Getting fit & losing weight before our next 2015 Disney trip!


How long until the next vacation?
May 28, 2009
In the spirit of the other WISH threads that focus around a goal to achieve, I thought I'd start a new thread for those of us who are looking to lose weight before our next Disney trip in 2015.

I'd like this to be a place for support, motivation, & accountability. What's the promise to yourself to exercise without accountability, right? I've found that if I'm not accountable to anyone, I can easily make an excuse not to exercise.

Please post the following information in your initial post to subscribe:
-First name
-Date of 2015 Disney trip goal
-Reason for the goal
-Target approach for the goal (walk 5 miles/10,000 steps everyday, walk 35 miles/70,000 steps per week, weight training 3x per week, etc.)
-Progress to date/Total goal (i.e. 25lbs/100lbs lost, or 2in/10in lost, or 1size/3sizes lost, etc.)

Here are some guidelines to follow:
-Check-in at least once per week
-Number your updates (Wk 1 update, etc.) to help you track your progress
-Repost the previous information (top 3 bullets) above in each check-in post
-Provide an update on your approach (I walked 50 miles this week, etc.)
-Provide an update to your progress (30lbs/100lbs lost, etc.)
-Post early & often providing support, feedback, & motivation to others
-Try to focus advice & suggestions mainly to good old fashioned exercise & healthy eating. Please try to stay away from suggesting diets or pills
-Be kind & respectful to all

I will update the listing of our group & everyone's progress as regularly as possible. As you reach milestones toward your goal, your name and total will change color in the Group List post.
At 10%, you'll be orange:tigger:
When you reach 25%, you'll be aqua:sulley:
When you reach 50%, you'll be purple:figment:
When you reach 75%, you'll be blue:stitch:
At 90%, you'll be red :mickeyjum
When you hit 100%, you'll be green!:hmghost:

Let's get serious about doing this & get started together!

Feel free to add a link to this thread to your signature to grow the group!
4under4 - X/20lbs
ABDonovan - 20lbs/74lbs:sulley:
Awholenewdisney - 5lbs/40lbs
BellsFam - 35lbs/70lbs:figment:
Butterfly123 - X/6lbs
Corinne76 - X/20lbs
Cynister - 1st goal: 40lbs/40lbs:hmghost: 2nd goal: 4lbs/20lbs
Disneydee6 - 11lbs/40lbs:sulley:
Disneyseniors - treadmill 30/90min per week:sulley:
Disnygirl55 - X/35lbs
Dizzyr - 10.2lbs/100lbs:tigger:
Dreamseeker9 - 11lbs/60lbs:tigger:
Feistygalkmc - X/50lbs
Finny1981 - 17lbs/40lbs:sulley:
Flav - 6lbs/10lbs:figment:
Fozziepitysthefool - 3lbs/45lbs
HikingBelle - X/10,000 steps per day average
HoneyBeeM - X/40lbs
Julluvsdisney - 2lbs/50lbs
Keels - 14lbs/??
Mamamousejess - 2lbs/50lbs
Maybebecca - 5lbs/40lbs:tigger:
MeridaLove - 10lbs/42lbs:tigger:
Myadventurebook - X/36lbs
Prgal0715 - X/30lbs
Rebornat33 - X/100lbs
Smiths02 - 72.8lbs/100lbs:figment:
Totebagg - 2lbs/30lbs
TLMcMarks - /50lbs:figment:
Verleniahall - X/X
VictoriaAndMatt - 35lbs/60lbs:figment:
WalshCanucks - X/20lbs
Wdw4life - 10lbs/50lbs:tigger:
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-Saving to try to make 2 trips in 2015, May & December
-I want to fit into regular clothes by May, not my 'fat' clothes. I want to look average, not heavy. I want to not cringe at pictures of me.
-My approach is to walk 5 miles/10,000 steps everyday & do weight training 3x per week
-16lbs/40lbs lost. 40lbs is my step 1 goal. After achieving 40lbs, I plan to set a new goal of about 65lbs total loss.
hi Cynister: My first name is Ruth. My goal is only to be able to walk without so much pain and at a faster pace. You see, I have arthritis and a severe form of fibromyalgia. I usually can only do essential stuff (shopping, cleaning, etc) in the am due to too much pain in the afternoon/pm. So, my goal, is to build up endurance so I can walk comfortably at WDW this November. I know it's not 2015, but we are going to WDW November 18 thru 26th this year, so am putting in my 2 cents worth;) I have lost 14# in a year just with walking on the treadmill. That is my goal: to walk the treadmill 3 x a week for 30 minutes. I usually walk the treadmill once or twice a week due to fibro, etc. Even with this simple amount of exercise, I can see the difference in stamina and balance. So, I am not able to do all the cardio, 5 mile a day, exercise but am hanging in there with what I can do. Good luck to you on your exercise program. You are lucky to be able to do it, and you will probably pass right by me in WDW:laughing: I'll catch up later.
Sorry to hear about your struggles. It's inspiring that you continue to work towards your goals in spite of your pain. I am hoping I can lose some weight before my daughter's MAW trip in the spring. I hate how big I've gotten and hope to have more stamina for keeping up with my twin 3 year olds in the parks! It's a lot of standing and walking and climbing in and out of rides. I want to look nice in pictures too! Good luck and keep it up!

