French Quarter to the Fantasy With an EPIC Cherry on Top…Spring 2019! Updated 10/25!

Sorry I've been totally neglecting this TR lately! I've been working a lot and busier than ever, despite it being summer! We are heading to HH a week from Friday. I'm hoping to get an update in before then, but if I don't, I plan on using some of my down time to get some updates in while we're down there. Thanks to all who are still sticking around to read this :lovestruc
I've been MIA too…I had some stuff going on and craziness with work. Hoping to get some updates up soon. Miss you, roomie :hug:
By now, I'm sure you're back! I've been crazy busy too, but less with work than with... life. I"ve started Airbnb'ing and that takes up some time, not a ton, but enough to take me away from the DIS a bit as I learn how to do it. ;)

Hope your trip was great and you had a great time!
Have a great time in HH!!!!! I hope you have good weather and are able to relax. Hey, maybe you and Mike could drink some Sangria in a box???? :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Thanks! Just got here yesterday. I know it's not as classy, but how about Truly from a can??

By now, I'm sure you're back! I've been crazy busy too, but less with work than with... life. I"ve started Airbnb'ing and that takes up some time, not a ton, but enough to take me away from the DIS a bit as I learn how to do it. ;)

Hope your trip was great and you had a great time!

Thanks, I'm sure it will be...we just arrived yesterday!

How does one start Airbnb'ing? You have a rental property? It's always exciting learning about new things. Good luck!
Thanks, I'm sure it will be...we just arrived yesterday!

WOOHOO!! Have a magical time, Kelly!

How does one start Airbnb'ing? You have a rental property? It's always exciting learning about new things. Good luck!

Just go to the website and sign up. You make a listing of what your property is and what you offer describing what kind of accomodation you have and set the price accordingly. I have a really nicely made up spare room in my apartment that I "rent" for $30/night. The bathroom is across the hall and they have full use of my kitchen, living room and balcony. Not huge or overly elegant, but very comfortable, clean, and quiet. I have loads of bookings throughout the summer already and it helps with the expenses. :)
Just go to the website and sign up. You make a listing of what your property is and what you offer describing what kind of accomodation you have and set the price accordingly. I have a really nicely made up spare room in my apartment that I "rent" for $30/night. The bathroom is across the hall and they have full use of my kitchen, living room and balcony. Not huge or overly elegant, but very comfortable, clean, and quiet. I have loads of bookings throughout the summer already and it helps with the expenses. :)

Don't mean to take over your TR lol but this is interesting. Isn't it weird having a stranger in your home and sharing your bathroom and kitchen? I've thought about doing this with a room in my house too but they'd have to share a bathroom with my daughter. Or...I suppose I could move out of the master bedroom and give them that and make more money? That's a thought actually...hmmm more Disney trips!
May 2, 2019
Solo in the Magic Kingdom

Yes, still on May 2...I am sorry this has been moving at a snail's pace!

After our amazing meet with Mickey and Minnie, I parted ways with Su-Lynn and her crew and had had some solo time in the Magic Kingdom.
I did have a couple Fastpasses to use, but first I just enjoyed some of the Main Street ambiance...

I also poked around some shops and spotted this purse that I loved, but sadly did not end up getting...

As this was my second trip in two months, purses that cost >$200 were just not in the budget for me.

I headed over to Adventureland to use my POTC FP...
I don't hate this new scene, but I don't really love it either. I think it just seems kind of weird now.
I'm really fine with it all, just so long as they don't mess with the drunk with the pigs...

I contemplated going on Splash after Pirates, but I didn't feel like getting wet...


It was also getting to be around dinner time and I had just one place in mind to eat...
Pecos Bill's, for my favorite Southwestern Salad 😋😍

I thoroughly enjoyed this, as I always do. And it was so nice and relaxing just sitting at an outside table people-watching for a bit and thinking about what a great day it had been.

I sat there until I could use my next FP...



After the Wildest Ride In The Wilderness, I walked back over to Fantasyland where I went on It's a Small World and used my Peter Pan FP...


Continued in next post...

