Go Home, December. You're Drunk. - A December 2015 TR - COMPLETED

(*Note: I just wanted to share with ya'll that I'm sitting here listening to the soundtrack for the Festival of Fantasy parade in my headphones while I write this! Awaaaaay we goooo...)

Yes! Awesome choice of background music!!

My nails were done...

Ooh, Minnie Mouse. So pretty!!

They were loaded with the essentials. Like this...


Yes. Absolutely essential. I approve this packing item.

A shiny brand new tiara!

Also an essential!

When I arrived, they were both up and ready to go, and they Dodge Journey were were borrowing from my grandparents was all loaded up and ready to go. Now I should fess up here that the first few days of the trip, I wasn't the shutterbug that I usually am. I think I was just distracted with talking to them and making sure they were okay that I kept missing photo ops that I would normally take, like out car all loaded up with out luggage and ready to roll! Apologies in advance for all the times this happened! (In some cases, I've substituted goggled pics! You'll know these because I have left any watermarks or tags to credit the source.)

Yeah, I get this. When you're focused on someone else, it's hard to find time for the important stuff like picture taking. Darn people...

And then we were driving under this beautiful thing (and YES, I actually took this one, since I wasn't driving myself for once!)...


Yay! Best sign in the whole world!!

This is where I was a VERY bad DISer, and didn't take any room pics... Not even the ubiquitous Room Number pic

I have to share a secret ... I always forget to take room pictures when I first get to the room. Which is why most of my room pictures are either from nighttime after I get back from the parks or pictures of my crap on the bed.

Sadly this is where the photos stop, and since I don't take notes, my photos are usually how I recall details to write about in a TR! OOOPS!!!

And that is why I mark and number my maps. I can just look at the map and see what I did and in what order. Mostly because I tend to forget to take pictures, and then go back and do it later, so my pictures are all out of order.

Afterwards a bathroom break was requested, so we meandered a bit and found one. Afterwards, while talking about what to do next, Debby admitted she was done. She wasn't feeling well and her feet were hurting, and she was ready to call it a night. It was only 9:30pm at this point, so naturally I was disappointed, but I understood, and as it was our first night, I didn't feel comfortable letting Mark & Debby make their way back to the room on their own. So I went ahead and left with them, and was back in my room relatively early.

I get the sadness over leaving the park early. It's hard. But sometimes you have to be the good niece and not overwhelm the newbies. Because some people need time to adjust to all-night Disney.

Then OF COURSE, I got there on my arrival day, and in all the excitement, totally forget to ask about them at the front desk. DOH! Thank goodness Disney is the BEST, and not only remembered for me, but slipped them covertly into my room while I was out at MK. Hooray!

Yay Disney!!

You're on Page 1 in my heart, Sarah! :rotfl:

Thanks ... I think.
Holy crapola! How did I not know about this and not get here until PAGE 3!!!?????!!!!

Anyhoo...great start to your report. Sorry us older people can't take on WDW as much as you youngsters! :)

I can't wait to hear more!
Joining in! I keep up for my TRs with pictures too! Dreading the lack of pics next fall while trying to chase a 2 year old haha!
i finally made it over. So I have a confession, lol I think I saw you heading to the buses on your first day I was coming out of the rest room at AOA and I didn't want to stalk someone down if I wasn't 100% sure if it was you or not:magnify:. The time line lines up though
Sounds like a lovely first day! I know it was probably hard to leave the party early, but I understand the feeling of wanting to make sure everyone is having fun, especially when you're traveling with people who don't know as much about Disney and the ins and outs!

One of these days we'll go to the Christmas Party - it seems like it was fun, even if you didn't get to stay as long as you wanted :)
Hey Billie!

