Fresh Out of University and Onwards to Disney!!!An August PTR!!!(Last Update 8/26)

My DH is thinking about getting contacts next year for the same reasons. I'd like to look into lasik.
I've considered Lasik before.....but I think I'll just wait until I can afford it. Or wait until it becomes more affordable!

But my main thing is still, I think I look better with glasses on ;)

Well, if your DH wants to know, I copied and pasted this from my LJ about my very first experience with contacts.

So, onto me trying them on. The first contact went in pretty easily, after about 3-4 attempts. The 2nd one took me forever though. It was a mixture of one eye being able to see clearly, and the other being blurry that really threw me off. Also, I forgot to read up on how to put on contacts...But I remembered what my friend had told me about lifting my eyelids open, looking up, and putting it in top first, that finally did the trick! I was trying to put it on from the front of my eye but that was failing immensely.

I'm wearing them right now to get used to them. It's been about 30 minutes since I put them in. At first, they felt itchy and I could very easily feel the contact on my eye. Now, I'm starting to be less aware of it. My vision is slightly dizzy, like getting used to a new pair of glasses.
I hear ya about the contacts. I got them in fall of 2008 (my senior year) after wearing glasses since 2nd grade! However, I was so bad about getting them in that my eye wear seller (optometrist or optician?) made me come back a second time before I could take them home. :headache: Now I don't have any problems though. I'm too afraid to try Lasik-the thought of them peeling back the layers of my eye...:scared1: Last time I went to Disney, I wore flip up sunglasses that attached to my regular ones. My mom just flips hers up indoors, but I think that looks ridiculous, so I kept having to take them off, put them in the case, take them back out, etc. I bought adorable purple aviators for $10 from KMart this time. I too have smaller eyes, but I like the contacts because I have clear peripheral vision, and they don't irritate my nose. I have Acuvue Oasys contacts and I love them. I don't even need eye drops. I was using OptiFree cleaning solution, but the eye place was out of this time so they switched me to ReNu and I haven't had a problem with it.

Anyway, your trip sounds great so far! I can't wait to hear how the UG touring plans work for you. I can't believe your parents let you go with just your siblings when you were only 17! I was curious as to how that was even allowed, because I thought most hotels have a restriction of 18. Some people say the Nemo show is great, others can't stand it. (My mom highly recommends it, but I have yet to see it.)
Okay you cute fan girl! You've got me hoked! I'm gonna sub! I like...not love like Anime too. I started watching it when I was 12...I think. And then let it go for a while and then when I got married to DH 3 years ago he got me back into it. I lived in Japan for six years and I loved it! I hope we can go back someday!

I can't wait to read the rest of your PTR! I know you guys are going to have soooooo much fun! Regardless of crowd levels or anything like that!

I'm going next month! I can't wait! We are ready to get out of this Arizona heat! I hope your DBF loves the birthday surprise! (I had to plan my own DL birthday. haha!) I just told DH we are going to DL this year for my birthday since you got like 3 katanas! So, yes can't wait to read more of your report and hey if you go to a convention this year before then include some photos from that! :)
I hear ya about the contacts. I got them in fall of 2008 (my senior year) after wearing glasses since 2nd grade! However, I was so bad about getting them in that my eye wear seller (optometrist or optician?) made me come back a second time before I could take them home. :headache: Now I don't have any problems though. I'm too afraid to try Lasik-the thought of them peeling back the layers of my eye...:scared1: Last time I went to Disney, I wore flip up sunglasses that attached to my regular ones. My mom just flips hers up indoors, but I think that looks ridiculous, so I kept having to take them off, put them in the case, take them back out, etc. I bought adorable purple aviators for $10 from KMart this time. I too have smaller eyes, but I like the contacts because I have clear peripheral vision, and they don't irritate my nose. I have Acuvue Oasys contacts and I love them. I don't even need eye drops. I was using OptiFree cleaning solution, but the eye place was out of this time so they switched me to ReNu and I haven't had a problem with it.

Anyway, your trip sounds great so far! I can't wait to hear how the UG touring plans work for you. I can't believe your parents let you go with just your siblings when you were only 17! I was curious as to how that was even allowed, because I thought most hotels have a restriction of 18. Some people say the Nemo show is great, others can't stand it. (My mom highly recommends it, but I have yet to see it.)