Yes, still on May 2...I am sorry this has been moving at a snail's pace!
first I just enjoyed some of the Main Street ambiance...
I love doing that. :)
I also poked around some shops and spotted this purse that I loved, but sadly did not end up getting...
I first thought "why"... but...
As this was my second trip in two months, purses that cost >$200 were just not in the budget for me.
… yeah... I get it.
I don't hate this new scene, but I don't really love it either. I think it just seems kind of weird now.
I'm in the same boat
(See what I did there?)
It's not bad, but... it's not what it's supposed to be either. (IMHO)
I'm really fine with it all, just so long as they don't mess with the drunk with the pigs...
Um... he's not drunk... just a bit tired. Okay?
Pecos Bill's, for my favorite Southwestern Salad 😋😍
That looks good!
Really like this pic of you. :goodvibes
May 2, 2019
Happily Epically After

Around 8, I decided to go find a spot to watch HEA. I thought about standing near the hub, but didn't want to get lost in the crush trying to leave after. It had been a very long day, but since this was probably my only chance to see HEA from the MK this trip, I decided to stick it out. I ended up going upstairs in the train station to watch. I had never watched from there, and I figured I could get out quickly enough after HEA ended. When I went up, there was already a line of people along the front rail (thanks @pkondz !), so I decided to sit along the back rail (again, thanks @pkondz !) so I could have something to lean against.

This was my view right up until almost the time that HEA started
and then a ton of people moved in front of me.



I did end up moving closer and overall had an amazing view...

But the best part was that I left just as the finale started and I was on one of the first busses back to AKL...

I arrived back to the resort by 9:43 pm and pretty much headed straight to bed. It had been a long, EPICALLY amazing day, and a great start to the trip!

And yet, I still had so much to look forward to as I was going to be changing resorts the next day
and meeting my new roomie, @kastoney for the first time, as well as meeting back up with @Jenny Sanders and seeing @ariane37 for the first time this trip!

That'll be up next!

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I ended up going upstairs in the train station to watch.
Ah! I was thinking of doing just that as a vantage point for photos. I knew I'd have to arrive early, though, if I wanted the front rail.
I decided to sit along the back gate so I could have something to lean against.
Not a bad idea, except... For everyone else crowding in later.
This was my view right up until almost the time that HEA started
and then a ton of people moved in front of me.
Hmmm... I really like it, but... I hate the flagpole in the view... hmmm...
I did end up moving closer and overall had an amazing view...
But the best part was that I left just as the finale started and I was on one of the first busses back to AKL...
Bus magic! Yay!
Really like this pic of you. :goodvibes

Thanks! My DD was just laughing at how bad I am at selfies. This was one of the least crazy ones :laughing:

Ah! I was thinking of doing just that as a vantage point for photos. I knew I'd have to arrive early, though, if I wanted the front rail.

For the life of me, I could NOT think of the word, "rail." Duh! I have to go back and fix that post!

Hmmm... I really like it, but... I hate the flagpole in the view... hmmm...

I'm noticing the flagpole more in the pics than I actually did during the fireworks. If that pole wasn't there, this would be the perfect view!

We had such a great time together!!!!

I can't wait until the next time! :hug:
Thanks! My DD was just laughing at how bad I am at selfies. This was one of the least crazy ones :laughing:
For the life of me, I could NOT think of the word, "rail." Duh! I have to go back and fix that post!
I want full credit!!!!
I'm noticing the flagpole more in the pics than I actually did during the fireworks. If that pole wasn't there, this would be the perfect view!
<note to self. Bring chainsaw.>
May 3, 2019

This morning I woke up and packed my things as quietly as I could. Liesa was up and out before me but we were both going to AK so we planned to meet up later. I said good-bye and thanked Jill for her tremendous hospitality and was on my way fairly early. I brought my bags to Bell Services to be sent to the Wilderness Lodge and was on the bus to AK by 7:42 am. I even got my very first Bus Token!


By 8 am, I was walking through the gates...

I actually wasn't planning on even trying for FOP because I didn't want to rush this morning,
but when I got to the park so early, I figured, why not?

The wait wasn't as bad as this looks and I passed the time taking pictures that I'm usually just hurrying by...