Sneaking in some last minute DISFun before the crowds descend upon my humble abode. :) What a nice diversion to stroll through your update and relish your pix of Main Street all gussied up for Christmas. :)

Sorry you didn't get to stay for all that you wanted to! I'd feel like I didn't get full use of my expensive party ticket. :( But yeah, I do understand, when someone's not feeling well. And SCORE on the water! How nice of Disney to take care that for you!!
Looking forward to the next update! Until then, I will finish reading your pre-trip report for this trip and start reading the pre-trip report for the Oct 2016 trip! :goodvibes
So pretty!
Thank you!

I tried to get this shot on my trip but it's really hard to get it on the DME!
I normally don't even have a chance at getting this photo, since I'm usually behind the wheel. Since I wasn't for once, I took full advantage of it!

That looks delicious. I thought AoA's food court was much better than Pop's even thought they had similar items.
I really enjoyed both of them! I don't think I've ever had a bad meal at Disney, though.

Love the ears and the necklace :cutie:
Thanks! I was trying to be festive!

This is making me sad that its 11 whole months before I get to experience this :sad:
It's so prettiful, too! You're going to love it!

You're too nice for your own good! Or maybe I'm just selfish as I would have stayed :laughing: (another reason why solo travelling suits me!)
Later in the week, once I could tell they were more confident with the buses and everything, I definitely let them make their own way to the resort and I proceeded to enjoy my treasured solo time in the parks. But as it was our very first night, I felt responsible for making sure they got back to their room okay.

It was really nice that your room was ready when you got there. I remember your original schedule had you checking into the room after the party was over. The whole arrival day schedule seems to have gone very well, except for leaving the party early. :(
Arrival day went exceptionally smooth, aside from the early end! It's a shame we had to go early, but whaddya gonna do, you know?

You are welcome!! I'm so happy you got them and the didn't go to waste!
They most certainly didn't! I'm a thirsty girl!

Great arrival day, sorry you didn't get to stay at MK longer... I hope either Aunt Debbie starts feeling a little better or you start feeling a little more comfortable letting them go home on there own. But it's only day 1 so lots of time!
A little bit of both happened over the course of the week!

I hardly ever take pictures of my food :sad1: or my room my TRs must be boring :rotfl2:
Your TRs are awesome, shut up. You have an adorable little nugget to take pics of! I have no choice but to be that crazy lady taking pics of her food and stuff!

I have seriously been stalking you for the past two weeks in anticipation of living vicariously through your TR and DR! Glad you made it home safe. Love the nails! You look so happy in your pictures and all festive and Christmas-y! Can't wait for the rest!
Hahaha, yay! I love stalkers! I loved being all decked out for Christmas... I'm revisiting the outfit for the halfday I have to work on Christmas Eve!

Your nails look so pretty! Glad your arrival day went smoothly but what a bummer that you had to leave the party early!
Eh. You win some, you lose some. lol.

Your nails look great! I love your tiara too! Sounds like a fun first night! It sounds like your aunt and uncle had a good night. I'm sure with the drive they were tired. It was nice of you to leave early with them.
Yeah, they were pretty pooped. Haha. I go HARD at Disney!

Great first night...sorry you ended up having to leave early..hoping that you just got a good rest so you could be rarin' to go next morning! I love your nails too! Do they have places that do Disney nails for you? I would love to do that lol
I just asked the girl at my local nail place I go to. Described what I wanted and she did it. I'm sure other places have nail techs that can do even better Disney nails, though!

I love the nails. Yay making it to Disney.

The party and parade looked fun. Sorry you didn't get to stay later, but I can understand the whole not wanting them to try to make it back on their own on the first night.
Yeah, I could just leave them to figure it out on their own on our very first night. But later in the week.... Stay tuned!

Hooray water!
It was so very much appreciated!

Oh and "Wait there is a dining report?" Yes I totally moved over just to make sure it was on my list before finishing the first day report.
Hahaha, I'm so glad you did! I try not to subject everybody who reads my TRs to my obsession with FOOD.

I love your nails! Wish I could do that but sadly I am a nervous "nail picker". Our airport drama would have destroyed them. :laughing:
Keeping my nails nice is about my only good physical quality, LOL. I'm not a picker or a biter and they grow nicely, so I don't mind dropping a little money on them once in a while.

