Flight of Passage + People of Size = Disappointing

I truly cannot believe there are people who don't understand that for many, to have to try something - ANYTHING - on for size in front of others can cause a lot of anxiety and embarrassment. Thankfully most here seem compassionate enough to understand that, but those other few....
I kind of saw it as a fun way to try the ride vehicle as well. I saw lots of people of all ages and sizes getting on it and smiling for pictures. While the vehicle is there specifically to see whether you can ride safely and comfortably, it also seems to be a part of the experience for some people.
I was a bridesmaid in several weddings when I was young. Needed bust, waist and hip measurements many times, but never my calves.
Calf measurements are not usually used for fashion. They are used frequently by doctors treating DVT and trainers/physical therapists fitting various devices and garments.
I kind of saw it as a fun way to try the ride vehicle as well. I saw lots of people of all ages and sizes getting on it and smiling for pictures. While the vehicle is there specifically to see whether you can ride safely and comfortably, it also seems to be a part of the experience for some people.

Kinda like the race cars outside of the Tomorrow Land Speedway exit. It's nice to hear that guests are having fun with it. :)
I kind of saw it as a fun way to try the ride vehicle as well. I saw lots of people of all ages and sizes getting on it and smiling for pictures. While the vehicle is there specifically to see whether you can ride safely and comfortably, it also seems to be a part of the experience for some people.
When one has the luxury of not worrying about actually fitting in the vehicle, or not hoping that no one will make fun of them, then yes, I can definitely see how that could be fun.
The ride seat seems to be a derivative of the one used in the Tron Lightycle ride in Disney Shanghai. They have ride cars outside for people to try them for size. The limiting factor seems to be the length of your shinbone (knee to foot). Two of our party couldn't get the locking knee bars to engage, but TRON has an seated car at the end of each string where you sit instead of 'riding'.

The ride is just really badly designed, which is shocking considering the massive time and expense.

It would be trivial to make the ride fit a far larger range of sizes. Instead they just slap a warning on the map and hope for the best. Can you imagine waiting 2-4 hours and being turned away? No free fast pass will make up for that. Not to mention the shame of it.

They really screwed the pooch on this ride.

Also, the ride itself is very meh and short, though a lot better than the laughably poor small world imitation Navi river boat ride.
Ugh the more I read, the more I think this will be a no go for me:
Big feet= check
Big calves=check (muscular so nothing to be lost)
Chesty=check--could only Ben remedied with a reduction

I'm going to get FPs for it, but if I don't fit will they give me an anytime?

This is the issue for me. My DH fits into this category. If we do the test seat or even the ride and it is a no go do we get another FP+? Locking up a FP+ 60 days out and then not being able to use it is the biggest problem.

Tell me more about these leg restraints. DH isn't Pooh sized but he has GIANT calves. His lower legs look like two upside down bowling pins. How big can your calves be before it is a problem with the leg restraints?

I watched the pre-loading video and it looks like they are just little flaps or doors that come out rather than something that clamps on to your legs. Would that be an accurate assessment?

so does anyone know what happens to your FP if you fit in the test vehicle, but can't ride because of the restraint after you go into the line? DH is concerned that he might not be able to ride and will 'waste' his FP. Will they give him a paper one for use somewhere else, or is he just out of luck?

I read through all 15 pages of this thread to try to help anyone that asked the question about whether or not they will be issued a replacement FP if they can not ride FoP because I asked this exact question on the official Pandora thread 3 times and it got buried without an answer (probably because no one had it happen to them yet).

We just got back from our trip to Pandora a few days ago. I had gotten our FP for FoP when they first came out before there were any rumors about the size/shape restrictions for this ride.

I tried the test seat. It was awkward, kids playing on it, a large group of people all gathered around staring at it. I just patiently waited my turn and then kind of had to push myself in because kids kept jumping on and off it. I did not fit. If you want my exact measurements you can PM me but I prefer to call myself Ursula-shaped to help you get an idea: bigger, busty, larger bottom. I used to compete in weightlifting at the state level so for me, my calves were most of the issue. The back restraint wasn't even close before it wouldn't budge anymore because my calves are so large. I tried several different positions to no avail. When I asked to have my FP replaced so I didn't have to wait in the line to NOT ride the ride (the FP line was about 30 minutes at the time) they told me I had to go through the line to get the replacement.

I waited in the line and when I got to the vehicle room the CM was very helpful. I told her I knew I wasn't going to fit but was told that I had to go through the line to get my replacement FP. She said "I'm willing to try if you are!" and I decided to give it another try. I still did not fit but I learned one additional piece of information I thought I would share here...

