funniest moments!

Got lots of good stories but the most amusing that comes to mind at the moment was from our Sept. 2011 trip. DS was 3 and DD was 18 months. We were leaving SSR enroute (driving) to Winter Summerland mini-golf course and had to stop on the road that goes from SSR past OKW to Bonnet Creek Parkway. While stopped a little gecko fell from the trees above onto the hood of our car. Immediately, DW started losing her mind as she's not entirely fond of reptiles. We start driving and this little creature has suction cupped itself to the hood and is staring right at us. DS can somehow see this from the backseat and is starting to giggle and call "little lizard" like he's asking it to come just a little bit closer. Meanwhile, DW is inches away from jumping ship. The seatbelt is off, feet are up on the seat and she's clutching to the "holy-crap-handle" (as we call them) which is mounted above the passenger window. Well, we get to the next red light and this little lizard bolts from the middle of the hood straight towards the passenger side of the windshield and then disappears under the hood of the car. At this point DW has completely lost it and is screaming in absoulte insanity. Both kids seem to think this is pretty funny and are laughing histerically (along with myself) meanwhile saying "little lizard" in between little spurts of laughter. DW is now convinced that this little fella is going to re-appear via the floor air duct. Needless to say the remaining 3 miles we had to get to Winter Summerland was spent in sheer horror by DW (feet still on seat still clutching to the holy-crap-handle) eyes glued on the floor. We're actually kind of lucky to have made it to the mini-golf course as I could hardly see through the laugher induced tears while driving. As soon as the car stopped DW flew out the door and gone. For the rest of the trip DS would beckon "little lizard" to each one he saw trying to get another rise out of DW.

OH! Add to the story that DMIL and DFIL were driving behind us and didn't have a clue what was going on. All they saw was DW come flying out of the vehicle when it came to a stop followed by myself sucking wind trying to overcome the laughter while wiping tears from my eyes. The shock and bewilderment in their eyes was priceless.
My niece was at Disney (years ago; she was 5 at the time I think) and went to a character dining. She was introduced to Cinderella.

"Are you the REAL Cinderella?" my niece asked, wide eyed.
"Yes" Cinderella replied.
"Really?" she asked?
"Yes" Cinderella replied.
"Come closer" my niece beckoned.
Cinderella leaned in so she could hear my niece whisper in her ear:
"the queen is BBBBAAAADDDDD!"

took everything we had not to crack up laughing. Cinderella kept her cool though and just replied "Thank you!".
When we were younger, My mom, me, my DS (10 at the time) and my DGM and DGP went to The World for a few days. My DS was wearing a Winnie the Pooh shirt solid dark green with a small Winnie Emblem on the left pocket upper front. The whole day all the CM's kept telling her "You have a little POOH on your shirt!" She was sooooo embarresed. She's going back in a few weeks, and even though she is 22 now, I reminded her of that, and she said she'd NEVER wear a shirt like that at MK AGAIN!!!:rotfl2:
for me has the first time my family went on the rock'n roller costar and my moms contact lenses fell out and we found it when we got off the ride in her hair!:jester:

How funny! My contact fell out on rock'n roller coaster on our last trip too....I actually felt it happening and was able to grab it off my face and held it in my mouth til we exited ride to keep from drying out/losing. (then proceeded to a bathroom to rinse it off lol)
When my mom and I went just before Christmas in 2011, we were exploring world showcase and checking out some of the storytellers. Well we stopped in Germany and I had a beer or two while she got to listen to the storyteller. At the end of the story, the woman brought a guy in a nutcracker costume on stage and asked all the children to come up. About 20 kids under 10 or so poured on stage followed by parents armed with cameras. Well my picture happy mother quickly whips out her camera and takes off. As soon as she does, I'm yelling after her "come back mom, those aren't even your kids!". An older woman in an scooter next to me died laughing. She just loves taking pictures and thought it would be a cute picture. We still talk about that all the time and sometimes I'll even randomly yell it at her just for laughs.
When my middle son was about 4 we were the "Family of the Day".

While in Toon Town the speaking characters were out for quite a while. We had a ton of fun with Alice and Mad Hatter.