Love it when this happens! Really allows the vacation to begin.
Exactly! It was a very pleasant surprise!

You have no idea how jealous I am over your ears. I saw them all over the place while down there and knew it was the one thing I wanted to buy but I could not find them anywhere! I was told they were sold out in every park. I checked every single day . So sad. :sad2:
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that! I had tried to order them from the Disney Store Online before I left, but they were always sold out, so I was nervous about finding them in the parks. I guess I lucked out, because as soon as we got to MK, I ducked into the little shop where they rent wheelchairs & ECVs, next to the lockers, because my hope was that most people wouldn't think to look there. They were on the backside of the rack, and there was only a handful of them!

Too bad you had to leave the party early. I give you props for even going on your arrival day after leaving home so early.
I milk every ounce of fun out of every minute at Disney!

I'm loving your nails, they're so pretty!

It sounds like you had a lovely easy journey down and how great your room was ready.
Yes, I was pleased!

Your food looks yummy too, I'll be heading over to your dining report shortly :goodvibes

What a shame your Aunt wasn't feeling well so you cut the party short, it sounds like you had fun though and I love the Castle all lit up :)
We did have fun!

Yay for me! Found your DR and TR today :woohoo: Keep the updates coming!!!!!!
Yay for you!!!

Wait have you started a DR?? I can't find it!!!
Right HERE!

I love reading all of your reports, I am here to follow along!
Hooray! I'm glad you're here!

Yes! Awesome choice of background music!!
It's STILL in my head 3 days later!

Ooh, Minnie Mouse. So pretty!!

Yes. Absolutely essential. I approve this packing item.
They really do help on those groggy early mornings.

Yeah, I get this. When you're focused on someone else, it's hard to find time for the important stuff like picture taking. Darn people...
This is why I'm built for solo traveling!

Yay! Best sign in the whole world!!
I agree!

I have to share a secret ... I always forget to take room pictures when I first get to the room. Which is why most of my room pictures are either from nighttime after I get back from the parks or pictures of my crap on the bed.
I'm usually really good about it! This trip, though... Not so much.

I get the sadness over leaving the park early. It's hard. But sometimes you have to be the good niece and not overwhelm the newbies. Because some people need time to adjust to all-night Disney.
I guess I did overwhelm them a bit. But in my defense, I did spend 14 months planning and verbally preparing them to be overwhelmed!

Overall a great start to the trip! I'm even glad to hear that you missed some picture opportunities because you were busy either enjoying or taking care of your aunt and uncle. I know sometimes if I've overdone it on the video or picture front, I sometimes feel that I missed out on the actual experience.
Yeah, a lot of time I'll start to photograph or video something, then just stop and be like "Nah, I just wanna watch!"

And I plan to take day one of my trip and make sure DH gets to one park and back home with me - then he`s on his own if he wants to go to a park later or leave earlier! At least you got to enjoy the parade and Wishes!
Exactly, this is pretty much exactly how I handled it with my aunt & uncle!

Holy crapola! How did I not know about this and not get here until PAGE 3!!!?????!!!!

Anyhoo...great start to your report. Sorry us older people can't take on WDW as much as you youngsters! :)

I can't wait to hear more!
Yeah yeah yeah. I'm 35, I don't think I qualify as a youngster anymore!

Joining in! I keep up for my TRs with pictures too! Dreading the lack of pics next fall while trying to chase a 2 year old haha!
Better you than me, my friend! lol

i finally made it over. So I have a confession, lol I think I saw you heading to the buses on your first day I was coming out of the rest room at AOA and I didn't want to stalk someone down if I wasn't 100% sure if it was you or not:magnify:. The time line lines up though
Awwww, I wish you would have grabbed me and said hello!

Sounds like a lovely first day! I know it was probably hard to leave the party early, but I understand the feeling of wanting to make sure everyone is having fun, especially when you're traveling with people who don't know as much about Disney and the ins and outs!
Exactly! At least get them familiar with everything before sending them off on their own!

