell I'm a fan!! :)

Okay, thanks to this thread I have now read the first book in the outlander series. But I had to practically stay up 2 nights in a row. I want to start on book 2 but I'm afraid of neglecting my family and my job, so I'll wait a couple days. Thanks also for the tip on gone girl, that was great. Read unbroken and the city of bones book on my EBPC last month, all very good. I also reread pride and prejudice.
Beware...I am a reader...

* The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman - fabulous you will not want to put it down

* Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
by Laura Hillenbrand
- loved, loved, loved this book...would be interesting reading it on a boat

* Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay - I cried, cried and cried some more...

Read all of the above the LOVED them all.

Also recently read "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck. Didn't even realize it was written in 1932. Long but good.

I will 2nd Gone Girl, and I will add Gillian Flynn's other books: Dark Places, and Sharp Objects.

All VERY good!

I liked Gone Girl, but actually liked the other two better!

I just read Dr. Sleep (the follow up to The Shinning) and it was very good. Not super scary like the first one, but I would recommend it to any who likes the Gillian Flynn books.

I love the Divergent series.
Just finished "The Other Typist", it was a Book Club selection and it generated the most 'spirited' Book Club discussion we've had in years. Beware: you will want to immediately talk to someone about the ending after you've finished.

Also read "The Rosie Project", an entertaining read that I believe would be very fitting for a cruise-book.
I'm really pleased to see so many Outlander fans on DIS. It is my favorite book series ever! I am currently re-reading the books now, in anticipation of the release of book 8 in March and the new TV series coming out on Starz in 2014!! :happytv:

I'll have to go back through your other suggestions to add to my must-read list!
Read all of the above the LOVED them all. Also recently read "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck. Didn't even realize it was written in 1932. Long but good. MJ

I put it on my list! Thanks for the recommendation!

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I will 2nd Gone Girl, and I will add Gillian Flynn's other books: Dark Places, and Sharp Objects. All VERY good!

I have to say, I was not a fan of Gone Girl. I can't see why it has been on the best seller list for so long. It wasn't horrible, but that are much better read out there! Just my 2 cents!

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I LOVE so many of the books listed above - what a great list!
I give 2 enthusiastic thumbs up for the Outlander and Divergent series.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Lani Taylor is another great book if you lean towards fantasy.

My favorite book of all time is Cutting for Stone by Abraham Vergese. Initially I judged this book by its cover and description and thought it sounded boring! Finally read it 8 months after my friend pushed it at me, and now I understand all the hype about this book!

I second "Cutting for Stone". But I'm not sure it would be a good "cruise" book, it really required concentration, for me anyway. But definitely a good story.
I'll definitely fourth (fifth? sixth?) the Outlander books. They are big, but so good once you get into them. Gone Girl is also a great, fast beach read.

I'm reading Dave Eggers The Circle right now, which is quick and interesting read, but since it is about social media gone wrong, I'm not sure I'll ever "like" another Facebook post again :)

I'm just so grateful for the Kindle... or should I say my husband is. He no longer has to carry a whole separate carry on just for my reading material!
I have one more that I read recently and really enjoyed: Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward. It won the National Book Award for fiction in 2011.

It is set in Louisiana in the days leading up to Hurricane Katrina. It is a very touching coming to age story that is a real page-turner. I'm an adult, but I can see a teenager really enjoying this book. However, I will warn you (without giving away too much) if graphic descriptions of dog fighting and the topic of incest bother you, you may want to skip this one.

I've been going back and forth reading Reviews for some of the books listed. Many of them seem pretty serious for light cruise reading. Wish I could concentrate that way, but not so much. Does anyone have any series or books that are kind of light hearted fun quick reads? You know like Macomber, Roberts, etc... Thanks for your help in advance
I would recommend anything by Carl Hiaasen, including his YA books. He writes mostly about people and situations in South Florida and the Bahamas - often eccentric and always funny.
I am enjoying the book recommendations, love to read, but I agree with OP that some recommendations might be too "serious" for cruise reading...

For lighter books, I recommend The Rosie Project, or something from the Sue Grafton "alphabet" series.....believed the latest is "W is for Wasted".
I've been going back and forth reading Reviews for some of the books listed. Many of them seem pretty serious for light cruise reading. Wish I could concentrate that way, but not so much. Does anyone have any series or books that are kind of light hearted fun quick reads? You know like Macomber, Roberts, etc... Thanks for your help in advance

Charlene Harris - the "Dead" series (it's what the tv show True Blood is based on). They are a light read, fun, and frivolous.
I am enjoying the book recommendations, love to read, but I agree with OP that some recommendations might be too "serious" for cruise reading...

For lighter books, I recommend The Rosie Project, or something from the Sue Grafton "alphabet" series.....believed the latest is "W is for Wasted".

I have just the book for you: What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank by Nathan Englander. Don't let the title turn you off, it's a fun book of wonderful short stories about being Jewish in America (more or less). :thumbsup2

I am enjoying the book recommendations, love to read, but I agree with OP that some recommendations might be too "serious" for cruise reading...

I guess I don't get the need to have "light" reading on a cruise or any vacation. I prefer books that draw me in to the point I want to read, whatever the subject or if the are "light" or serious.

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