The seat on the actual ride vehicle is some sort of rubberized material that makes it virtually impossible to 'slide' forward. From what I can recall, the test seat did not have this rubbery material because I was able to slide all the way forward on the test seat. This may be one reason why they are telling people that "Fitting on the test seat is no guarantee that you'll fit on the actual ride vehicle."

As an aside, I happened to be seat #3 of 16 seats in our section so for people saying that they aren't seeing anyone being told that they "can't ride" you may not be aware of how many people can't ride because each room only has 8 seats and I only walked by 2 people to exit the ride area.

Once I exited the ride area, I chatted with another very nice CM who I told that I was not able to fit so I couldn't ride and I was disappointed because I had used one of my Fastpasses for it. I assumed that she would issue me a replacement FP at that point but she continued to chat about the interesting details that you may not notice in Pandora. About that time the ride cleared out and I stood there waiting thinking maybe I needed to ask the CM that saw me not fit on the ride for the replacement but she never came into the exit area. So I finally just asked "Who should I talk to about getting a replacement Fastpass?" And she said "Let me scan your magic band." She did that for me and my sister and that was the replacement.

So long story short: If they don't volunteer it, just ask for the replacement.

And for those that don't end up fitting on FoP, here is a consolation: Obviously this won't be true for everyone, but much to my surprise, my sister said she far preferred Na'vi River Journey to Flight of Passage. Enjoy your visit anyway, I sure did!!! :)
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so.. you have to sit like a "crotch rocket"? with your back parallel to the floor? and your calves basically parallel to the floor? my husband has had 4 spinal fusions. but maybe the back retraint would actually help him? as his back wouldn't move much? (big thunder hurt him. all the jerking around) maybe with the restraint it would be smoother?
so the floor moves around? I've seen the POV vidoes. but I would very much like to see how the ride vehicle actually moves.
so.. you have to sit like a "crotch rocket"? with your back parallel to the floor? and your calves basically parallel to the floor?
Perpendicular, not parallel. For parallel you'd have to be lying down. But, apparently, pretty much.
so.. you have to sit like a "crotch rocket"? with your back parallel to the floor? and your calves basically parallel to the floor? my husband has had 4 spinal fusions. but maybe the back retraint would actually help him? as his back wouldn't move much? (big thunder hurt him. all the jerking around) maybe with the restraint it would be smoother?
so the floor moves around? I've seen the POV vidoes. but I would very much like to see how the ride vehicle actually moves.

I think the degree to which you are bent over depends on the length of your arms. When we rode, I think I was about 45 degrees for my hands to be able to reach the handles. (I'm 5'6'')

I found the ride itself to be incredibly smooth and not jerky at all. Its virtual reality that gives you the sensation of movement for most of the ride. I suppose its different for each person though.
Anecdotally, in the number of times I've ridden (double digits), the number of people I've seen turned away is precisely zero.

I have ridden it once and I saw 3 people turned away. Add that to your anecdotal evidence.

Also, 2 of the three were not anywhere approaching fat - they were just athletic with very muscular calves.
I read through all 15 pages of this thread to try to help anyone that asked the question about whether or not they will be issued a replacement FP if they can not ride FoP because I asked this exact question on the official Pandora thread 3 times and it got buried without an answer (probably because no one had it happen to them yet).

We just got back from our trip to Pandora a few days ago. I had gotten our FP for FoP when they first came out before there were any rumors about the size/shape restrictions for this ride.

I tried the test seat. It was awkward, kids playing on it, a large group of people all gathered around staring at it. I just patiently waited my turn and then kind of had to push myself in because kids kept jumping on and off it. I did not fit. If you want my exact measurements you can PM me but I prefer to call myself Ursula-shaped to help you get an idea: bigger, busty, larger bottom. I used to compete in weightlifting at the state level so for me, my calves were most of the issue. The back restraint wasn't even close before it wouldn't budge anymore because my calves are so large. I tried several different positions to no avail. When I asked to have my FP replaced so I didn't have to wait in the line to NOT ride the ride (the FP line was about 30 minutes at the time) they told me I had to go through the line to get the replacement.

I waited in the line and when I got to the vehicle room the CM was very helpful. I told her I knew I wasn't going to fit but was told that I had to go through the line to get my replacement FP. She said "I'm willing to try if you are!" and I decided to give it another try. I still did not fit but I learned one additional piece of information I thought I would share here...