One of these days we'll go to the Christmas Party - it seems like it was fun, even if you didn't get to stay as long as you wanted :)
It really is fun! Next time I'll stay for the whole thing.

Hey Billie!

Sneaking in some last minute DISFun before the crowds descend upon my humble abode. :) What a nice diversion to stroll through your update and relish your pix of Main Street all gussied up for Christmas. :)
I'm so glad you're enjoying so far!

Sorry you didn't get to stay for all that you wanted to! I'd feel like I didn't get full use of my expensive party ticket. :( But yeah, I do understand, when someone's not feeling well. And SCORE on the water! How nice of Disney to take care that for you!!
Yeah, I was slightly bummed about the cost and missing 2.5 hours of it all, but sometimes things don't work out. It's not her fault she didn't feel well, and was overwhelmed by the amount of walking.

Looking forward to the next update! Until then, I will finish reading your pre-trip report for this trip and start reading the pre-trip report for the Oct 2016 trip! :goodvibes
Yay! On that note, I should probably update the October 2016 PTR, it's been a long time...
A little bit of both happened over the course of the week!

Happy to hear it!!! :D

Your TRs are awesome, shut up. You have an adorable little nugget to take pics of! I have no choice but to be that crazy lady taking pics of her food and stuff!

Haha! Thank you! But I always feel bad mentioning if the food was good with out a picture! :cool1:

Speaking of my maybe boring or maybe awesome TR's :rolleyes1
Speaking of my maybe boring or maybe awesome TR's :rolleyes1
I know, I know! I've followed the new one, I swear! I'm just trying to dig myself out of the huge DIS hole I'm in. I'm going to do an update to my sadly neglected PTR today or tomorrow, then get to work of catching up on my looooong list of Watched threads. Soon, I promise!!! :scared:
I know, I know! I've followed the new one, I swear! I'm just trying to dig myself out of the huge DIS hole I'm in. I'm going to do an update to my sadly neglected PTR today or tomorrow, then get to work of catching up on my looooong list of Watched threads. Soon, I promise!!! :scared:

Been there! It's funny once your fall behind its soooo hard to get caught up! I won't have an update for a few days (on the TR, may have one on my neglected PTR) so you have some time :)
So...I lurk and always read your trip reports. I just have to comment to tell you that the picture of you in front of the castle is FABULOUS! You look great!
I'm here! Excited to read more about your trip!

The drive down sounds nice and easy - it must have been nice to have someone to split the driving duty with!

It sounds like a great few hours in MK - you even braved Small World!

I'm sorry your MVMCP night had to end early. Ours did too (ahem, TR started...) for at least some of the people in our party. I hope everyone got some rest for a big day at Universal!
My nails were done...

Your nails are so perfect. Gonna have to see if i can get someone to do that to mine for our next trip.

Wow, I didn't realize you were so close. Our best friends are moving to Savannah in the next year and now I realize we can fly to Savannah and then head to Disney without too long of a drive.

And then we were driving under this beautiful thing (and YES, I actually took this one, since I wasn't driving myself for once!)...

Great picture, I've never been able to get anything close to this.

NO PROBLEM! I asked her to tell me exactly where to find it in her room, took her MagicBand, and then me and my ECV flew back to the Little Mermaid section and retrieve it for her! Vroom vroom!

Super Billie to the rescue.

And somewhere along the line, I realized I wasn't taking any pictures, so I nabbed a selfie...

Love all the Christmas bling!

At some point as part of MVMCP, a dance party had started in the restaurant, with a DJ and all. I was being a fool and raising the roof and just generally being a dancy goofy ridiculous mess.
Why are there no photos of this? Or at least some security camera footage ; )

When I got back to the room, there was an opened package of Dasani water bottles sitting on the bed, bearing a sticky with my name. Then it dawned on me that I made a big oversight when I checked in that afternoon!
What a great friend!!!!!!!


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