MamaMouse to C (DD, 3, wish kid) and Z (DS, 3)
Hoping to have a date soon. My daughter is a wish kid and asked to meet all of the princesses! We asked for Feb, Mar or April of 2015.
Disney is just my short term goal for weight loss.
My husband is also overweight and we plan on following DDP Yoga program together. I'd also like to put in at least 9 miles a week walking/jogging.
My goal is to look noticeably smaller in trip photos, to be more comfortable. I've gotten to the point where I am uncomfortable in my own skin.
If I were to put a number on it, I'd say 50lbs for a start and eventually another 50 off to be at my ultimate goal of a healthy weight for my frame.
Thanks for starting this!

MamaMouse to C (DD, 3, wish kid) and Z (DS, 3)
hi Cynister: My first name is Ruth. My goal is only to be able to walk without so much pain and at a faster pace. You see, I have arthritis and a severe form of fibromyalgia. I usually can only do essential stuff (shopping, cleaning, etc) in the am due to too much pain in the afternoon/pm. So, my goal, is to build up endurance so I can walk comfortably at WDW this November. I know it's not 2015, but we are going to WDW November 18 thru 26th this year, so am putting in my 2 cents worth;) I have lost 14# in a year just with walking on the treadmill. That is my goal: to walk the treadmill 3 x a week for 30 minutes. I usually walk the treadmill once or twice a week due to fibro, etc. Even with this simple amount of exercise, I can see the difference in stamina and balance. So, I am not able to do all the cardio, 5 mile a day, exercise but am hanging in there with what I can do. Good luck to you on your exercise program. You are lucky to be able to do it, and you will probably pass right by me in WDW:laughing: I'll catch up later.

Hi Ruth! Great to 'see' you here. It sounds like you are already doing 1 30 minute walk per week? That's 1/3 of your goal! I don't know if this will work for you, but I'll share a few tips I got a while ago about walking. 1st, don't try to walk for a whole 30 minutes at a time if you have issues walking. Break it up into 10-15 min bursts throughout the day. You'd be surprised how much ground you can cover that way. 2nd, if you walk or do an elliptical for 15 minutes at a fast pace, your body will continue to burn calories for the next 1-2 hours with carryover. So it pays to pick up the pace for short bursts, but then slow down to something more comfortable.

From what I hear November is a beautiful time to visit. Please share your experience when you get back! I've never been at that time of year.
Hoping to have a date soon. My daughter is a wish kid and asked to meet all of the princesses! We asked for Feb, Mar or April of 2015.
Disney is just my short term goal for weight loss.
My husband is also overweight and we plan on following DDP Yoga program together. I'd also like to put in at least 9 miles a week walking/jogging.
My goal is to look noticeably smaller in trip photos, to be more comfortable. I've gotten to the point where I am uncomfortable in my own skin.
If I were to put a number on it, I'd say 50lbs for a start and eventually another 50 off to be at my ultimate goal of a healthy weight for my frame.
Thanks for starting this!

MamaMouse to C (DD, 3, wish kid) and Z (DS, 3)

Hi Jess! It is great that your daughter is going to meet the princesses! That is very exciting I'm sure.

I can totally relate to your comment about photos. When i see full-body shots of myself I just cringe. I need to make that change. A year ago I was just about to start a walking program at work. I didn't exercise at all, so I wasn't used to it but I knew walking was probably the easiest to start & to keep doing. I can tell you, you definitely can do this. I started out doubting that I'd be able to maintain a walking pace everyday that was close to 5 miles, but I did it & you can to. I'll share my tips, just like I did with Ruth.