Cruella came up next and was amazing. She came up to my son and asked " Do you have any puppies darling". My son looked her straight in the face "No we just gots cats". I have never seen it happen, but a genuine smile came over her and she literally had to walk away.
bdtracey said:
Got lots of good stories but the most amusing that comes to mind at the moment was from our Sept. 2011 trip. DS was 3 and DD was 18 months. We were leaving SSR enroute (driving) to Winter Summerland mini-golf course and had to stop on the road that goes from SSR past OKW to Bonnet Creek Parkway. While stopped a little gecko fell from the trees above onto the hood of our car. Immediately, DW started losing her mind as she's not entirely fond of reptiles. We start driving and this little creature has suction cupped itself to the hood and is staring right at us. DS can somehow see this from the backseat and is starting to giggle and call "little lizard" like he's asking it to come just a little bit closer. Meanwhile, DW is inches away from jumping ship. The seatbelt is off, feet are up on the seat and she's clutching to the "holy-crap-handle" (as we call them) which is mounted above the passenger window. Well, we get to the next red light and this little lizard bolts from the middle of the hood straight towards the passenger side of the windshield and then disappears under the hood of the car. At this point DW has completely lost it and is screaming in absoulte insanity. Both kids seem to think this is pretty funny and are laughing histerically (along with myself) meanwhile saying "little lizard" in between little spurts of laughter. DW is now convinced that this little fella is going to re-appear via the floor air duct. Needless to say the remaining 3 miles we had to get to Winter Summerland was spent in sheer horror by DW (feet still on seat still clutching to the holy-crap-handle) eyes glued on the floor. We're actually kind of lucky to have made it to the mini-golf course as I could hardly see through the laugher induced tears while driving. As soon as the car stopped DW flew out the door and gone. For the rest of the trip DS would beckon "little lizard" to each one he saw trying to get another rise out of DW.

OH! Add to the story that DMIL and DFIL were driving behind us and didn't have a clue what was going on. All they saw was DW come flying out of the vehicle when it came to a stop followed by myself sucking wind trying to overcome the laughter while wiping tears from my eyes. The shock and bewilderment in their eyes was priceless.

Love this story. You literally had me laughing out loud.
Just thought of something that was sooooo funny that we saw last September.....

We were waiting for the rest of our family at the stroller park area outside of Muppets at HS. There was a squirrel jumping from stroller to stroller, digging into backpacks, bags, pockets, anyplace he could get into looking for treats. We watched him for about 15 minutes. He ate grapes, cookies, part of a sandwich, more that we couldn't tell what it was. We wondered how many kids would be eating off the leftovers during the rest of the day.....:eek:

