Gail's Journal (comments welcome)

Good choice on the dinner! I wouldn't have been that strong. Again, I like the measurement thing because on weeks that the scale doesn't show anything the measurements usually do. I remind myself that starting to work out frequently might cause a slight gain as muscle weighs more than fat.

Good day for you!!
Sounds like you are doing really well this week, Gail. And you're running low on water, which could be good. Must mean you are drinking plenty of it. Don't worry, those inches will melt away in no time. Good luck!
Great choices at dinner, Gail! Chili's is another favorite of mine and I don't like anything that's remotely low fat there! LOL You did great! :)
Thanks so much again for everyone's support. I posted somewhere that these boards are addicting! I do get support from my friends...but when I was losing before I would get people who tell me how great I was looking...and I believed it!! Then I would start to eat again!! They all remember me when I was of course when I'm at 190 they think I look great.

I did my exercising today...3 mile WATP for abs...and I've been eating so good...and not even tempted to cheat...I guess my last few cheats are making up for that:rolleyes:

I replenished my water. I gave up sodas 3 years ago and have drank water ever since. I have one of those water coolers...and have found it is cheaper for me to go to walmart and buy a 1 gallon jug for 58 cents and refill the 5 gallon jug that goes on the cooler...yes it's a pain...but saves me $$$ in the long run.
What is WATP? I hear lots of people on here do it. Great on the water, I wouldn't sleep all night from I have really cut back on soda. I usually only drink one a day just for the caffeine so I don't get a headache. I know it's withdrawal, but I gotta have my diet coke :hyper:
LOL, Kels! You sound like Scott...he had such bad w/drawals when he 1st cut back on Mt. Dew. I am just the opposite. I can not handle caffeine. It makes me really jumpy and jittery and I don't like that feeling at all. Even when I do drink soda, it is caffeine-free.
Gail, you are doing so well...I bet those inches are coming off and you don't even know it yet.
AGHH!!! I woke up at 2 a.m. so hungry and tried getting on here to help...but the boards were down...I tried for 2 hours...luckily...I did not give in.

Yeah...WATP are exercise videos from Leslie Sansome who does in home walking...which come in all different ranges of miles (1, 2, 3, 4) You do the video that is right for you. She also adds kicks, sidesteps and knee it's not an ordinary walk. I do the ones with the resistance belt and band. They help give you an upper body work out and supposedly abs too. I mix up my videos...I know a lot of people on the boards are into the Firm..and I have those also...they can be addicting!! But I'm going to wait until after the Labor Day challenge to add any weight work outs.

I did have those withdrawals from cutting out soda 3 years ago..the headaches were awful...I was addicted to Coke(aCola).
I really get a craving for one when it's real hot out! It just looks so good. I know once I start...I can't just have a Lay's potato chip:teeth:

Well, I've still been sticking to plan...I need to go exercise now..but needed a little pick me up here:crazy:
Well, I got in a little exercise today...rode my bike 30 minutes...I thought about taking a day off to relax...I've been feeling pretty wiped out...I guess because of the lack of food:crazy:

But I did it...and feel much better!! Food is going well...even though I want to munch on something...need to go grocery shopping...getting bored with some of the same old stuff.
Way to push through, Gail! Middle of the night cravings are horrible, I wish the boards had been here for you but you did great not giving in all by yourself! Good job on talking yourself into the exercise too. You're showing amazing willpower! :)
I've had something nagging at me the last couple of days and it's draining me. My DD, who is almost 10, came to me the other day and wants to lose weight. Of my 3 children, she is the heavy one. Which is so funny because up until she was 6...she was this skinny, tiny little thing...but over the last 4 years she has been struggling w/ weight. She's about 4 feet tall and weighs 126...she's carrying it all around her middle and in the face. This is her last year of elementary school, so it's best to try and get her down now. We talk about it and she wants my help. I've tried before, but usually it's me telling her she needs to lose a few, but this time it is her.

