Funniest comments you've overheard in WDW

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I've spent the last three weeks reading the "Have you ever had a shock" thread and now I find this long thing!! :rolleyes: Here go the next two weeks of my life. :rotfl:

A couple of years ago DH and I had dropped DD off at Simba's Cubhouse at AKL (she was 4) so we could ride some "big rides" together. :love: It was our first time in that resort and when we smelled Boma as we took her in, we decided we had to come back to eat dinner there later. When we got back to Boma later that evening, the first stop for both of us was the bathroom. DH came out and was cracking up. He said "Did you see that man and his son that went in?" I had, the boy was about 5, maybe. DH said they were headed over to the urinals and the boy said, "We're gonna p*** like racehorses, aren't we, dad?"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

DH still talks about that nearly 3 years later.
Today at Dinosaur a little girl asks the CM if this is a scary ride and the CM responds "well, it's as if your dad were driving the car."
While waiting for a huge rainshower to finish up outside MGM this family walks by.
Husband, "Honey, where were you when they were handing out brains??"
Wife, "Standing in line!!!"
Husband, "Yeah, probably smoking a cigarette and you missed your turn!"
We happened to run into my friend, Spencer, whose family travels to Disney as much as us and we were all enjoying the Little Mermaid show. Once Ursula came out, her younger brother looked at me and said, "That's what Spencer looks like in the morning!"
Love this thread! I didn't think I had any stories since I haven't been to Disney in probably 20 years, but reading some of the others sparked my memory to something that happened when I went with my parents as a child. We had stayed offsite since my parents were on a major budget. They tried to give us a good Disney experience, though, so they splurged on things like a character dinner and fun theme park food. They were definitely getting concerned about the amount of money we had been spending but knew it was well worth it since the kids were having a great vacation.

Towards the end of our trip, we were having dinner at some cheap fast food place near our hotel. It was really nothing special, in fact my mom remembers it as downright greasy and dirt cheap. But it really impressed my younger brother (maybe 5 at the time). He said "Mom, this is the bestest hamburger I have ever eaten. I'd rather eat here than at Disney World."

My mom actually burst out crying. I think she was so exhausted and so frustrated at spending so much money when all her son wanted was a greasy hamburger. Of course, now she can laugh about it. :)
poppinspal said:
We had an early flight from Boston to Orlando. I tend not to be able to sleep on the plane and by the time we landed I was so excited I was silly. (At times I'm like a five year old not a 24 year old.) My brother and I both watched Real World Austin because we found that the drunker those kids got the funnier they were. We even got to the point where we'd use some of the lines at home. Well he and I are walking in the airport and I whipser "Hey that kid kind of looks like..." then I realize it's Wes and Johanna(two of the people from RW Austin.) Well I proceed in my silly state to yell "IT'S WES AND JOHANNA!" Everyone turned and instead of looking at them they first looked at me. We laughed about it the whole trip and they still tease me for screaming about it in the airport.

Ooh...memories... Did that once as a 22-year old in the middle of a crowded department store with my fiance (now DH). Except that it was Christmas eve and it was Frosty the Snowman on a video screen. I shouted, "It's Frosty!" My DH thought it was cute, but still reminds me of it from time to time.
DisneyChristmas said:
DS and I rode Everest for the first time in March. DS screams on even a mild roller coaster, so she was well into her frantic phrase when we reached the stop where the Yeti rips up the track and you go backwards.

I'd seen video on the net and knew what would come next. I hollered something like "he ripped up the track; we have to go backwards now."

Between screams my sister heard "We hit a bat; we have to go back now."

She thought that the ride had malfunctioned and that we were free falling back down the track. When we stopped at the track switch, she kept screaming to "stop stop, get off". She thought that it was an emergency stop. When we started again, she was incoherant. Her screaming had chaged to sort of panting, and I though that she might hperventilate.

When we were exiting, people in the cars ahead of us were all shooting glances our way to see the crazy woman. It took several minutes for her to comprehend that nothing unscripted had happened on the mountain.

Finally she could laugh about it - though I doubt that she ever rides EE again.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :lmao: :lmao:
lovesmurfs said:
Ooh...memories... Did that once as a 22-year old in the middle of a crowded department store with my fiance (now DH). Except that it was Christmas eve and it was Frosty the Snowman on a video screen. I shouted, "It's Frosty!" My DH thought it was cute, but still reminds me of it from time to time.