The seat on the actual ride vehicle is some sort of rubberized material that makes it virtually impossible to 'slide' forward. From what I can recall, the test seat did not have this rubbery material because I was able to slide all the way forward on the test seat. This may be one reason why they are telling people that "Fitting on the test seat is no guarantee that you'll fit on the actual ride vehicle."

As an aside, I happened to be seat #3 of 16 seats in our section so for people saying that they aren't seeing anyone being told that they "can't ride" you may not be aware of how many people can't ride because each room only has 8 seats and I only walked past 2 people to exit the ride area.

Once I exited the ride area, I chatted with another very nice CM who I told that I was not able to fit so I couldn't ride and I was disappointed because I had used one of my Fastpasses for it. I assumed that she would issue me a replacement FP at that point but she continued to chat about the interesting details that you may not notice in Pandora. About that time the ride cleared out and I stood there waiting thinking maybe I needed to ask the CM that saw me not fit on the ride for the replacement but she never came into the exit area. So I finally just asked "Who should I talk to about getting a replacement Fastpass?" And she said "Let me scan your magic band." She did that for me and my sister and that was the replacement.

So long story short: If they don't volunteer it, just ask for the replacement.

And for those that don't end up fitting on FoP, here is a consolation: Obviously this won't be true for everyone, but much to my surprise, my sister said she far preferred Na'vi River Journey to Flight of Passage. Enjoy your visit anyway, I sure did!!! :)

Thank you VERY VERY much for your review and info! At least now I know I have to wait in the line no matter what and don't waste my time with the test seat.
I remember being nervous about Forbidden Journey at Universal and hearing they will pull people to test inside blah blah blah. I was full of anxiety. When we went I stood outside looking at the test seat trying to mentally figured if I could fit. Worker asked if I wanted to try and with self deprecating humour I said "yell tell me if I'm too fat". They chuckled and said "I don't think you are" and I did fit. and have never been pulled and "forced" to test. Now with FoP I'm even more anxious and scared and nervous.
I read through all 15 pages of this thread to try to help anyone that asked the question about whether or not they will be issued a replacement FP if they can not ride FoP because I asked this exact question on the official Pandora thread 3 times and it got buried without an answer (probably because no one had it happen to them yet).

We just got back from our trip to Pandora a few days ago. I had gotten our FP for FoP when they first came out before there were any rumors about the size/shape restrictions for this ride.

I tried the test seat. It was awkward, kids playing on it, a large group of people all gathered around staring at it. I just patiently waited my turn and then kind of had to push myself in because kids kept jumping on and off it. I did not fit. If you want my exact measurements you can PM me but I prefer to call myself Ursula-shaped to help you get an idea: bigger, busty, larger bottom. I used to compete in weightlifting at the state level so for me, my calves were most of the issue. The back restraint wasn't even close before it wouldn't budge anymore because my calves are so large. I tried several different positions to no avail. When I asked to have my FP replaced so I didn't have to wait in the line to NOT ride the ride (the FP line was about 30 minutes at the time) they told me I had to go through the line to get the replacement.

I waited in the line and when I got to the vehicle room the CM was very helpful. I told her I knew I wasn't going to fit but was told that I had to go through the line to get my replacement FP. She said "I'm willing to try if you are!" and I decided to give it another try. I still did not fit but I learned one additional piece of information I thought I would share here...

The seat on the actual ride vehicle is some sort of rubberized material that makes it virtually impossible to 'slide' forward. From what I can recall, the test seat did not have this rubbery material because I was able to slide all the way forward on the test seat. This may be one reason why they are telling people that "Fitting on the test seat is no guarantee that you'll fit on the actual ride vehicle."

As an aside, I happened to be seat #3 of 16 seats in our section so for people saying that they aren't seeing anyone being told that they "can't ride" you may not be aware of how many people can't ride because each room only has 8 seats and I only walked past 2 people to exit the ride area.

Once I exited the ride area, I chatted with another very nice CM who I told that I was not able to fit so I couldn't ride and I was disappointed because I had used one of my Fastpasses for it. I assumed that she would issue me a replacement FP at that point but she continued to chat about the interesting details that you may not notice in Pandora. About that time the ride cleared out and I stood there waiting thinking maybe I needed to ask the CM that saw me not fit on the ride for the replacement but she never came into the exit area. So I finally just asked "Who should I talk to about getting a replacement Fastpass?" And she said "Let me scan your magic band." She did that for me and my sister and that was the replacement.

