Fishing,accelerating modifying and MEP

If you find that you need to modify a LL to a later time, do you need to make the modification before the start of the ride time window or can you do it anytime before the window expires?
I did a little modifying and refreshing game today!

I was holding a 5pm hyper space mountain that I wanted to keep, but I was over by incredicoaster and wanted to ride but the single rider line was way backed up. So I canceled my hyper space, grabbed an incredicoaster for whatever time(it was for later). Started refreshing and grabbed an incredicoaster for 5mins from then. Scanned in- rebooked hyper space for a time I didn't want, then modified and refreshed again and again until I got my 5pm back.

I fished on Friday. Noticed incredicoaster was down so I started booking And ended up with 2 MEPs.

It's been an adjustment using genie+ when our last couple trips were at WDW. It works so much better at DL. WDW there is so much pressure and getting the top rides takes a degree in park navigation.. but using a combo of single rider, rope drop, and LL I've rode
My favorites (hyper space and guardians) multiple times.
I did a little modifying and refreshing game today!

I was holding a 5pm hyper space mountain that I wanted to keep, but I was over by incredicoaster and wanted to ride but the single rider line was way backed up. So I canceled my hyper space, grabbed an incredicoaster for whatever time(it was for later). Started refreshing and grabbed an incredicoaster for 5mins from then. Scanned in- rebooked hyper space for a time I didn't want, then modified and refreshed again and again until I got my 5pm back.

I fished on Friday. Noticed incredicoaster was down so I started booking And ended up with 2 MEPs.

It's been an adjustment using genie+ when our last couple trips were at WDW. It works so much better at DL. WDW there is so much pressure and getting the top rides takes a degree in park navigation.. but using a combo of single rider, rope drop, and LL I've rode
My favorites (hyper space and guardians) multiple times.
Awesome! Glad you managed to get multiple rides on your favorite attractions. And congrats on your two MEPs. I am excited to try all this fishing, accelerating and modifying in August when I there.
I've read this thread (twice!) but was curious if there's a video that also explains accelerating (my hunting wasn't finding anything that seemed accurate).

I'm leaving with a kiddo who has only been once when taken by some family 10 years ago, and it may be the only time I'm able to take them, and I'm so paranoid about messing up the accelerating bit.

I was a lot time AP back in the fast pass days, but health issues and moving out of state mean I've only even used genie+ once about 18 months ago and I was just trying to get that down well. Now I want to do better with this modifying and accelerating component.
Yes. We got ours early and when I used our first non-mep lighting lane, I'd just book the next geographically closest LL ride. Very efficient. And I didn't have to worry about getting the same return time as the other family we were with.

I think the one thing I've stayed confused about is whether you book the next LL ride and can ride that immediately? Or you book the next closest one and ride that as soon as its return window is open?

It's that you can book the next closest one and ride it immediately (regardless of return window time) because of the MEP, correct? And then you just keep doing that?
It's that you can book the next closest one and ride it immediately (regardless of return window time) because of the MEP, correct? And then you just keep doing that?
That’s correct. If you have a MEP and an LL for a ride that the MEP is good for, then the system will always use the LL, even if the start time has not passed. That’s where the term “acceleration” comes from.

I am with ironband above though, if you worry about “hunting” for MEPs, you could end up messing up your own plans (I did this once on my last trip!) In my opinion, refreshing to get an earlier time on an LL is almost just as effective. It isn’t all that fun to spend 10 minutes refreshing but that is almost always the longest I would ever need to spend to get any LL that had a start time in the next hour.

And if you start early enough, I don’t think it would be hard at all to ride every single Genie+ ride in a given park except on the very busiest of days.
I think the one thing I've stayed confused about is whether you book the next LL ride and can ride that immediately? Or you book the next closest one and ride that as soon as its return window is open?

It's that you can book the next closest one and ride it immediately (regardless of return window time) because of the MEP, correct? And then you just keep doing that?
Absolutely correct. Though, as MonocularVision said, I wouldn't spend a lot of time fishing. We used G+ two consecutive days at DL. One day we chanced upon the MEP (it wasn't even from a LL, MMRR broke down on us) and the other day we just used G+ like regular. Both days we ended up riding a ton and we definitely got our money's worth. I would just say the MEP day was more efficient.
Reiterating what everyone has said so far about not wasting Genie+ fishing. Have been to DL and DCA the past two days. DL day, booked MMRR in hopes of getting a MEP, was able to hold onto it until 10:00 through refreshing without any luck of it breaking down. Switched gears to using Genie+ as usual and had a fantastic day, rode everything we wanted to, ended up mining Small World later in the night for 3 silver MEPs which used to ride Incredicoaster and Big Thunder a couple extra times in a row (accelerated both LLs and then used all 3 MEPs).