My problem is that it is hard enough for me keeping on track, now I have to keep track of her. I know this is the most selfish thing for me to say. I just feel like I do EVERYTHING for my kids and this is something I'm trying to do for myself. Needless to say I will do everything I can to help her. I don't have her on the same plan as myself, because she is too young. I just have her more concious of what she is eating, and monitoring her portions. It's just another stress that I didn't want to have. I know that is so awful, while others are stressing about money and personal issues...I'm having a fit about my daughter wanting to lose.

We are planning her meals the night before, so she knows what she's having at each meal. In a sense I'm preparing 3 different meals for one sitting!!!!(we all seem to be eating something different) We'll see how it goes...and of course I am 100% supporting her.

Thanks for listening to me vent.
I think it is wonderful that your DD came to you and wanted to lose. It would be so much harder if you had to make her do it and she didn't want to. My stepbrother was very heavy when my mom married his dad. He was 8 years old and the kids made fun of him at school. The pediatrician just told our parents that he was too young to "diet" just get him down to regular kid size portions and let him make the choices so that he feels in control of it.

Put it this way you now have a "buddie" that you didn't know you were going to have! Don't feel guilty about the way you are feeling though. It stinks sometimes to be the mom and you are very normal in your feelings.

Have a good day tomorrow and hugs for your DD starting this venture as well!

Thank you for posting in my journal. Your words of encouragement really mean a lot to me.

At first it may seem like more work to keep track of yourself & your daughter but it may be a good mother-daughter bonding thing. Maybe the two of you can go walking together around the neighborhood or bike riding. My kids have been great about helping me exercise. My son challenges me to play basketball with him at least once a week. I'm not the best basketball player but it's a good way to work up a sweat & have fun. My daughter tries to follow along while I work out to videos. Sometimes she gets into my way but oh well...hopefully she'll be active growing up. That's enough talking 'bout me; the point I was trying to make is that hopefully you and your daughter can find an activity that you enjoy together.

I just ordered one of the WATP videos because I've heard so many WISHers talk about them. Glad to hear that you're enjoying your WATP workouts.

I wish you and your daughter all the best. Keep up the good work!
Don't feel selfish, Gail. We all have personal issues to deal with and yours are no smaller than ours (money, kids, etc., it is all stressful). It is great that you have been sticking to your diet and exercise routine and I think your daughter is starting to notice and is ready to get her own weight issues under control. I agree w/everyone else when I say that this could be a good bonding thing for you and your daughter. My mother and I used to walk together all over town when I was younger. And take it from me, when she is a teenager the bonding time will decrease so you should definitely enjoy it now. Dear ole mom and I quit walking together once I hit my teens...I know, sad but true. Just do the best you can and I know things will get easier. Hope you have a good day tomorrow!
Gail, a big :hug: for you. I know that right now it seems like this will put more of a crunch on your time and make life a bit more hectic for you but like the others I think it's going to be a really good thing! Take it from someone who was an overweight child, somewhat overweight teenager and now an overweight adult. Help her get it off now and you both will be a lot happier. When I was growing up I was often so sad because I looked different than everyone else, I was literally the only overweight child in my school and church. I was picked on endlessly and I still have confidence problems to this day because of it. I managed to keep my weight pretty under control as a teenager, still weighed too much but I looked and felt decent and then I started working and slowly the weight began to creep up year by year. I think if I had learned proper eating habits and the importance of exercise when I was a young child I might not be in the place I am now. Believe me, if she is actually coming to you and wanting to lose the weight it's a WONDERFUL thing. People tried to get me to lose weight when I was younger and I felt like I had to do it for them because I wasn't good enough the way I was and they didn't like me so I needed to change, which in retrospect only made me feel worse so I never did lose anything. If she is ready to lose it for her then I think with your help she will accomplish that goal. I know it's got to be hard making seperate meals for everyone and I hope you can reach a solution where you aren't having to do that. If your daughter is 10 I would certainly imagine she is big enough to help you out with meals. Don't feel like you have to do it all yourself, she is big enough to help you and if she really wants to succeed she will. I agree with Tasha that you have probably been an inspiration to your daughter and you should be so proud of that! I think that if you guys can exercise together that would be a wonderful thing. Definitely try to get her moving even if your schedule doesn't allow you to do it together. Sending you lots of prayers and good wishes. I personally find this very exciting. I'm very happy for your daughter and just as I wish you the best I pass along those same wishes to her. :)
Thanks for all your kinds words. I just felt like a heel. I'll let you know how she's doing as well.

