From All-Stars to River country and campfire

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Jul 13, 2000
what is the easiest way to get to River Country from the All-Stars? We would also like to stay for the hayride and the campfire. Can all this be done in one day?
:p When we went to River Country from All Star Movies we got the bus to the Magic Kingdom. Then we got the boat over to River Country and it is a two minute walk. :p
Tartan Tigger has the right idea - the best way to get to Fort Wilderness from the All Stars is to take the bus to the MK and jump on the boat to Fort Wilderness. You can do both the hayride and the campfire in the same day if you time it right. The hayrides are at 7:00 and 9:30 PM nightly, weather permitting, and the campfire is at dusk, I believe. Depending on the time of year you are going, the MK may be closed by the time you are finished at Fort Wilderness. If that is the case you will have to take a bus to Downtown Disney and transfer to a bus to the All Stars from there.

Have fun!
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