Fridges and Coffee Makers


Earning My Ears
Oct 22, 2002
I recently read on All Ears Net that one should not request refrigerators or coffee makers for rooms on the original reservation that one makes through the CRO or via fax. The author recommends that these items should be requested at the time of check-in as they are provided by housekeeping and not by those responsible for assigning a room. Does any one else have experience or opinions on this issue? We do hope to guarantee the refrigerator/coffee maker in our room for the duration of our stay next year as this will save us money (even with the daily fee for the fridge). Thanks for the thoughts!

Even if you have CRO notate it on your reservation, it will still be a request and will not be guaranteed. The two times I rented a fridge (before the price increase) it was not in my room when I checked in, and I had to call housekeeping to have it delivered.

They are both provided by housekeeping. The fridge is 10 a day, the coffee maker is free. Be sure to bring your own coffee as they charge for that too. I prefer to bring Starbucks in a small container than pay for their house brand. Hope this helps.
We used to always get the refrigerator in the room before they raised the price to such an outrageous amount! :mad:
You can get a styrafoam cooler at the grocery store and then discard it when you are ready to go home!
Originally posted by Topper
Even if you have CRO notate it on your reservation, it will still be a request and will not be guaranteed. The two times I rented a fridge (before the price increase) it was not in my room when I checked in, and I had to call housekeeping to have it delivered.


I always thought they were not guaranteed too until my last trip. I noticed on both confirmations from CRO for my trips to the WL and the Poly had guaranteed refridgerator right on it. I didn't ask what it meant during my stay at the WL but did ask at the Poly thist past October. The CM at the Poly told me that requesting one for a certain amount of time guaranteed you would get it. I guess because for the amount you are paying they can buy one for you! LOL! Anyway, both times were for 9 days. I always request it at the time of booking and it is usually in the room when I get there. At the Poly, they brought it up as I was getting to the door for the first time. For us, a refridgerator is great. I tried the cooler deal before and didn't like the hassle of getting ice all of the time. I ended up getting the refridgerator free at the Poly though as they never charged me for it.


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