Fiskars Rolling Cart

Tiger Fan

<font color=deeppink>Survivor<br><font color=teal>
May 21, 2000
Well I broke down today and finally bought this. It's really neat and will be a great addition to my crop supplies. It was regularly $49, but with my coupon I paid just over $29. I'm pretty pleased and think it will help my organization at crops. Here's the link if anyone wants to check it out.

Craft Cart

That looks wonderful, Lisa. I love to be organized. :)
Thanks Lisa. As for organization the best thing I ever did was make myself a "crop space". I used to only crop when I could spend hours, thus staying behind. Now that all is organized I can do a few minutes here and there and I'm really doing better at getting caught up.

Where did you get it for such a good price? I would love to have that. My scrapbooking stuff is a mess.


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