HEEEEY! Great to see you from Jen's TR :thumbsup2 So glad you could join me!

I've been wondering about Acuvue Oasys. Great to know it got a good review! I wasn't sure exactly how moisturizing it would be, but it sounds great! I'll have to look into it. I know my friends would really like it.

I'm actually not sure either...We booked with this Chinese travel agency with a whole package and everything. I was turning 18 that yr, so maybe they made an exception? You definitely have to be 18 to even make a reservation, but I don't think you have to be to stay in a hotel room.

We also stayed offsite. I know that when I go to conventions, the hotels are full of underage kids in the rooms, but their parents book for them.

Okay you cute fan girl! You've got me hoked! I'm gonna sub! I like...not love like Anime too. I started watching it when I was 12...I think. And then let it go for a while and then when I got married to DH 3 years ago he got me back into it. I lived in Japan for six years and I loved it! I hope we can go back someday!

I can't wait to read the rest of your PTR! I know you guys are going to have soooooo much fun! Regardless of crowd levels or anything like that!

I'm going next month! I can't wait! We are ready to get out of this Arizona heat! I hope your DBF loves the birthday surprise! (I had to plan my own DL birthday. haha!) I just told DH we are going to DL this year for my birthday since you got like 3 katanas! So, yes can't wait to read more of your report and hey if you go to a convention this year before then include some photos from that! :)

Welcome Dina! Nice to see another anime fan! :cool1: I used to be CRAZY obsessed with it, but I've since toned down. Still love cosplay though. But lately, I think my Disney obsession is taking over my anime obsession, haha. :rolleyes:

There's actually a couple of conventions and cosplay events between now and my trip. As of now, I have plans to go to a cosplay picnic and I will DEFINITELY be putting up pictures from that! :thumbsup2

Wow, next month! You must be so excited! I hope Andrew likes his surprises too! ^_^

Thanks for coming along!
Congrats on the contacts.

Thanks?? Congrats on conquering them I guess.... I still go through a mini-breakdown every time I put them in. It hasn't gotten to the point where it just goes in the first time.

My eyes are just too small! The first time I tried them, I was scared the contacts would be too big for my eye!:scared1:
Thanks?? Congrats on conquering them I guess.... I still go through a mini-breakdown every time I put them in. It hasn't gotten to the point where it just goes in the first time.

My eyes are just too small! The first time I tried them, I was scared the contacts would be too big for my eye!:scared1:

That's why I stopped wearing them. I never got used to putting them in.
Haha yes! I'm way excited! It's my third time there! It's DH's second time. It's his fault that I like the place so much really he shouldn't have asked me to marry him at TDL!

That's cool! We are planning on going to one next month during Memorial Day weekend. It'll be DH's first time going sooooooooo we'll see how it goes haha!

I'm sure Andrew will love his surprise! You guys should see a show for Andrew's b-day surprise. I've got too many to list but DH loves Phillimarmagic. Or you could try to do Cindy's Castle. We are doing it for our Anniversary. Since we missed it last year cause I had to leave home for my job. Haha we are actually going to miss it again this year cause he has to leave cause of his job! Also you could eat at the Columbia house which is fairly reasonably priced and watch the fireworks. Or get a picnic lunch from AK and eat it in a nice quiet place in the park just the two of you.

Trying to think up more to do.
HI! (subbing!) Stumbled onto your report and can't wait to read the trip report when y'all get back. If DBF won't wear Ears, will he wear a shirt on his b-day? Maybe you could make one for each of you and give it to him to wear that day! (my attempt at romantic! :love:)

and contacts take a while to get used to. One that that'll help, make sure they're in right side out. Most contacts have something on them when you hold them up to the light (mine have a 123) to make sure they're going in correctly. If I don't see 123 correctly and try to put them in, my eyes water all day.
Haha yes! I'm way excited! It's my third time there! It's DH's second time. It's his fault that I like the place so much really he shouldn't have asked me to marry him at TDL!

That's cool! We are planning on going to one next month during Memorial Day weekend. It'll be DH's first time going sooooooooo we'll see how it goes haha!