1st, get yourself a good digital pedometer (not the rattly kind from Walmart). You can get reliable (non-rattling ones) for $20+ at Walmart, Target, etc. 2nd, walk for 10-15 minutes at a time. No more. Do this multiple times per day. Think of it this way, if you walk at a brisk pace for 15 minutes, you'll probably get close to a 1/2 mile. Do that 10 times per day, you've done 5 miles! 3rd, since it is only 10-15 minutes find ways to fit it in. Don't let tiredness or weather be an excuse that you can't do 15 minutes! Walk laps around your kitchen if you have to. That's exactly what I did in the winter.

If you make the commitment to try to stick to this walking plan, here's how it will go. Week 1 you will question what you are doing & if you can do it. Week 2 you will continue to question if you can do it, but you will also be a little sore. Week 3 your butt/calves will hurt but you'll keep walking through the soreness because you realize you are doing the same distance in less time. You are getting faster. You are also realizing that you aren't so out of breath, so you push harder. Week 4 you are feeling stronger. The soreness has pretty much gone away. Now it just feels good. You push faster & harder because it is getting easier & that's exciting. You are doing it!

Let us know how it goes! Good luck!
Two days of walking down!
I have decided to just start walking everyday and be committed to walking at least 30 mins until I can do more and then start back on Couch 2 5k. I started it once and had to quit when my daughter fell ill.
Yesterday, I walked 0.9 miles on an walking trail. It had rolling hills and I definitely felt it in my legs when I got in bed last night.
Today, I'm not sure how far I walked, but I went from my house to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription. I live on a pretty decent hill and it was a struggle on the way back. I'm sure it was at least a mile, but I plan on downloading a pedometer or running app on my phone and measuring it the next time I take that route.
Tomorrow might end up being a day off because we have to take my daughter to a doctors appointment 2 hours away and it makes for a long day.
We are slowly making diet changes, so hopefully that helps.
Hope you're having a great day!

MamaMouse to C (DD, 3, wish kid) and Z (DS, 3)
Two days of walking down!
I have decided to just start walking everyday and be committed to walking at least 30 mins until I can do more and then start back on Couch 2 5k. I started it once and had to quit when my daughter fell ill.
Yesterday, I walked 0.9 miles on an walking trail. It had rolling hills and I definitely felt it in my legs when I got in bed last night.
Today, I'm not sure how far I walked, but I went from my house to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription. I live on a pretty decent hill and it was a struggle on the way back. I'm sure it was at least a mile, but I plan on downloading a pedometer or running app on my phone and measuring it the next time I take that route.
Tomorrow might end up being a day off because we have to take my daughter to a doctors appointment 2 hours away and it makes for a long day.
We are slowly making diet changes, so hopefully that helps.
Hope you're having a great day!

MamaMouse to C (DD, 3, wish kid) and Z (DS, 3)

Woo hoo! Good job! You are spot on with breaking your goals up into manageable chunks so you can concentrate on mastering & committing to each one. Then as you've gotten over that hurdle, you can just add to it. It will be easier that way. Way to go!
Hey Cyn! Thanks!

Today I downloaded a mapping app and I walked the same route in 20 mins and found out that it's 1.05 miles! Very excited to report it wasn't as bad today and I even had a little breeze! Hope you're having a great day!

MamaMouse to C (DD, 3, wish kid) and Z (DS, 3)
That's great news, Jess! See? You can do this!

For me, today was a bust. Between the dentist, dropping my car off for work, grocery shopping, & playing with my son, I got only a few miles in. I feel really crappy about that. So, that means I'm going to be pushing myself tomorrow. Yesterday I got over 13K steps in (about 6.5 miles), Tomorrow I'm aiming for at least 15K. I really want to make up for today. I think I'll be hurting by tomorrow night. :scared1:
I didn't get my mile in today. I had an errand to take care if in another city and then it has been storming all afternoon/evening here. I will have to try again tomorrow! 15k, Shew! Get it girl!

MamaMouse to C (DD, 3, wish kid) and Z (DS, 3)
I fell off the wagon for a few days, but I'm back! I did a mile this morning and did it quicker than the last one! I need to remember when it's garbage day on my street and walk somewhere else though...ewww. Hope you're all having a good day!
Hi, all - I'm Amanda.

I have 2 Disney trips planned for next year - June 2015 to Disneyland (I have a conference in Anaheim and of course must go to DL!), and late Sept. 2015 to WDW for my 40th Birthday!

I'm 80-100 pounds overweight. I want to feel healthier, look better, fit on any and all attractions with no worries, shop in any store for clothes, and find my Mr. Right :love:. I've let my weight hold me back, and I've used it as an excuse to hide in many aspects of my life. No more!

