Flying with Amoxicillin--how to keep it cold?


DIS Veteran
Aug 10, 2004
We fly to Orlando on Sunday and DD is starting 10 days of amoxicillin today for an ear infection. I'm wondering if I can take ice or an ice pack through security to keep the amoxicillin chilled while traveling, since those items would normally be banned. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!
I was going to suggest exactly what you mentioned - the ice in an ice pack. Call the airport before you go and see what they recommend.
I'd also check the FAA site for traveling w/ refridgerated medicines AND call the airline to let them know and see what theywould want you to do.
Additionally, we are continuing to permit prescription liquid medications and other liquids needed by persons with disabilities and medical conditions. This includes:

Gels or frozen liquids needed to cool disability or medically related items used by persons with disabilities or medical conditions.

Of course the medicine should be in its original packaging with the Rx label.

Don't know if you want to invest in something like this for a short term problem but here's a link to a Frio cooler wallet (they come in different sizes) that would make traveling with cold meds pretty easy
You don't have to actually keep Amoxicillan just tastes better that way. Double check with your pharmicist and save the hassle of having to bring an ice pack and cooler. Another option is to ask for chewable tablets instead (depending on the age/weight of your dd).
Call your doctor's office and see if they have samples you can use. Our oldest needed his when we went on a cruise and the sample bottles(single use) worked great.
You don't have to actually keep Amoxicillan just tastes better that way. Double check with your pharmicist and save the hassle of having to bring an ice pack and cooler. Another option is to ask for chewable tablets instead (depending on the age/weight of your dd).

I believe this is true also. The other thing is Amox. is cheap see if they will give you another prescription and leave it in powder form and then you can add the water when you get to Florida instead of them adding it at the pharmacy, much easier to travel with.
It's probably too late for this, but there are other oral antibiotics for ear infections that aren't refrigerated.

Have a fun trip!
dis happy is correct

Amoxil oral suspension does not need to be refrigerated and it will remain stable at room temp for 14 days

(I am a pharm intern , 1 year of rotations left yippee)

We fly to Orlando on Sunday and DD is starting 10 days of amoxicillin today for an ear infection. I'm wondering if I can take ice or an ice pack through security to keep the amoxicillin chilled while traveling, since those items would normally be banned. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!

How old is she? My doctor gave us chewables for my son so there wouldn't be any FAA issues, and a z-pack for my daughter (she is allergic to penicillan) so she would be done before we flew. They both had ear infections days before we left for Disney.
You could freeze some grapes or baby carrots in a ziploc. I used carrots (I picked the fattest baby carrots I could find out of the bag) on our last trip to keep a couple of cheese sticks cold for DD and it worked well. They stayed cold for many hours.
Could you ask your doctor/pharmacist for an unreconstitued (dry) bottle to bring with you, and then make it up once you get down there? Be sure to ask for a large oral syringe so that you can add the correct number of ml's of water to the bottle.
My daughter had strep last year just before our trip to DW and he offered amox or an injection. We (I) choose the shot just so we wouldnt need to worry about keeping the medicine cold.
Also be aware that the pressure in the cabin of the airplane could affect her ear infection. Give her lots of fluids while flying, or have her chew gum...good luck with everything. Lisa
My dd was on amoxicillin when we flew in March. Here is what we did, I used an insulated lunch box and filled a baggie with ice and then double bagged it.

BTW, my dh asked our pharmicist about keeping it cold and he said absolutely must be kept cold. I had heard from other places that it didn't have to be. So, dh wanted to err on the side of caution and keep it cold.

I also gave dd some motrin cold medicine (from behind the counter at the pharmacy - with the pseduphedrine in it) about an hour before we flew to help with her ears. Actually both girls got it, younger dd had finished her antiboitics for an ear infection the day before we left. I used tootsie roll pops for the pressure changes in the plane - younger dd isn't good with gum yet.

Most pharmacists will say Amoxil needs to be refrigerated (it is preferred) however, it does not need to be refrigerated it remains stable for 14 days I actually had to give Amoxil to both DD's after a hurricane we had here in FL Had no electricity and very little ice for over a week.
BTW I wanted to make sure I had my info correct before I posted and I looked it up on Lexi-comp.

PMart :cool1:
large thermal coffee cup or soda cup, wrap an ice pack plastic one from wal mart 97 cents around it...i've done it for years..
oh and just to adda bout gum...

my then 15 MO son and I flew frequently and I could never get him to not swollow the gum, so I started to travel with tootsie rolls instead. I gave them ON THE RUNWAY (Not when you push off). First plane trip at 14 months - ear plugs. 2 at 15 months one with gum that was swollowed then return trip tried the tootsie rolls, the other was tootsie roll both ways, and he and I have flown 2 more round trips since.

I give him another one when the captain announces "FInal approach".

I've tried the ear plugs, and while they seemed to work, they are pointless unless you (ANd she) intend to keep them on the entire flight. My DS didn't mind them the first time, but my 2 DD diid not like them at all and abandoded them on our layover. WIth youngsters they don't always leave them alone, so I found the tootsie rolls to wrok better for us!

And yes, its been said, but you do not have to refridgerate you rmeds, just make sure its in the original package and you have proof that your DD is who is on the bottle. My son was travelling with Tylenol with Codine, and had his own ticket.

Enjoy your trip and I hope your DD feels better in no time!!
Don't know where you're staying when you get there, but if it's at a value resort, tell them you need a fridge for medicine and they'll deliver one to your room at no charge. We did this when we traveled with an antibiotic for DD's ear infection.


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