Golden Corral...


DIS Veteran
Jan 19, 2001
I just printed a coupon from a posted link for a dinner buffet at the Golden Corral for $5.99. Has anyone eaten there? It's a great deal I just want to make sure it's O.K. Also, where is the closest one to WDW located. Thanks :D
We are leaving in 10 days!
Golden Corral is a great place to eat.Think Ponderosa, but better.There are a couple of them on 192.

Off site 86, FW 86, FW 88,FW 90,ASMu 98, ASMu 98, ASMu& ASSp 01
There was another one just off 4 (at north end of international drive) close to Universal.

I have eaten at a number of them across the south and have always found them to be good value and good quality. I would put it in the same class as the Old Country Buffet.
Golden Corral is one of the best buffet restauranrts in the country. Plenty of good fresh food or you can order a meal if you like but the buffet is the way to go. It's got everything
My daughter's band group got food poisoning at Golden Corral (was documented) all the students and chaperones got sick except for those who were vegetarians. After that we would never eat there.

Pooh Bear
My family and I had breakfast there last summer in August at the buffet. There were waffles, pancakes, sausage, eggs, and many kinds of fruit along with other standard dishes. The food was delicious and the prices couldn't be beat; the server also was very courteous.

We ate at the one on west 192 although there are other locations scattered throughout the enitre area. I think you will definitely enjoy your meal there.
People have also gotten food poisoning at many other types of restaurants and events which are also documented. From upscale restaurants to fastfood. 1 incident does not make them all bad. In fact after the health dept visited this one I'm sure they have never had any issues again either.
People have also gotten food poisoning at many other types of restaurants and events which are also documented. From upscale restaurants to fastfood. 1 incident does not make them all bad. In fact after the health dept visited this one I'm sure they have never had any issues again either. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face"> <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face">
I printed it from a posting here on the Budget Board that stated "Printable Coupons". It was just posted today so look through the latest subjects. There were some really good ones! Enjoy! :D

Carribean Beach Resort April 1999
Off Site April 2000
Polynesian April 2001
AllStar Music August 2001


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