Frustrated and Need a Hug

I understand your frustration, but know that we booked for Spring break week (looking like crowds at an 8-10 all week) and were able to get afternoon SDD at 60+1 and FOP in the morning at 60+3 and 60+6, so definitely not all hope is lost! Hang in there, Disney Planner! And remember: a crazy, less-than-perfect Disney trip is still better than sitting at home!
Same! I was all set to change my park day plans to make it all work, I didn’t even realize my FP window ad opened for 2 hours because I thought it was the next day until I got an email saying I could make them and I got everything I wanted, on the days I wanted them, and I think the latest one is at 4 in the afternoon. All hope is not lost. And if you can’t get the ones you really want on the day you want, try going at rope drop or stay until close. Either way, it’s not impossible if riding certain rides makes or breaks the trip.
We try to go with the flow so we aren't disappointed. There are things that can occur, such as sudden ride closures, icky weather, larger crowds than anticipated, someone in the party gets sick a kid (or adult) has a meltdown, etc. that might derail even the best laid plans. You can still try to ride FOP and SDD even if you don't get FP. Rope drop or plan to go right before park closing and, and try using the refresh strategy. More importantly, especially if this is a rare trip, enjoy being at Disney with the people you love.
I feel your frustration. Our window opens tomorrow for our first day. Due to changing plans we are doing a triple split dvc rental. Not only does this change mean that our chances of SDD are greatly reduced (and I have small children, riding at the end of the day isn’t an option) but it also means two extra days of waking up at 4am to do it.
I feel your pain.

Some suggestions: Disney After Hours and EMM (or CL FP+ if you book 2 nights CL stay) If you are going before SWGE, then use the refresh on the app to try for same day FP+. You really can get some FP's that way - especially if your party size is 4 or under, but even for larger groups sometimes. Keep trying right up to the 'day of'. You can split the group and try to get overlapping FP+ as well. these are the only things that I know to try. Even FOP has become available on the same day with refreshing. People change plans all the time.

They say misery loves company. here's my story: (skip to end of italics, if you don't want to hear a grown woman whine. LOL)
Well, I have finally after 6 years gotten my daughter to agree to go to WDW with our 2 grand sons. It's a one and done for her and them. They will go when? Dec 2019. Then I learn of SWGE opening. It will be crowded. It's the only time that they can go, so we will just book FP+ and use those. I think it will be Ok despite the crowds. Also, DGS has Many anaphylactic allergies (why she won't travel anywhere) so we need a full kitchen to prepare meals. He cannot eat almost anything safely from a restaurant. And I want to have her stay inside WDW for the full experience. This once in a lifetime trip is something everyone in the family wants to go along with, so there are 12 of us. We book 4 days DVC at the CR (BLT) at 11 months then another 4 day split stay ( toEpcot area - just managed to get BB room at YC right before this happened) a 2 bedroom and a studio.
Just last week I was worried about getting the popular rides with only 8 days and spent $115 per person more to change flights go 2 days earlier and booked the new Gran Destino tower to get an extra 2 days added to our FP+ window. Now, I thought, we have a 10 day booking window. I can relax. Even with SWGE crowds and 12 of us, it will be OK.

Then this happens. Wait, what? With thousands spent on rented points that can't be changed or refunded, flights that have already cost thousands of dollars, a group of 12 to book for, and all most likely during the SWGE opening weeks or even days....what hope do I have of getting the rides for everyone that they want? With a 2 day then a 4 day then a 4 day booking window? Our very last day we leave early in the morning. Our first 60 + 4 is a moving day. This really makes it difficult for us. I am trying to stay positive. Perhaps if I can't get them at 60+3 I can keep trying? But I know that as busy as it will be, lucking into changing what I get over the 60 days or getting same day FP+ bookings for 12 people will be unlikely at best.

Trying to decide what to do now. I am stretched to the limits of what I can afford. The children and grandchildren can't go at all unless I pay for it all. How can I make this work? Pay for CL FP+ for 3 days for 12 people? That really adds a painful additional expense that I hadn't counted upon. Plus this is a trial that could be ended before I get the opportunity.

Then I read how so many people are HAPPY that this this happening......right here on the Disboards. I just want to lay down and cry a little. It hurts.

I feel your pain. It WILL be alright. We will make it alright somehow. But this isn't the fun planning experience that getting ready to go to WDW was meant to be. And the trip may have to look different than what we had originally planned. For some, EMM and DAH will be an answer. Perhaps it will help you. I hope so. Not for me. With health issues that are limiting, I just can't do the early and late scenarios. It is the middle of the day or not at all for me.

Perhaps Disney will change this again somehow and allow us the 10 day FP+ booking window. But I doubt it. I am still planning to make this trip special somehow. BUT it is stressful.

How many people are locked in to a vacation that they had already planned, cannot change, for anytime over the next year, booking far earlier than they would have liked, in an effort to get the best experience possible for their families? Only to now learn that, despite all their efforts, to ensure getting on the popular rides, it isn't likely to happen for them.