So long story short: If they don't volunteer it, just ask for the replacement.

And for those that don't end up fitting on FoP, here is a consolation: Obviously this won't be true for everyone, but much to my surprise, my sister said she far preferred Na'vi River Journey to Flight of Passage. Enjoy your visit anyway, I sure did!!! :)
Can I ask where was your issue of not fitting legs?
2 reasons this is an issue:

Disney has the reputation for smart ride design. Other places, not so much. Universal, for instance, does two types of seats for a coaster and forbidden journey because they realized the restraint on the original ones doesn't even fit the average American adult comfortably. Other coasters are designed to fit a wider range of bodies; a coaster at my "home" theme park has restraints that ratchet according to resistance.

There is no consistency. It's completely arbitrary. Even at Disney, you can't entirely argue safety. I have absolutely no problem on expedition Everest; it's super uncomfortable to ride mine train. Mine train is a kiddy ride. There is absolutely no reason that should be uncomfortable for anyone.

Second reason: people are specifically upset about this because "Pooh guests" are a demographic specific to Disney. These people probably can't ride a lot of rides at a local theme park. They might feel left out there. They go to Disney because it is a happy place for them. They feel included. Same thing with handicapped guests, multiple generational families, pregnant women. Disney has this inclusive reputation and they do intentionally cater to a wide variety of people, which I would argue Universal and Six Flags do not. So while I definitely agree that not everyone will be able to ride every ride, I also agree with the folks who are pointing out that the ride designer probably could have made it a bit more friendly to more people.

I completely agree with the section I put in bold. I used to be plus-sized, and I was able to ride every single ride I wanted in WDW (and I was nervous about the overhead restraints on RnR where there is a disclaimer posted). However, I was not able to ride everything in DCA when we were there in 2001 because of my size (and I was not even at my heaviest weight at that time).

We have been to Universal Orlando, and I was far too self-conscious to attempt any tester seat that was in the open. If I was still plus-sized and saw the test seat right in the open at FoP, I would not try it and be a bit disappointed in this setup. I haven't been to WDW since the opening of Pandora so I don't know where this seat is located with respect to the actual line. Is there a reason why they can't put a screen around it and add a sign about having a test seat since the ride has size restrictions? I saw pictures of the test vehicle; it's not shaped like a banshee so it's really not necessary for people to use it for a photo op like Dumbo and other locations with test vehicles.
I am curious how restrictive is the thing holding you on the ride? I have anxiety issues, am larger, and would love to ride this, but am worried that its much more confining then just usual rides.
so.. you have to sit like a "crotch rocket"? with your back parallel to the floor? and your calves basically parallel to the floor? my husband has had 4 spinal fusions. but maybe the back retraint would actually help him? as his back wouldn't move much? (big thunder hurt him. all the jerking around) maybe with the restraint it would be smoother?
so the floor moves around? I've seen the POV vidoes. but I would very much like to see how the ride vehicle actually moves.

That more extreme bend over is for the Tron coaster in Shanghai. One FoP you can sit just like you would at a desk if you want. I pretty much sat straight and proper the whole time as did my fiancé (whose a big guy) and we had no problem.
So much work and intricate planning went into every detail of this land, from the forced perspective, to the crazy flora, to hand-weaving, hand-painted murals, all the cool "scientific" technical gack on the FoP line, how the walls feel when people lean on them or touch them on the line of Navi River Journey, to the detail of feeling the banshee "breathe" on FoP. I am pretty shocked that they overlooked such a big detail such as making it possible for many different body types to ride this ride. I mean, the restraints aren't really all that necessary as far as I can see. You tilt way forward at times and you tilt to the side at times. It's largely VR. They can't make the seats more adjustable, or at least make bigger bikes or seats for bigger people? This is a huge gaffe, and really unfair.

It's also not fair to but other guests safety in jeopardy.
It's also not fair to but other guests safety in jeopardy.
But they don't have to put other guests' safety in jeopardy. Since each seat is individual and the back/leg restraints have adjustments, they could have designed the seats/restraints with a greater range of adjustment.

As another option, they could offer a few seats similar to the handicapped seats from the Tron ride in Shanghai Disney. Here's a picture (from Theme Park Review):

Wow! That seat looks small. I am 5'5", serious runner and my weight fluctuate between 109 and 115, so no worries for me. My son is a high school football player - 5'11" and 240. I don't think he can fit in there. Is anyone willing to provide their height and weight and if they fit? If this is too sensitive, I am sorry!!! I just don't want to get his hopes up!


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