I'm sure Andrew will love his surprise! You guys should see a show for Andrew's b-day surprise. I've got too many to list but DH loves Phillimarmagic. Or you could try to do Cindy's Castle. We are doing it for our Anniversary. Since we missed it last year cause I had to leave home for my job. Haha we are actually going to miss it again this year cause he has to leave cause of his job! Also you could eat at the Columbia house which is fairly reasonably priced and watch the fireworks. Or get a picnic lunch from AK and eat it in a nice quiet place in the park just the two of you.

Trying to think up more to do.

Wooow, his first convention? I hope he has a great time! I've been going to conventions since 2003, so I'm quite the veteran :cool1:

We'll actually be watching Fantasmic on his birthday, so I hope he enjoys that! I'll be ordering a picnic on my AK day, and a quiet place to eat sounds so romantic! :love:

HI! (subbing!) Stumbled onto your report and can't wait to read the trip report when y'all get back. If DBF won't wear Ears, will he wear a shirt on his b-day? Maybe you could make one for each of you and give it to him to wear that day! (my attempt at romantic! :love:)

and contacts take a while to get used to. One that that'll help, make sure they're in right side out. Most contacts have something on them when you hold them up to the light (mine have a 123) to make sure they're going in correctly. If I don't see 123 correctly and try to put them in, my eyes water all day.

Welcome and thanks for coming along! Haha, I'm not sure if he'll try for matching shirts, but we'll see. I've always thought it would be a cute thing to do.

Yeah, I've figured out that there's a B & L on the outside of the contacts, and I always check to make sure. My eyes get instantly irritated if it goes in the wrong side, so I have to take it out real quick before I end with pink eye :headache:
I'm going to go back and read everything, but I just wanted to say:

- I love anime/gaming/nerd :-)laughing:) conventions too! I had all my friends go as Ouran High School Host club a few years ago... I want to drag Lou along next year as Xion and Xigbar from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days....

- I want that Pook-A-Looz notebook too!!!! Arg! I need to get myself to a Disney store as well.
I'm going to go back and read everything, but I just wanted to say:

- I love anime/gaming/nerd :-)laughing:) conventions too! I had all my friends go as Ouran High School Host club a few years ago... I want to drag Lou along next year as Xion and Xigbar from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days....

- I want that Pook-A-Looz notebook too!!!! Arg! I need to get myself to a Disney store as well.

HEY DANICA!!!!! It's so SUPER AWESOME to have another big anime fan here with me!

Oh My Gosh, you cosplayed Host Club. I've always wanted to cosplay Renge in one of her costumes from the anime. Lemme guess, you were Haruhi? Haruhi is my :littleangel: I have 4 posters of her on my wall, a plushie, and a commissioned drawing of her in a bathing suit :thumbsup2 I'm so in love with her, even my DBF gets jealous sometimes :rotfl:

Ooooh, I would love to see your cosplay pictures! Did you guys go to Anime Boston?
HEY DANICA!!!!! It's so SUPER AWESOME to have another big anime fan here with me!

Oh My Gosh, you cosplayed Host Club. I've always wanted to cosplay Renge in one of her costumes from the anime. Lemme guess, you were Haruhi? Haruhi is my :littleangel: I have 4 posters of her on my wall, a plushie, and a commissioned drawing of her in a bathing suit :thumbsup2 I'm so in love with her, even my DBF gets jealous sometimes :rotfl:

Ooooh, I would love to see your cosplay pictures! Did you guys go to Anime Boston?