This hurts. I wish that I had an answer. I am so sorry for you and me both. And for all the others who, through no fault of their own, now face a similar scenario.

I feel your pain.

from me to you
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I need someone to tell me that it's gonna be okay.

It's alright to seek reassurance, you've come to the right place. First thing is to breathe and know that your planning will pay off, it already has as you are ahead of the game.

I'm the family planner, and no one else in the family seems to get the insanity that is planning a WDW trip.

There are those who find planning fun, and those who find it a burden... make sure you aren't burdening yourself unduly with the expectations in your own mind. If you don't enjoy planning, it is ok to wing it more than what people think.

I have played by Disney's silly rules. I booked the hotels 11 months in advance based on the best info I had at the time. I booked ADRs 180+ days in advance. I've purchased a few upcharges. I was gearing up to book FP+ in a few weeks.

And nothing of that has changed, it's all still ok and on track. The biggest pain is that you'll have to get on the computer early twice and wrestle with FP's, so I get that aspect changing being annoying.

And then yesterday I learned that my split stay, which I had painstakingly researched, will no longer have a single FP+ booking window that opens at the start of the initial stay. Instead of being able to book at 60+8, I'm now the proud owner of two separate booking windows, each for 60+4. Bye, bye SDD and FOP.

I haven't taken a Disney trip longer than 3 days in years (most are 2 days). FP's are doable at those 60+ windows, but I also already plan on rope drop days, and if I don't do rope drop I can stay late, both options fill any gaps in FP's. Most of my trips are 2 park days and I can still ride what I want as long as I know what I'm doing. So, don't worry until after you have made your FP's and if there's any gaps, come back to the boards and get advice.

I am kicking myself for thinking that a split stay was a good idea. I'm kicking myself for getting a 4+4 split stay instead of a 2+6 split stay.

Quit kicking yourself for any of that, none of those things are mistakes or "wrong." If you want to try to get just one hotel for length of stay, you can try that, but honestly if the split stay was something you were looking forward to, I wouldn't change it.

I know some people go to Disney every year. We don't. We go every 3-5 years. But this experience hasn't been fun. It's been stressful and exhausting and has left me feeling somehow cheated (I know, I know, the fine print says that they can change whatever they want whenever they want). The next time I get the Disney itch, I'll be looking to Asia.

If Disney trips stress you out that badly, then it may be time to switch them off entirely. But, my advice from going to Disney for a long time is this; yes, plan if that is your thing, but find a way to enjoy the planning. If planning is not your thing, do the minimum "good enough" and then focus on time with family (and if it's your family pressing you, it's time to have a chat lol). You may not get the exact ADR's you want or the exact FP's but that doesn't stop you from hitting those rides anyway, with a small heads up and asking how to do that on the boards here.

Thanks for tolerating the venting. If anyone has advice for dealing with short-ish FP+ booking windows, I'm all ears.

Start on the last days and work backward, as you probably know. Learn about the refresh method and how it has been working for others (or not working). Be flexible on times, and if there is any FP's that pop up for the really popular rides, for the days you want, snag them regardless of time, and then try modifying the time.

I really do hope you have a wonderful trip!
I feel your frustration. Our window opens tomorrow for our first day. Due to changing plans we are doing a triple split dvc rental. Not only does this change mean that our chances of SDD are greatly reduced (and I have small children, riding at the end of the day isn’t an option) but it also means two extra days of waking up at 4am to do it.
Did you rent through the owner or an agency? Either way, I would call whoever you booked through. It is being reported by some that this will not affect DVC split stays, only cash bookings. I am not trying to spread rumors, but it might save you some grief to find out if this is accurate.
I get it. We also only go every 3 years or more, so riding our favorite rides and the new rides are very important to us. Since we don't go often I will even shift dates around if a favorite ride is under refurb. I also do longer trips so we can go with the flow, have time to repeat rides, have extra time in case of ride closures, etc. I don't let it stress me out but doing what we want to do is important.

Change your reservation and try to get one room. We will be done with split stays since they implemented this change.
Availability, as shown on the Dibb for 60 days out looks good. Note where the 60 day marker is from today and there is availability. So if the Dibb is right, and this is the new trend, you should be fine.

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Availability, as shown on the Dibb for 60 days out looks good. Note where the 60 day marker is from today and there is availability. So if the Dibb is right, and this is the new trend, you should be fine.

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How do I find these charts?
I do all of the Disney planning in my family, too, mostly because if I left it up to my husband we'd be winging the entire week. But I actually enjoy it and I don't let it become stressful. If it's becoming stressful, you could be investing too much energy into getting it perfect, and it will never be perfect. We've had rides that we wanted break down and close, downpours change our plans, thunderstorms made us leave the waterpark, and we don't always get the FP we want or the ADR that we want.

