Getting on Mardi Gras Float


Earning My Ears
Apr 15, 2000
For several years now, we've been able to get on a Mardi Gras float and throw beads just by standing in a "Stand By" Line. It had been very easy to get on in years past. This year, the story is, if they have any spots left over for the floats, they go randomly out into the park at 4:00 and pick people to ride on the floats. One person said they have them at Studio Audience Center but the person at the Studio Audience Center said they pass them out in the park, not there. Is this really happening? Has anyone gotten picked? What's the real scoop?

We went out Saturday to try to get on a float and to see the parade. The crowd was HUGE, at least five deep in every section of the route. Didn't catch many beads at all. It seems that the floats are smaller and have less people on them. Lots more stilt walkers and characters walking in the parade than I remember in the past.
I know when I went last weekend I stopped by the Studio Audance Center and they said that the Friday (first day) was already full. They told me that they would have 40 tickets for the next day, but I was meeing up the the MG Con group and wanted to be with them.
We got on the Jester float the very first night of Mardi Gras.
It so happened that it was my daughter's birthday and I tried calling several people before our trip to make the request, but the best answer I got was that they would be handing out tickets 1st come 1st served in the mornings.
When we arrived at 9am we were told at the audience center that since it was the first night of the parade all the slots were filled due to the Heroes Salute. Being the patient but persistant type, I asked another person and was told to check back again later which I did, and sure enough they were able to give my daughter the best birthday present she ever got (she later told it it was even better than when she got creamed on Slime Time)!! They were even able to accomodate my son's wheelchair.
So my best advice is ask nicely, ask more than one person, and ask OFTEN- persistance pays.
Where is the audience center? Is it when you come into the park? Thanks for your help.

It is on the right side of the main entrance inside the park. It is right next to the First Union Bank.
Sorry all....

It is true that Mardi Gras float tickets are handed out randomly in the park for the day of the parade. In the beginning, the plan was to distribute the tickets from the Studio Audience Center, however, marketing felt that it would not be fair to give them all our in the morning. If an annual pass holder decided they wanted to go and didn't come till later, they wouldn't be able to get one. Thus, it was decided to do it randomly so everyone has an equal chance to get on a float....
There isn't one location....a UO representative will randomly go around the park at their leisure and pass the tickets out...there is no one location...
What time and what location has anyone experienced encountering this representative?
We were at Universal, Friday 3/1 - they were having a 2pm Mardi Gras parade as well as an evening parade. I went to guest services around 9:30 or so and was able to get 4 passes for the 2pm parade. The first gentlemen I spoke to, said that they are "handing them out in the park" - meanwhile another gentlemen working behind the counter said, "I just got some in for the 2pm parade" and asked me how many I wanted. So to answer your question I think it depends on who you talk to. I was in the park with a large group on Friday, but my husband, son, mother and brother went on the float and had a great time. I would definitely go to guest services and try!!!
We were at Universal, Friday 3/1 - they were having a 2pm Mardi Gras parade as well as an evening parade. I went to guest services around 9:30 or so and was able to get 4 passes for the 2pm parade. The first gentlemen I spoke to, said that they are "handing them out in the park" - meanwhile another gentlemen working behind the counter said, "I just got some in for the 2pm parade" and asked me how many I wanted. So to answer your question I think it depends on who you talk to. I was in the park with a large group on Friday, but my husband, son, mother and brother went on the float and had a great time. I would definitely go to guest services and try!!!
Well if they got's a god can check at Guest Services but i'm gonna bet ya 95% of the time you will be told they are handed out randomly...


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