I made it through another day...but here's the dreaded weekend again...I don't have any plans, so I should be able to keep with my eating plan and exercise like it's any other day. My weigh in day is Monday(although I can't stay off the scale each day) I'm pretty optimistic...although I think I was excited last Friday too. Let's just say that I managed to get back to where I was last Friday(after my weekend slip up) and have done really well this week...I've actually gotten to the weight I want to be this coming I have to keep reminding myself that I can't eat bad over the weekend and that any more would be a bonus for my end of the month mini-goal. Can I get any more vague???

I've done my exercising for today...and since I've just felt so wiped out the last few days..I made sure to eat some cereal a little before exercising. It seemed to help..I guess the carbs helped give me a little more energy. I felt like I was really into it today.

I better get to the grocery store and get some more good for me food!::yes::
Gail, I'm sending everyone supersonic golden sunny power packed pixie dust to make it through the weekend cheat free! LOL

You said something that just LEAPED out at me. You said "I managed to get back where I was last Friday". Wow, how many times have I done this. I've lost some weight and then had a horrible weekend, gained it right back and then worked my butt off to make sure I got it off before my next weigh in. Man, imagine how much more weight we could lose if we didn't do that to ourselves! If we didn't have to get off what we gained over the weekend we could concentrate on losing more. I'm going to fight hard to have a great 5 sunny weekend. I know you can do the same!

Way to go getting through another day of eating well and exercising. :)
I think it is funny that you chose Mon. as your weigh in day! I chose Friday! Think about it...that way if the weekend goes bad I don't have to look at the scale on that dreaded Mon. morning and see just how bad the weekend went! I will just work really hard to make sure my weigh in the following Fri. does not reflect any weight gain, and hopefully reflects a loss. I may gain during the weekend but hopefull will not know b/c it will be gone by weigh-in! Just a thought!:p I do agree w/Michelle though. It would be so much easier to not cheat and worry about it. I did good last weekend, but will be eating out twice tomorrow so am really thankful for that Fri. weigh in day! LOL! Good luck! I am betting you will do great!

Does your daughter participate in any physical activities? That can ba a big help in the weight loss category. As a kid, I ate like a horse (1 big bag of potato chips in one sitting per day) and I was able to keep it off because I was constantly playing baseball or shooting baskets in the back yard everyday. Obviously it caught up with me when I was an adult, but exercise is key and keeping the tv to a minimum!


Tasha..I really started on a Saturday, but have been using Monday, because that is when I started journaling and it helps me keep focused on the weekend. Yesterday when I weighed it was great...and I am forcing myself(very reluctantly) to keep on track this weekend! If not I would love to use Friday (since we have that habit of going out to eat or celebrating someones b-day over the weekend), my daughter isn't into any sports. I have her riding my stationery bike 30 minutes a day as a start. She's been doing great. That t.v. is an awful thing. just amazes me how you can lose 4 lbs during the week and then a little slip up like pizza and beer:rolleyes: over the weekend can put it right back for Monday! I'm really getting tired of losing the weight, putting it back on + some extra, then losing the same weight again. I've been doing this the last 7 months...I'm hoping to keep going down this time. And with all this awesome support I'm sure I can do it!!

Yesterday was a good eating day, and for today(Sat.) I've already exercised (400 calories on my mom's bike plus I did the 8 min. Taebo.. I was waiting for my daughter to do her ride). I'm dog sitting this weekend for my, I had to workout there.


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