She actually had tickets for that game. She bought them when individual game tickets went on sale last winter before she knew she was doing the DCP. When she got in the DCP she gave them to Dale and me and then we moved she sold them on Stub Hub. The pics I saw on Facebook looked fun. Were you there?

I wanted to go but the kids overruled because they wanted to go watch football at the Big House. I think they enjoy the tailgating more in Ann Arbor along with all the food. We had to stop at the cider mill on the way and pick up apple cider and hot yummy donuts to get the day going.
I wanted to go but the kids overruled because they wanted to go watch football at the Big House. I think they enjoy the tailgating more in Ann Arbor along with all the food. We had to stop at the cider mill on the way and pick up apple cider and hot yummy donuts to get the day going.

Cider and donuts? Now I'm jealous :)
She actually had tickets for that game. She bought them when individual game tickets went on sale last winter before she knew she was doing the DCP. When she got in the DCP she gave them to Dale and me and then we moved she sold them on Stub Hub. The pics I saw on Facebook looked fun. Were you there?

Cider and donuts? Now I'm jealous :)

We are the jealous ones, you got to move to FL right into Disneys backyard and get to visit whenever you wish. No more shoveling snow, driving on icy roads, getting into a freezing car, dressing like an eskimo.
We are the jealous ones, you got to move to FL right into Disneys backyard and get to visit whenever you wish. No more shoveling snow, driving on icy roads, getting into a freezing car, dressing like an eskimo.

Well when you put it that way :rotfl:
Dawn - glad to see you are on board with Caitlin's College Program TR.

How convenient that you were able to attend the dog day at the MK shortly after you moved. That was perfect timing and probably took some of the sting out of not getting your furniture for 3 weeks. :faint:

Ypsi is SO cute! I can't believe she was a rescue. What a sweetie and all the character seem to really love her! :good vibes

Glad you found a new dentist. I think the lack of hair dresser would be freaking me out the most.

Glad you guys are slowly starting to settle in. I am sure you will be an old Florida pro in no time!
So if nobody minds this will now be a joint report about her DCP and our move to the mouse.

I'm really curious to know what you would've done if someone said they minded. :laughing:

Caitlin, myself and our 2 yr old Shih Tzu/terrier mix "Ypsi" attended "Dog's Day at the Magic Kingdom". For "Dog's Day" Disney selected 101 dogs to visit the MK dressed as their favorite character.

That's so cool! Do you know roughly how many people tried to enter?

We had to be at the MK at 5:30am! Luckily our apt is less that 15 minutes from the MK :woohoo:

Less than... 15. Minutes.


The dogs paraded down a green "grass" carpet adorned with fire hydrants.

I bet those fire hydrants got a good workout!

I was sitting there thinking "this new Florida life is pretty great" and then it happened. I felt something in my mouth and realized I'd broken a tooth.

Sorry that had to happen, but on the upside, now you know a good dentist for any other issues in the future.

I'm not sure why it took us 17 hours to get to Florida and took our stuff 3 weeks but we are so glad its here!

Table legs.
While sturdy, they're slow.
So walking all that way takes a while.

Caitlin and I have started our new tradition of having a Disney lunch at least once a week.

Nice! :thumbsup2

Tuesday we are doing MNSSHP so we will share lots of pictures from that and hopefully it will be better than Villains Unleashed :rolleyes:

It will be! We loved MNSSHP! Can't wait to see the pics!

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for posting! :goodvibes
Dawn - glad to see you are on board with Caitlin's College Program TR.

How convenient that you were able to attend the dog day at the MK shortly after you moved. That was perfect timing and probably took some of the sting out of not getting your furniture for 3 weeks. :faint:

Ypsi is SO cute! I can't believe she was a rescue. What a sweetie and all the character seem to really love her! :good vibes

Glad you found a new dentist. I think the lack of hair dresser would be freaking me out the most.

Glad you guys are slowly starting to settle in. I am sure you will be an old Florida pro in no time!

The furniture issue was a huge stressful thing for us as you know. Compounded by the fact that I hardly brought us any clothes thinking our stuff would be here really fast :headache:

We have had a lot of dogs and there is something very special about Ypsi. She is a nice mix of loving and feisty. We often wonder what her story is that lead her to end up at the Humane Society. All we know is that when she was rescued she had been abandoned and had to be completely shaved she was so matted and flea ridden. Poor thing.

A new hairdresser is the next thing I'm looking for. Caitlin has a hair appointment tomorrow so I am letting her be the guinea pig :rotfl:
I'm really curious to know what you would've done if someone said they minded. :laughing:

Probably this :worried:

That's so cool! Do you know roughly how many people tried to enter?
No I wondered that myself but they never said.

Less than... 15. Minutes.


I have to admit its pretty awesome :)

I bet those fire hydrants got a good workout!


Sorry that had to happen, but on the upside, now you know a good dentist for any other issues in the future.

Yes finding one was inevitable just would have preferred to put it off :rotfl:

Table legs.
While sturdy, they're slow.
So walking all that way takes a while.