I'm currently active on SparkPeople - I use the nutrition and fitness trackers there. I just started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, a 90-day DVD program with a meal guide that I'm loosely following. The workouts are 6 times a week, 30 minutes a workout - 4 are circuits (strength & cardio), and 2 are just cardio. I also sometimes am able to fit in walks.

- 1 pound/60 pounds lost so far. 60 pounds is my first goal, then I'll see what I want to set my next goal for - probably 25-40 pounds.

I'm glad I found this group! We can do this! :thumbsup2
Hi Jess, the beginning part of anything is the hardest. Sticking to a new routine is an uphill battle. Doctor's will tell you it takes 2 weeks of consistently repeating something in order to break a habit & create a new one. However, with an exercise routine, I've found it takes a bit longer. About a month of consistent repetition starts to change your thought process about it. By then you stop negatively anticipating the exercise time of your day. About 2 months of consistent repetition you start to really look forward to it & get upset if you miss it. Keep going! Make the promise to yourself to do it for just 2 months!

Hi Amanda! Welcome to the group! It sounds like you are well on your way to making a great new start. I can't wait to hear about your progress. I used to use Sparkpeople & it was a great tool to track food intake. I'm sure you will have good luck with that. Lots of great tools on that site. Two trips next year is exciting. I'm doing the same thing!

As for an update on me for this week, my weight hasn't changed so although I'm not thrilled with a loss, I'm not upset because at least there's no gain. I seem to be comfortably maintaining the 16lb loss so far. I'm hoping I can burn another lb or 2 in the coming weeks. I was on vacation last week so I was able to get a lot of walking in. I'm doing a walking challenge with a bunch of friends that started in July & was happy tp report my highest weekly total of almost 96K steps. That's about 48 miles in 7 days, or roughly an average of almost 7 miles a day. I'm thrilled with that! I've got 3 weeks left in the challenge & I'm probably going to try to start up another informal one as I've found the accountability to my walking team is driving me to make sure I get a good number for the check-in each week.
Love this idea! My name is julie. I am going to disney in november and I would like to feel comfortable walking around for 9 days. I was jut there in July and granted it was hot so your gonna swell but I felt so achy walking that much! I am out of shape and I am fed up! Ready to make the change!

-November 2014 and October 2015
-To feel comfortable
- I plan on walking 3-4 times a week
-2lb/50lb (50 would be my next years goal! For this year I would be happy with 15!)

I'm excited to be apart of this thread!
Hi Julie, Hi Amanda! Welcome!

Yesterday, I did my mile at the mall with my friend. Today, I was baking in anticipation of a big family dinner tonight. Tomorrow, it's back to sweating! I think I may try a new route that's longer and flatter! I think variety is going to keep me motivated and I love using my Map my walk app. Measuring my distance, seeing my time and challenging myself to beat my previous time is making my walking much more enjoyable.
Hi Julie, welcome to the group! I hear you about the achy. When we went last year in May it was 85-90 just about everyday. I don't love the humidity as it is, but add on being overweight, not exercising much, & plantar fasciitis while walking 10-15 miles a day & my body was done when we got to our hotel every night. I hobbled to the bed to sit down every night & couldn't get back up because everything hurt so bad. The next morning I'd get up & do it all over again... times 10 days! Can't wait to hear about your journey with ours. We'll all get to the other side of being in shape together!

Jess, keep at it! MapMyWalk is an awesome tool. Variety is definitely key. Don't let you talk yourself out of a 15 minute walk here & there throughout the day. I promise you if you make yourself do it everyday then it becomes easier & you'll want to do it more.
Hey girls!
Today it was a little hot and muggy, but I got in 1.78 mi of trailing walking (almost hiking with the hills!). I had never been on this trail and I enjoyed it. It is close to my house and well-maintained by a local church. I am enjoying my time outside when I'm walking and peace and quiet it brings my brain.
I am trying to motivate my bestie to start walking with me. She works for the same company as my husband and there is a paved walking trail on the property. Since she works an early shift, she invited me to meet her on her 'lunch' break to walk a quick mile. I'm really looking forward to catching up with her and logging another mile towards my goal of 5 miles this week.
I haven't been doing best job of watching what I eat, but I am planning on focusing more on that once I've made my walking a habit. One thing at a time!
I weighed myself and I'm at 248.2...the last time I weighed myself was a few weeks ago and it was over 250. My weight loss goal for our February 2015 trip is 20lbs. I've set a reminder on my phone to weigh in again next week!
Thanks again for this thread Cynister!
Hope everyone is having a great day and has a wonderful weekend!


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