I was on and off FOP by 9:11am and stopped after for a coffee and a danish at one of the kiosks. I was thoroughly enjoying my treat and just relaxing when a mother and her child came to sit next to me and the mother decided to spray Sunscreen on her kid RIGHT NEXT TO ME. I literally had to cover my coffee and throw out the rest of my danish that was now covered in sunscreen >:(
I made a snarky comment as I got up and left and she kind of apologized, but I was still annoyed.

I didn't stay annoyed too long and I saw they were doing the bird show so I stopped to watch. This was really cool to see. I kind of love Parrots, all the way back to when I was a kid and my uncle had a yellow-naped amazon parrot that I loved :love:
These birds are beautiful and so well trained...


I started to head over to Expedition Everest, but was stopped in my tracks by none other than Kevin, herself!

I love Kevin! I followed her around for a little bit but she doesn't stay in one place for too long.
I was also texting Liesa and telling her where Kevin was. She and I were planning on meeting up in a little bit, but in the meantime, I went on EE a couple times using the single rider line...


After a couple go-rounds with the Yeti, it was time to meet up with Liesa.

Continued in next post...
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I also poked around some shops and spotted this purse that I loved, but sadly did not end up getting...

That is really cute!

As this was my second trip in two months, purses that cost >$200 were just not in the budget for me.

I understand this. I find myself buying a lot fewer "things" now because I think about how I can put that money towards a vacation.

I don't hate this new scene, but I don't really love it either. I think it just seems kind of weird now.


After the Wildest Ride In The Wilderness, I walked back over to Fantasyland where I went on It's a Small World and used my Peter Pan FP...

Wow you got a bunch of rides done!

When I went up, there was already a line of people along the front rail (thanks @pkondz !), so I decided to sit along the back rail (again, thanks @pkondz !) so I could have something to lean against.

Oo I want to try this view sometimes

I literally had to cover my coffee and throw out the rest of my danish that was now covered in sunscreen :(

What on earth is wrong with people
May 3, 2019
Gorilla Falls and a Baby Gorilla

As I was walking over to meet up with Liesa @Steppesister , I tried out my photography skills...

and then met up with Liesa, who was enjoying her (most likely) sunscreen-free iced-coffee, just down the walkway...

We talked about where to go and we had just heard that a little baby gorilla had just been born a day or two ago, so we headed there, hoping to catch a glimpse...

But first we had to walk through some birds...I like birds, but I don't like being in the enclosure with them because I feel like I'm going to get pooped on. Luckily I didn't, but I moved pretty quickly through there. I did like seeing the little babies though...


We finally came to the Gorillas and, of course, it was super crowded with everyone trying to catch a glimpse of the baby. Liesa and I were patient and just stood for a long time watching and gradually were able to move closer and closer to where the mama was. At first she was laying on her back with the baby on top of her, but then she moved and was sitting with her back turned towards the glass. Every so often she would shift and we could maybe see the top of the little guy's head, but never enough to get a great picture, although I'm sure Liesa got better pictures than me with her amazing camera.



And then off she went, carrying her baby...


We watched her and the baby for a good 30 minutes, but it was pretty clear she wasn't going to let us get a good picture of the baby so we eventually moved on.

I think Liesa headed out of the park to meet up with her mom and check into her amazing new resort. I had plans to meet up with @ariane37 , @Jenny Sanders , and her husband Joe who were all at the Rhino tour. I think their tour went a little long but I didn't mind and just sat people watching over by Harambe Marketplace...


Next up, I finally meet up with my crew that I would spend most of the next few days with!
I had a bit of catching up to do here! Your view for HEA looked great. We never go up to the train station, but it really seems to be a good idea if you can get there early enough for a decent spot. And oh my gosh you hit on one of my biggest pet peeves with your sunscreen/pastry/coffee story! I can't stand people who inconsiderately spray anything in the parks without looking around them, but especially sunscreen! How gross!
Thanks! My DD was just laughing at how bad I am at selfies. This was one of the least crazy ones :laughing:

For the life of me, I could NOT think of the word, "rail." Duh! I have to go back and fix that post!

I'm noticing the flagpole more in the pics than I actually did during the fireworks. If that pole wasn't there, this would be the perfect view!

I can't wait until the next time! :hug:
You and me both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love2:


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