That being said, we are going for crazy Spring Break week and I was able to book FOP, SDD, and everything I wanted at 60 days on the actual days that I wanted them. Even at less than 40 days, a lot is still available. And worst case scenario... we went last Summer and we didn't have fast passes to FOP so we rope dropped. It was not a big deal at all and everyone was happy to do it because they knew that the options were rope dropping or spending 2 hours of park time waiting for a ride.

I understand disappointment. But in the end, you're still going to Disney. You're still going to stay on property and eat at expensive restaurants, you're still going to get most, if not all, of the fast passes you want. Don't let some disappointment ruin your vacation.
Don't freak out. I just booked a trip a week ago for March 23-28. Wasn't able to get FOP or SDD. I just keep checking. Happened to check a few nights ago and was able to swap for FOP. That's 34 days out. I'll keeping watching for SDD between now and day of. If not, we will rope drop it and wait in line. It's definitely not going to ruin my trip.
As helpful as websites like this are, they're also wildly unhealthy in spinning a false narrative that you MUST have X, Y, Z to have a great trip. I've NEVER made dining reservations at 180 days – and I've never had to subsist solely on packaged snacks and chicken nuggets. I've NEVER woken up in the middle of the night to make FP reservations – and I've ALWAYS been able to ride EVERYTHING I've wanted to. Life is all about perspective and give and take, sacrifice and opportunity cost.

It's going to be OK.

We love to travel and have been big WDW fans for a long time. The complexity and planning involved has only become more and more complex and time consuming but it does pay off. I understand that you are not complaining about all of the work but rather having to redo it for something out of your control. There is a big difference about whining you did not get what you want like an ADR or FP+ but rather WDW made a change that will negatively impact you. I had plenty of min-meltdowns myself when FP+ and MB's arrived. There was so much misinformation and computer glitches. Even the IT department was unsure of themselves. So I completely get it. It is frustrating.

WDW is not an inexpensive place to visit. I just turned down a chance to visit in two weeks because, although I have an AP, the rooms were outrageously expensive. We are going to Miami for a fraction of the cost and are going to have a quiet relaxing beach vacation. I just couldn't bring myself spend all that money just to settle for less than I usually enjoy. It is too crowded to simply walk around and enjoy the parks.
So can someone help me out here, I get why Disney wanted to implement the length of stay rule but why are they just not linking the split stay reservations together? Is their IT department just that incompetent?

To the OP, I’d personally be calling Disney asking them how they are going to address this change that is negatively impacting the trip. At the very least for split stay guests that are legitimate split stays they need to hear about this so they can work to address it (again, if everything is made through the same account linking the reservation should be easy).
So can someone help me out here, I get why Disney wanted to implement the length of stay rule but why are they just not linking the split stay reservations together? Is their IT department just that incompetent?

To the OP, I’d personally be calling Disney asking them how they are going to address this change that is negatively impacting the trip. At the very least for split stay guests that are legitimate split stays they need to hear about this so they can work to address it (again, if everything is made through the same account linking the reservation should be easy).

Consider yourself hugged

I completely understand your frustration.
We have been to Disney every year for 27 years now. I know the hoops to jump through, I know to play by the rules in order to get the most out of our vacation. I have changed with ever changing policies. And gladly so--- Disney is special for us and I can't imagine not going!

A few weeks ago a friend and co- worker asked for my help in planning her family's 1st Disney trip for her, her DH, and her 2 girls ages 8 and 3. As I started in explaining ADR's and 180 days out, and FP+ 60 days out, and Free Dining and split stays and BLAH BLAH BLAH...... I saw her eyes get huge, her head nearly started spinning and she retreated. No Disney. She was so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of bells and whistles and hoops and obstacle courses to jump through.

Disney planning is not for the faint of heart. It is frustrating, but can be exhilarating for those of us who love to plan! But when one glitch happens it can sidetrack us.
Hang in there, your family will have the time of their lives no matter what!!
Consider yourself hugged

I completely understand your frustration.
We have been to Disney every year for 27 years now. I know the hoops to jump through, I know to play by the rules in order to get the most out of our vacation. I have changed with ever changing policies. And gladly so--- Disney is special for us and I can't imagine not going!

A few weeks ago a friend and co- worker asked for my help in planning her family's 1st Disney trip for her, her DH, and her 2 girls ages 8 and 3. As I started in explaining ADR's and 180 days out, and FP+ 60 days out, and Free Dining and split stays and BLAH BLAH BLAH...... I saw her eyes get huge, her head nearly started spinning and she retreated. No Disney. She was so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of bells and whistles and hoops and obstacle courses to jump through.

Disney planning is not for the faint of heart. It is frustrating, but can be exhilarating for those of us who love to plan! But when one glitch happens it can sidetrack us.
Hang in there, your family will have the time of their lives no matter what!!

But no one HAS to do all those things. There's a mentality perpetuated by this board – especially when venting about how their friends "just don't get it" – that makes it overwhelming. Some people want to just show up and go on rides and don't care about to-the-minute planning.


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