Day 2 in DCA today, grabbed Toy Story Mania to accelerate (when I checked at rope drop opening - 7:35 am - Web Slingers started already at 9:00, which to me signified it would be down at opening but I doubted it would stay down for the full hour for me to get a MEP). Again, Midway Mania never went down, and we switched to using LL as usual by 9:30. Mined Little Mermaid for 5 silver MEPs by 11:00, which we used to accelerate through DCA and DL, and then ride Incredicoaster three times and Big Thunder twice.

All in all, haven’t yet gotten a gold MEP, but even the silvers (which I feel are much easier to get) allowed us to accelerate through the smaller LL rides while waiting for our LLs for the bigger rides. Tomorrow is our last day and we’ll try again for a gold (fingers crossed Indy), but even just getting one silver MEP significantly improved our trip. Thanks everyone for all the info and advice!!
Alright friends, another update! 3rd day in the parks, rope dropped DL. Booked Indy to fish for a gold MEP and did exactly what I told myself NOT to do - got excited and booked something else! Matterhorn was down at opening and I managed to snag an 8:30 time. Of course, it came back up at 8:26 - no MEP. By then, Indy had pushed back to almost 10 or so, so I switched to Mickey and Minnie’s. Of course, Indy went down around 8:40, and had I just kept that reservation I would’ve been fine. Still managed to get on these rides via standby before 10am: Indy, Big Thunder, Jungle Cruise, MMRR, and Rise (ILL). Luckily, I was able to push back my original LL for MMRR until about 10:45 (by this time, had a second LL which we were using to start stacking for DCA) which is when it broke down for the first time that day. GOT OUR GOLDEN MEP!

From 11-2:30, we rode every LL in DCA. Also did ILL for Cars. Back to DL, watched the Magic Happens parade - now back to the hotel for a nap before we head back to DL to accelerate once more. Currently holding a LL for Indy, a silver MEP which we plan to use for Big Thunder, and planning to use the gold MEP for Space as our last ride. Hopefully over the next few hours I can stack MMRR and Matterhorn to knock out once we’re back in the park, then the silver tiers, then Big Thunder/Space. And maybe a Fantasyland ride or two 🤪

Big wall of text but I find it helpful reading about people’s strategies going in and how it actually pays off! Thanks again for helping to make our trip absolutely wonderful.
If you book a LL early in the morning in the hopes of it not being ready for an MEP, but the ride does open, can you still modify that ride for a later time if you are not wanting to use your LL for that ride right away? Thanks for your help. :)
Decided to venture into the park on a Friday night (5/31).
However, my day started in the morning, because my wife had to work and I work from home, so I entered the park at 730am bought G+ and immediatley went back home.
Decided to play the MEP game at home while wife was working with the hope of collecting a few MEPs and returning at night.

First LL booked was for Railyway.
When I got back to my car just as the park opened, I saw that Matterhorn was down at opening. So I modified my LL to Matterhorn at 820am. Got home at 815am and saw that my Matterhorn LL switched to an MEP.
Immeditaley booked Matterhorn again for 840am. At 835am that LL switched to MEP.
Now I saw that Indy was down, but the return time was for 12pm. Started to refresh the app and found a return time in the 9am's.
Booked it and that switched to an MEP. Booked Indy again refreshed the app and found an earlier time and again got another MEP.

After that I got a few from Big Thunder Mountain and another from Indy.

Total before I entered the park at 6pm was 5 Gold Tier MEPs and 3 Silver Tier MEPs.
I ended up using most of them for my wife (didn't havbe to buy G+ for her) and accelerating the other LLs I was able to book.

Productive day.
I'll say! Very impressive!

You mentioned that your wife used most of the MEPs. Did you grab some of them that morning using her ticket, or did she use your ticket that had MEPs?
used my own pass for the G+purchase. MEP, LL, and ILLs are not tied to a speficifc guest.


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