My DD did it at Toys R Us. They had a little kit for making a plaster Pooh Bear, and my daughter yelled out, "Make a Pooh!" :blush: that was actually the name of the kit. I don't know what they were thinking :confused3
Disney Fool said:
Slightly off-topic, but...Just returned from Disney last week in August. While my friends were on Buzz Lightyear ride, I sat down at the fastfood place across the way. I happend to look at where all the strollers were parked, and sure enough, a crow was systematically landing on each stroller, and looking into the pockets for open popcorn, or cookies, or whatever. When he found one, he cawed, and several birds came and helped themselves. I couldn't stop laughing.

We spent about 10 minutes one day watching a squirrel hop round the stroller parking area outside Muppetvision 3D. It was hilarious to watch him bounce from one stroller to another, inspecting the basket contents, taking a taste of something every now and then! It gave me a whole new perspective on what happens to our stroller when we leave it for a little while!
Disney Fool said:
Okay, I've got one. I think I posted this on another thread, but it bears repeating I think. I was in line for the Tower of Terror. There was an elderly oriental couple in front of me, clearly not sure of what they were doing or where they were. Seems they just wandered onto the ride. We were in the loading area, and the CM kept telling them to stand on the numbers painted on the floor, and they didn't understand him. So he came over and literally picked up their legs and placed them on the numbers. They were so confused and muddled, they kept shrugging their shoulders and looking at each other. Well, the elevator doors opened and we all entered, and of course the couple had to be helped with their seat belts and where they were supposed to sit. I somehow wound up sitting right behind them. They were dead silent during the climb and ride through the hallway. But as the doors slammed on the window and we started to hurtle through space, I distinctly heard the woman yell, (in perfect English, mind you) "Son of a *****!!!" I howled over that one. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :earboy2:

from a few years ago but I just found it. All I can say is....

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
We returned from a trip on the 17th and had a funny moment in the Living Seas. My Dad and DH were standing in line for Turtle Talk with Crush and my Mom and I were entertaining the girls by looking at the animals.

We were over by the manatees underwater viewing area sitting on the floor watching them swim when a mom and boy come in and start to watch. She turns to the kid and says "Oh look! Watch the walruses swim!!" Huh? :confused3 Walrus, where?? :rotfl2: I guess she wasn't much of a Discovery Channel viewer :teeth:

We didn't say anything, just looked at each other and grinned.
vandergriff4 said:
I know. I just can't believe that number of people that come to Disney World and have no clue what it is.

That all of us certified Disneyphiles had, at one point, our VERY first visit to WDW or DL? ;) I wager most of us weren't nearly as well informed about the parks, attractions, etc. on that very first visit as we are now.

Let me tell you my experience. My DH went to Disney as a child in the 70s, of course it was just Disney World then (oops, MK, LOL :teeth:). His parents took him and his brother the week of July 4th. Of course it was hot, crowded, DH's dad complained about prices (both parents were blue collar workers). I never went as a child (see siggy, below) and, while I loved the Pooh stories and characters, didn't get some people's fascinations (obsessions) with Disney. When my daughter was about 2 years and 8 months old, she developed a fascination with killer whales. We have a little savings and decide to fly down to Sea JULY. I was totally opposed, but DH insisted. We were flying down on Monday, had plans for Sea World for Tuesday, free day Wed., home on Thurs. Our hotel near SW is a dump; website pictures were taken approximately 1962. Tuesday at SW is HORRIBLE. There is not much to do, it is sizzling hot, I am absolutely MISERABLE and don't care who knows it. :lmao: The next day, DH says he wants to take us to the MK. At this point I'm just along for the ride; we go. You know what? At MK, it was just as hot, far more crowded, we were getting stroller nips on our ankles every few feet. We spent most of our time in Fantasyland since DD was so young. DH rode Space Mountain and I wouldn't; I was chicken. :rotfl: We didn't see a single character. Didn't have a plan of attack for rides/shows/attractions. DH could barely get us around with a map. Lines were long. I was sweaty. Guess what? I had a WONDERFUL time!! :love: We went back to our dive hotel midday to rest and came back and closed the park down. This was just before Wishes, I think, so it was the old fireworks show. I was in tears...the Disney magic had me.

