Food poisoning at WDW? (sorry if it's been posted already)


<font color=0099FF>WDW fan and A.J. fan<br><font c
Oct 25, 2000
I heard a news report on the radio this morning driving to work that like 140 people got food poisoning at WDW. Did anyone else hear about this. I checked the CB and Rumors/New Board and Yahoo news and found nada.


No, I havent heard this but DS got salmonella when he was 1 at WDW.

He ate scrambled eggs on a buffet line . After we were home and got the diagnosis we got a call from our state board of health. They said that the strain was not a local one and asked if we had been vacationing. We told them at disney. They said they had 24 reports of salmonella in our state with the same strain and all of the people had been to Disney the same week we were.
I have gotten several surveys from the Center for Disease Control about this. They are still trying to isolate where people got sick. Most of the questions I've had to answer concern the All Stars food courts and POR. This occurred during the U.S. Transplant Games (salmonella), which we attended. However no one in our family got sick (thankfully). I can't imagine anything worse than transplant patients with weakened immune systems getting salmonella. Here's a little bit I found from an e-mail I still had from the CDC (the number of people sick have risen since this e-mail of 7/20):

This is regarding Salmonella infections that occurred during the time of the 2002 U.S. Transplant Games, held in Orlando, Florida.

As reported, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch has been notified of three cases of confirmed Salmonella infections among persons at the 2002 U.S. Transplant Games. All three persons were hospitalized. Responses to a survey sent a few days ago identified at least 20 additional illnesses among Transplant Games attendees. CDC is also aware of other persons who became ill with Salmonella while visiting Orlando during that time. Because of the number and severity of illnesses, CDC has begun an investigation to determine the source of this outbreak with the goal of preventing additional illnesses.

Here is a link to more info about it on the CDC website:
WOW Liz - that's what I was talking about. How horrible!

Amid chaos - when was that? How terrible. I can't imagine, having a DS, 1 myself.

I can't believe we haven't heard more about this........

I hope nobody got it too seriously... even though I can't imagine this not being "serious"... yikes!


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