Hahaha, how'd you guess? I still look like her... and act like her too, according to my friends. :lmao: Unfortunately, for Anime Boston (you were right), I didn't get my hair cut as short as I usually had it, and didn't have time to get it fixed... so I sort of failed as Haruhi, but that's okay. She was between haircuts. :rotfl:

Let's see what photos I have.. (sorry if I take over your thread for a bit)

My friend Megan with her ex (not at the time though), as Mori & Hunni:

Hikaru, Mori, Hunni, Tamaki, Kasanoda, and Haruhi:

I love this one - Haruhi & Hunni:
All this contact lenses talk gives me the jitters. I used to watch my mom put her contacts in and it was so gross! Just the thought of putting something in my eye makes me all teary eyed! How do you do it?! Nice shades by the way :cool2:
Hahaha, how'd you guess? I still look like her... and act like her too, according to my friends. :lmao: Unfortunately, for Anime Boston (you were right), I didn't get my hair cut as short as I usually had it, and didn't have time to get it fixed... so I sort of failed as Haruhi, but that's okay. She was between haircuts. :rotfl:

Let's see what photos I have.. (sorry if I take over your thread for a bit)

My friend Megan with her ex (not at the time though), as Mori & Hunni:

Hikaru, Mori, Hunni, Tamaki, Kasanoda, and Haruhi:

I love this one - Haruhi & Hunni:

Love the photos! And I actually think I might have seen those photos of you as Haruhi! What a small world, eh?

I don't mind you taking over with cosplay photos. This can be the anime geek thread on the Dis! :rotfl:

All this contact lenses talk gives me the jitters. I used to watch my mom put her contacts in and it was so gross! Just the thought of putting something in my eye makes me all teary eyed! How do you do it?! Nice shades by the way :cool2:

I actually have NO PROBLEMS with touching my eyeball. Is that weird? :confused3 Dirt and eyelashes get stuck there once in a while, and I just take them out. I've touched my eyes plenty of times, so putting contacts wasn't so hard. was...but it wasn't scary.

And I know things can't "get lost" in there cause there's a thin layer preventing that. And thanks about the sunglasses! They're so cute and I can't wait to wear them in the World!
HI! :wave2:
I had to follow your link to your PTR.
Since you probably know all about me from my TR, I wanted to get to know you and your DBF.
I can tell you are going to have a great Trip Report when you get back, you already are so good about posting pictures.
There's alot of pictures I wish I had taken now that I'm writing my report.
You are so lucky that you have a trip to look forward to ! :thumbsup2
That is so cool that your parents saved up to send you and your siblings to WDW, how many parents would do that for their children?
I honestly couldn't do that. I WOULD have to go too, of course! :rotfl:
Well, your PTR sounds great so far. Can't wait till your trip ! :wizard:
HI! :wave2:
I had to follow your link to your PTR.
Since you probably know all about me from my TR, I wanted to get to know you and your DBF.
I can tell you are going to have a great Trip Report when you get back, you already are so good about posting pictures.
There's alot of pictures I wish I had taken now that I'm writing my report.
You are so lucky that you have a trip to look forward to ! :thumbsup2
That is so cool that your parents saved up to send you and your siblings to WDW, how many parents would do that for their children?
I honestly couldn't do that. I WOULD have to go too, of course! :rotfl:
Well, your PTR sounds great so far. Can't wait till your trip ! :wizard:

Hey Robin! So great to see you here! :hug: I'm loving your TR so far. Can't wait to hear about that last day!

Yes, I have the best parents ever. They're the type that likes to do nothing on vacation, so they actually preferred not coming along, so they wouldn't have to look after us :laughing: When we go to the amusement park, they usually just wait outside the ride for us with all our bags and the obligatory cooler. :rolleyes:
Love the photos! And I actually think I might have seen those photos of you as Haruhi! What a small world, eh?

I don't mind you taking over with cosplay photos. This can be the anime geek thread on the Dis! :rotfl:

That's so weird! You didn't go to Anime Boston in 2007 by any chance, did you?

We're on Youtube too, because we did a Masquerade skit about the twins getting in a fight with Tamaki - our Tamaki fell on me... one video has a close-up of me trying not to laugh at the expression on her face, haha.
That's so weird! You didn't go to Anime Boston in 2007 by any chance, did you?

We're on Youtube too, because we did a Masquerade skit about the twins getting in a fight with Tamaki - our Tamaki fell on me... one video has a close-up of me trying not to laugh at the expression on her face, haha.

I've never been to Anime Boston, but I like to keep up with the bigger cons. Like San Diego Comic Con, Otakon, Anime Expo, and so forth. I also watch an artist on deviantArt that does the covers for the Anime Boston programs.

I think I've seen that skit actually! I'd love to go to Anime Boston one year.


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