This totally happened to us. On my son's 5th birthday, he was given a cupcake at Donald's safari breakfast. He chose not to eat it. The server insisted he pack it and take it with him. We left it in the parked stroller while we rode the safari. While we were placing DS5months in it, we heard scurrying below. I quickly grabbed him out of it, while we watched a squirrel run out of the undercarriage of the stroller. The paper cup it was placed in was so obviously destroyed, and the cupcake was squished into the jackets. DS5 was not upset about losing his cupcake, and DS5months was too little to know what was going on. Therefore, it was a little funny. We never leave food in the stroller anymore.
We took an extended family vacation a few years ago, before DH and I had kids. Our group split, and we were going on Splash Mt with my DB and his two boys, age 6 & 4 at the time. The 4 yr old was not enjoying any rides other then Dumbo ( made mistake of taking him on Dinosaur first morning there) and his constant refrain was "no more Disney Rides!". My DB was making him do the rides he was pretty sure he would enjoy, and my nephew was an unwilling participant for Splash. As SIL wasn't there to ride with, and he was mad at Daddy, DN grabbed my hand to ride with me. We climbed in the log behind DB & DN6 and were ready to go. At the first jerk of the log, not even going up the first ramp yet, and I glance down to discover my DN had disappeared under my shirt. DH sitting behind me started cracking up. Thorough out the ride, he would sneak looks out during the smooth parts, but whenever we dipped down he was back under the shirt. It was a good thing I had on an undershirt or I would have been flashing the park on and off through the ride. We still laugh over this memory every time we ride SM.
My 6 yr old started to tap dance with the Dapper Dans....
My 2 yr old would climb into other people's strollers....
After Bibbidi Bobbidi, my daughter would wave and blow kisses to the public....
After CRT dinner, we stood at the castle entrance looking at the crowd during wishes and felt as if they were watching us and we were presiding over them .... liked to think of it that way anyway :)
3 different people named my 2 yr old 'runner'.... its obvious why.
My 2 yr old saying HI to all the ghosts on the Haunted mansion ride.
Hot dog from Caseys was so freakin' huge, my nose was eating the coleslaw while I was biting into the bun.
We have had many laughs over the years at WDW, but I have to say the most recent memory of uncontrollable laughter happened last month during our Spring Break trip. We flew into MCO, on the B side, and couldn't remember which side ME was on, so we walk over to side A. Of course, we discover that we were on the right side to begin with. We had walked to the ground level of A and decided we would take the elevator back up a level to head back to side B. We walk up to the elevator and there are these two big lights/buttons (not sure what they were) on the wall. DH walks up and pushes the button HARD (to call for the elevator)...only they are NOT the elevator buttons...I said..."Uh Honey, those are not the elevator buttons" kids DIED...unfortunately for DH, there was quite a crowd waiting for the elevator behind us...he turned beet red!!! :lmao:
Got lots of good stories but the most amusing that comes to mind at the moment was from our Sept. 2011 trip. DS was 3 and DD was 18 months. We were leaving SSR enroute (driving) to Winter Summerland mini-golf course and had to stop on the road that goes from SSR past OKW to Bonnet Creek Parkway. While stopped a little gecko fell from the trees above onto the hood of our car. Immediately, DW started losing her mind as she's not entirely fond of reptiles. We start driving and this little creature has suction cupped itself to the hood and is staring right at us. DS can somehow see this from the backseat and is starting to giggle and call "little lizard" like he's asking it to come just a little bit closer. Meanwhile, DW is inches away from jumping ship. The seatbelt is off, feet are up on the seat and she's clutching to the "holy-crap-handle" (as we call them) which is mounted above the passenger window. Well, we get to the next red light and this little lizard bolts from the middle of the hood straight towards the passenger side of the windshield and then disappears under the hood of the car. At this point DW has completely lost it and is screaming in absoulte insanity. Both kids seem to think this is pretty funny and are laughing histerically (along with myself) meanwhile saying "little lizard" in between little spurts of laughter. DW is now convinced that this little fella is going to re-appear via the floor air duct. Needless to say the remaining 3 miles we had to get to Winter Summerland was spent in sheer horror by DW (feet still on seat still clutching to the holy-crap-handle) eyes glued on the floor. We're actually kind of lucky to have made it to the mini-golf course as I could hardly see through the laugher induced tears while driving. As soon as the car stopped DW flew out the door and gone. For the rest of the trip DS would beckon "little lizard" to each one he saw trying to get another rise out of DW.

OH! Add to the story that DMIL and DFIL were driving behind us and didn't have a clue what was going on. All they saw was DW come flying out of the vehicle when it came to a stop followed by myself sucking wind trying to overcome the laughter while wiping tears from my eyes. The shock and bewilderment in their eyes was priceless.

Of all the stories I read today (and I mean ALL), this one had me rolling! I can completely see it happening in my head. :lmao: :rotfl:
Okay... so let me start this by saying that I can be a little bit ditzy. I'm not a blonde, but sometimes I have my blonde moments. However, I have learned many ways of coping with my ditziness. For example, when I am in crowded places, I usually hold onto the arm of someone I am traveling with so I can enjoy the sights without having to worry about getting lost.

So... travel back to our last DW vacation as a family. We're in DHS and it is new year's week, so the crowds are insane. Thankfully, I'm holding onto the arm of my dad as I blissfully ignore everyone around me and enjoy beautiful Disney. Suddenly I realize that someone is calling my name. About the same time, I realize that someone is saying "Miss" in an increasingly bewildered voice. And I look up to... you guessed it... not my dad's face.

I have been holding onto a stranger's arm for about a minute!

Anyway he was really nice about it and laughed with us, saying he just thought I must be needy or something. Thanks random Disney guy for being a good sport. :p
Of all the stories I read today (and I mean ALL), this one had me rolling! I can completely see it happening in my head. :lmao: :rotfl:

Thanks! It really was a thing of beauty...I have no idea how we made it to the mini-golf course alive...I could hardly see thru the tears.
Just got back yesterday from a whirlwind 3 night trip to WDW with my 13yo DD and 25 other girls from her dance school (and their families!). They attended the Disney Performing Arts Youth Program - had a dance workshop that Goofy came to help teach! and then performed at Downtown Disney. It was fun and Disney treated them so special!

So on to the "funny" part. One of the girls in the group left her t-shirt and shorts they were to change into after the workshop that they were wearing to the Magic Kingdom for their official photo in front of the castle. She handed me her room key and asked me to bring it with me so she could change after they got to the MK. Well, I didn't want to carry it with me all day while I played with the grownups, so I decided to RUN all the way back to the room to get it and bring it back before the Mears bus was arriving to pick up their group.