Nice! :thumbsup2

It will be! We loved MNSSHP! Can't wait to see the pics!

Thanks for posting! :goodvibes

We are excited about the party. Caitlin and I wanted to do a group costume but Dale wasn't on board. I did get him to agree to dress up next year :)
We were at Epcot last Tuesday (9/16) and I looked for you on Nemo and Turtle Talk, but you must not have been working. Sorry I missed you!
I have been reading along/catching up on this whole TR for a week or so. WHAT A FUN and EXCITING few months your family has had!! I would love to work for Disney, too. I always say maybe I'll retire there and be the Fairy Godmother or something princess: Can't wait to hear more about your DCP adventures and what the future holds for Caitlin and family in Florida!
We are back at home in Michigan, it was cool to meet up with both of you Dawn and Caitlin, both times! Still bummed I haven't gotten to meed Dale, lol, if I hadn't seen pictures of him I might start calling him Snuffleupagus!

Sorry if I seemed a little distracted, was a bit focused on making sure the kids didn't destroy anything! Hope you are enjoying your new home in FL and hope to join you as Michigan transplants sooner rather than later!
I have been reading along/catching up on this whole TR for a week or so. WHAT A FUN and EXCITING few months your family has had!! I would love to work for Disney, too. I always say maybe I'll retire there and be the Fairy Godmother or something princess: Can't wait to hear more about your DCP adventures and what the future holds for Caitlin and family in Florida!

Glad you have enjoyed reading about our adventures. We have had the most eventful year of our lives in 2014!
We are back at home in Michigan, it was cool to meet up with both of you Dawn and Caitlin, both times! Still bummed I haven't gotten to meed Dale, lol, if I hadn't seen pictures of him I might start calling him Snuffleupagus!

Sorry if I seemed a little distracted, was a bit focused on making sure the kids didn't destroy anything! Hope you are enjoying your new home in FL and hope to join you as Michigan transplants sooner rather than later!

Glad you had a safe trip home! Dale's new job is keeping him very busy. Hopefully he can see you guys next time you're here. We enjoyed meeting up with you and Katie and your darling girls! I hope things work out the way you want them to! :goodvibes
Hey All! So last time I posted I said I was going to join Caitlin in sharing our adventures and we'd be posting more frequently. Well yeah we didn't exactly keep that promise :rolleyes1

So I am here to get you caught up and the next update will be Caitlin's. PINKY PROMISE :)

When I left off we were eagerly anticipating MNSSHP. We did go and we had a great time. We normally dress up with a whole family theme but since we had just dressed up for the Villains Party the month before Dale didn't want to dress up again. We agreed to just do Halloween tees while Caitlin wore the costume she had intended to wear to the 24 hour Party back in May (but couldn't go due to park being blocked out to CMs) I may not be impartial but she looked pretty darn cute and got a lot of compliments on her costume. Oh and in case you don't recognize the character, she was Fix It Felix from Wreck It Ralph.

Her "selfie"

At the party our first "must do" was the Haunted Mansion. We love how the CMs get their make up done and of course seeing the "ghost" outside!

From there we were off to the Villains Dance Party at the Golden Horseshoe. Dr. Facillier was awesome but this was the best pic we could get

We enjoyed seeing the villains and thought the party was an improvement over the last few years when they had Jesse and her Toy Story friends.

The highlight of the night is always Hallowishes and the Boo to You parade. As per usual they did not disappoint!

And we even met a "special" character we missed at the Villains Party! We agreed to pose creepy but Dale somehow missed the memo :rotfl:

Soon after it began raining but we still managed to get in some
trick-or-treating and it was a very fun night!

Being local is as awesome as you'd expect. We get to go to eat at our favorite Disney restaurants anytime we want and try new ones like Trail's End.

We made it to Dapper Day which is so fun to see the amazing fashions people come up with. Since we didn't have much time to prep for this, and we don't sew, we just wore dresses we had in our closets BUT we are already planning our outfits for the March 2015 Dapper Day.

We got to say "farewell" to an old favorite while visiting Food and Wine 3 times and counting!

I will miss this ride mostly because it reminds me of my grandmother. She visited Norway a few years before she passed and fell in love with the country. Everytime I would ride Maelstrom I would think of her and the wonderful adventure she had there. Caitlin will miss it because it is one of the rides she remembers riding on her first visit. Hopefully, Frozen will be an amazing ride that was can make new memories about!

But the best thing about being local is the DisMeets we get to have! Caitlin loves having Dissers visit her at work and we all love it when we get to meet up with folks as a family.

I'm bad about not getting pics with people but you'll have to take my word that we had a fun meet up with disbugsdaddy and his family. They too are from Michigan and we haven't seen them in several years so it was a treat seeing them again and meeting the newest addition to their family.

A few nights ago Dale and I had dinner at Margaritaville with former Disser "thecapells". Michael was one of the first Dissers we ever met so joining their family for dinner was a nice treat! (Here's a tip-if you're going to City Walk they have a dinner and movie or mini-golf pkg for 23$! This is an awesome value!)

