Fish n Chips in Epcot question


DIS Veteran
Apr 22, 2010
At Epcot in April, we decided to eat in Rose and Crown pub after speaking to the hostess and finding out that at R and C they use cod and at the Yorkshire County fish quick serve they use some other kind of fish.

I noticed a number of people sitting at the bar in R and C, some were eating. Does anyone know if the bar area menu has fish and chips and is it cod? We are headed back in September and always want our fish fix!
Glad you got that straightened out for your family, LOL.
We ate an order of R+C Lounge/Pub fish and chips and one from Yorkshire at the same time this trip.
Neglected to ask if was cod or not.

Didn't notice any mushiness, greasiness, or bad taste in either.
Just nicely battered thick fillets with a light batter on both.
We'll probably stick with Yorkshire's version since it was faster to acquire and less expensive.

Just a FYI moment. The fish and chips at Ale and Compass was a one and not finished done for me. Overly battered to the nth. Unsalted too which is just wrong. The fries were nicely seasoned with vinegar salt but they used a mealier potato so uhm well I just licked a few and left them on the plate. When I go in for carbs they have to be completely worthy.
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We had both in a trip a couple of years ago and we could defiantly taste a difference between the two. The Yorkshire fish had an odd aftertaste to it. It was still edible but not nearly as good to us as Rose and Crown’s. It’s been a while ago though.
I've only had the fish and chips at Rose and Crown and it is delicious and most definitely cod. I believe the pub serves the same menu as the dining room so you would get that version vice the quick service option.
I thought R&C served Halibut while Yorkshire served Cod. I’d expect the pub to match the restaurant.
Halibut, cod, tilapia. All whitefish that much like chicken tastes pretty much the same until seasoned.

Respectfully disagree with that sentiment. If that were the case nicer restaurants wouldn't be paying $18 lb for Halibut when they could serve $3 lb Tilapia. By the way not all Chicken is created equally either. A mass farmed Purdue or Tyson Breast is going to taste vastly different from a heritage bird from a smaller producer like Misty Knoll in Vermont.


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