FYI - it's 0.4 miles from the lobby of Port Orleans Riverside to the Alligator Bayou section!

So there I was, running back as fast as my half-marathon training would allow (I'm built for DISTANCE! NOT speed!) and had picked up the clothes and made it all the way back to the rear of the lobby when I tripped in my silly Crocs and fell flat out! Scraped my left knee and right elbow pretty bad, and my phone flew out, barely missing going into the river! The people at the hair braiding place, and about 10 guests walking by, all asked if I was okay. I wasn't - but I was NOT going to let them know! I had a mission! I jumped up and said "I'm okay!" and headed inside, trying to become invisible! And I made it! I got back right as the girls were loading onto the bus! And my friend had a first aid kit in her bag so I didn't have to go ANOTHER mile to clean up!

Ahhhhh.... Memories! I might not remember many details from this trip but I doubt I will EVER forget this one!
Well, while i was in Epcot, a family was walking towards Kitty Marie and they said, "Hey! Look! It's Hello Kitty!" I was laughing for a long time after that.

Another was when we were on a monorail going into Contemporary, we were just passing Space Mountain and they yelled out, "Look! it's Spaceship Earth." Again a little confused. :upsidedow

This may have been my DD. When she was 1, she called Marie Hello Kitty so now that is what we call her.
My fav and posted several times through these boards.

Prior to my wife's first trip I was explaining the concept of Pixie Dust to her. Her response to the concept was a pause and a question of "They don't actually throw glitter on you do they because that wouldn't be very magical at all"

I got a laugh and moved on. Later I had to call for a change to the reservation and she told me to tell them we were on our BabyMoon to get some pixie dust. I refused until I understood what a BabyMoon was (look it up if you need clarification as well).

A few days in and were at the entrance to MK and I go to the bathroom. On the way out I see the button cart and ask the guy to give me one that said BabyMoon. He gave me an odd look but did so. I put it on our stroller and off we went wondering how long it would take for her to notice. We made it up into the castle when a CM started talking to us and asked if we were celebrating anything special. I figured why not and said yes and pointed to the pin. My wife looked at it puzzled and once the CM realized she squealed and grabbed my wifes hand and drug us into BBB where a CM cast a spell on our proclaming "Bibbity Boppity Booo" :wizard: while GLITTER came out all over her hair !

It was all I could do to hold my composure and when we got outside I had to sit down I was laughing so hard. She needed the time to clean herself up as well and yell at me some. SOOO Worth it though!!!
Just got back yesterday from a whirlwind 3 night trip to WDW with my 13yo DD and 25 other girls from her dance school (and their families!). They attended the Disney Performing Arts Youth Program - had a dance workshop that Goofy came to help teach! and then performed at Downtown Disney. It was fun and Disney treated them so special!

So on to the "funny" part. One of the girls in the group left her t-shirt and shorts they were to change into after the workshop that they were wearing to the Magic Kingdom for their official photo in front of the castle. She handed me her room key and asked me to bring it with me so she could change after they got to the MK. Well, I didn't want to carry it with me all day while I played with the grownups, so I decided to RUN all the way back to the room to get it and bring it back before the Mears bus was arriving to pick up their group.

FYI - it's 0.4 miles from the lobby of Port Orleans Riverside to the Alligator Bayou section!

So there I was, running back as fast as my half-marathon training would allow (I'm built for DISTANCE! NOT speed!) and had picked up the clothes and made it all the way back to the rear of the lobby when I tripped in my silly Crocs and fell flat out! Scraped my left knee and right elbow pretty bad, and my phone flew out, barely missing going into the river! The people at the hair braiding place, and about 10 guests walking by, all asked if I was okay. I wasn't - but I was NOT going to let them know! I had a mission! I jumped up and said "I'm okay!" and headed inside, trying to become invisible! And I made it! I got back right as the girls were loading onto the bus! And my friend had a first aid kit in her bag so I didn't have to go ANOTHER mile to clean up!

Ahhhhh.... Memories! I might not remember many details from this trip but I doubt I will EVER forget this one!

:rotfl: Can't tell you how many times I've had to pull the "I'm Okay!" to strangers that know I just took a HURTFUL spill! You say you're ok, but inside all you're saying is, "OW, OW, OUCH really that hurt..."


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