We also met up with Rob aka Disneykid4life for the first time. Caitlin met him at Nemo and came home and told us how awesome he was and that since we were planning to visit Epcot that night we should message him and meet up. We did and he is just as genuine and fun as you all imagine. We felt like we'd known him for ages and hung out at the Ditch with him until they threw us out :rotfl2: I hope he doesn't mind that I'm posting this pic...

Being local also means Caitlin can do lots of Disney races. That girl loves working out and did the Happy Haunted 5k yesterday and is doing a CM race next weekend. Despite the rain for the race she had a blast and loved the character photo ops!

Besides having tons of Disney fun we are also getting used the area. We are starting to find our way around without using GPS as much and we have gotten used to carrying umbrellas with us wherever we go. It rains A LOT here!

I am also happy to report Caitlin and I found a hairdresser that we really like! You ladies know how important that is! And since the littlest member of our family likes to look pretty too we are happy to report Ypsi found a new groomer :) Now if I could just get my mom to move here and get Kohls and Target to build more stores in the area, life would be perfect ;)

That's all for now! Thanks for reading and you'll be hearing from Caitlin soon. PINKY PROMISE :goodvibes

Great update, Dawn! :thumbsup2 Sounds like you all have been keeping quite busy! So glad to hear that you're getting settled into the area and finding your way around more and more. Ahh... to be able to just pop over to Disney for a bite to eat... I'm so jealous! :rotfl: So happy to see that you met Rob! Something tells me he won't mind at ALL that you posted that pic! :goodvibes
Hey All! So last time I posted I said I was going to join Caitlin in sharing our adventures and we'd be posting more frequently. Well yeah we didn't exactly keep that promise :rolleyes1

We know.

Bad, Dawn! Bad!

So I am here to get you caught up and the next update will be Caitlin's. PINKY PROMISE :)

Whoa... That's the promise that can't be broken! :eek:

When I left off we were eagerly anticipating MNSSHP.

And we were eagerly anticipating your report!

I may not be impartial but she looked pretty darn cute

We think she's pretty darn cute, too.
Takes after her mom.

At the party our first "must do" was the Haunted Mansion. We love how the CMs get their make up done and of course seeing the "ghost" outside!

Love her. When we went, I was dressed as a ghost too (although not anywhere near as good a costume... or makeup) and had a fun conversation with her.

We enjoyed seeing the villains and thought the party was an improvement over the last few years when they had Jesse and her Toy Story friends.

It would have to be.
What does Toy Story have to do with Halloween??? :confused3

The highlight of the night is always Hallowishes and the Boo to You parade.

You wanna know what's better than Hallowishes and Boo to You?


And we even met a "special" character we missed at the Villains Party! We agreed to pose creepy but Dale somehow missed the memo :rotfl:


Since we didn't have much time to prep for this, and we don't sew, we just wore dresses we had in our closets BUT we are already planning our outfits for the March 2015 Dapper Day.

Looking lovely as always.
Nice job with the hair, too.

I will miss this ride mostly because it reminds me of my grandmother. She visited Norway a few years before she passed and fell in love with the country. Everytime I would ride Maelstrom I would think of her and the wonderful adventure she had there.


I hope he doesn't mind that I'm posting this pic...

And if he does... too late!

:lmao: Love the tongue sticking out of "dead" Caitlin.

That's all for now! Thanks for reading and you'll be hearing from Caitlin soon. PINKY PROMISE :goodvibes

Thanks for the update! :goodvibes
Thanks for the update Dawn! Great to get caught up and see things from your point of view.

Sounds like you are really enjoying being being in the area!

Glad you enjoyed your MNSSHP - does sound like they made some improvements this year. The Fix It Felix costume was very cute!

I saw the picture of Caitlin on the ground with the Grave Diggers from Twitter and thought it was great! I generally only run when chased, but one thing that could get me into running is all the Run Disney events - they look like so much fun!
I have to say, that Villains dance party was pumping when I stopped in. I'd only been to MNSSHP once before, but the old party seemed pretty dead. This one looked legit like a real dance club.

Hahahaha, I actually love Dale's pose there. Such a contradiction. Hysterical!

Oh my, yes. I am so going to miss Maelstrom. So glad I was able to get one last ride on it.

Awwwww, THANK YOU DAWN!!!! What you wrote is so touching. I'm truly honoured. It was SO AWESOME and such a pleasure to meet you and Dale and hang out for a bit that night (until yes, they threw us out, lol). And Caitlin, THANK YOU for being so sweet and welcoming. You are truly fantastic and I absolutely LOVED meeting you! I look forward to seeing you all again! And don't you worry... I'll be posting that pic too!!
Tuesday is her day off :(

Of course it is. :sad1: At least I tried. Sorry we missed her, but maybe next year.

Great updates! Glad you are getting used to your new home. It's so hard to find your way around places you've never been. I always say I can't move away from Milwaukee because if I know where the lake is, I know where I"m going. If there were no lake, I'd be lost!

Love your Halloween party pics. We were at the party on 9/14 and had a great time! We met the wicked witch too!


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