Now, I am the one that everybody thinks is weird b/c I won't go anywhere but WDW when I have a few days and a little extra $$. I am the one that people ask for advice on hotels, touring plans, tickets, etc. We don't get to go nearly as much as we want but we have come a long way, baby. I can relate to that person who doesn't know the names of rides, or what attraction is where, etc., because I have been that person before! :cheer2:

One day we'll get to welcome them to the DIS boards with their Disney love and enthusiasm, as well. :love:
Tara said:
We spent about 10 minutes one day watching a squirrel hop round the stroller parking area outside Muppetvision 3D. It was hilarious to watch him bounce from one stroller to another, inspecting the basket contents, taking a taste of something every now and then! It gave me a whole new perspective on what happens to our stroller when we leave it for a little while!

The wild animals are just about as entertaining as anything else at Disney - it's so funny, they have this "theme park living" down to a science! When I did my college program, the first few weeks I kept getting shifts at a cart across from the entrance to Indiana Jones next to the popcorn cart (til they fnally shut it down, woohoo! then I hardly ever got assigned carts!) There was this one duck that whenever it'd get the munchies, it'd waddle on up from Echo Lake and the guy that was always assigned that popcorn cart would come out with a small cup full of popcorn to toss on the ground for it. What's funny is it seemed to always wait til they let people into the show, and as soon as it saw a kid, it was outta there . . .until the kids were gone, then it'd come back and finish it's snack :rotfl2:
Last weekend, my DH and I were getting ready for Country Bear Jamboree to begin, and we overheard the man behind us tell his family, "This show used to be where Splash Mountain is now."

Where do people get this stuff? :confused3

:rotfl: :rotfl2:
Awhile ago my girlfriend and I were standing in line for the safari at Animal Kingdom and this couple infront of us in there mid 50's were standing there watching as the people with fastpass were walking by and the husband tells his wife, "I cant stand those people that spend an extra $40 to get to the front of all the lines." :bounce:
schmitty said:
Awhile ago my girlfriend and I were standing in line for the safari at Animal Kingdom and this couple infront of us in there mid 50's were standing there watching as the people with fastpass were walking by and the husband tells his wife, "I cant stand those people that spend an extra $40 to get to the front of all the lines." :bounce:

lol i wonder where they got that idea from. I would have loved to see there faces if someone had said that fastpass was free and they had been standing in some of them long lines for no reason.
This one actually came from my DS mouth. He was 11 at the time. Last Dec. we were eating with some dear friends from back home at 1900 Park Faire for dinner. All the characters were making their rounds. We had seen all of them except for the Prince. Right when the fellow walks up DS tells his mom, "he looks like Gomer Pyle". Our whole table heard the comment, started laughing and we are trying our best to hold back while the Prince is giving autographs to our DS and DDs. Out of the mouths of babes!
gems_smiling said:
lol i wonder where they got that idea from. I would have loved to see there faces if someone had said that fastpass was free and they had been standing in some of them long lines for no reason.

Other parks do charge extra for a FastPass-like service. I know Six Flags parks do, and I think Universal as well. They were probably familiar with a park like that and so assumed that you have to pay for FastPass too.
disneymama73 said:
Last weekend, my DH and I were getting ready for Country Bear Jamboree to begin, and we overheard the man behind us tell his family, "This show used to be where Splash Mountain is now."

Where do people get this stuff? :confused3

:rotfl: :rotfl2:

Sounds like the guy was confusing MK with Disneyland. Bear Country was replaced with Splash Mountain (Critter Country). The actual show at Dl was replaced with Pooh (blech!)
jgmklmhem said:
Not really funny and sad in many instances....but I have overheard some variation of: Shut up and have a good time!!!! too many times to count.

On my last trip, we sat outside HM around 1-2 in the afternoon and just watched all the crying babies, grumpy parents, whiney kids. "Happiest place on earth!" :rotfl:

Also, kind of funny. We used the extra magic hours at MK and we were on POTC in under 5 minutes! We went on that three times. Anyways, my DS, best friend (it was her first time, she was so overwhelmed when we drove through the gates, she's 18 as well as me), ran onto the Aladdin ride. We were the only three on it, so I started screaming when we went really high, sounding like I was scared, but just goofing off. It was like a 10 minute ride for just us three. When we went back down, I was like to the CM "ONE MORE TIME, PLEASE, ONE MORE TIME!" He almost broke out laughing and goes "okay, sssh, I'll let you sneak on, stay there." :rotfl:
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