Fish Extenders-Be Honest

If you are at all on the fence, I would say do not do it. It's a ton of work, and while you may have that extra excitement in the weeks before a cruise and you want to channel that energy, as the actual sail date nears, you may well be asking yourself, why did I agree to this? And you will definitely ask yourself "why did I do this?" as you have to pack up all the tchotchke at the end of the vacation, or throw it away guiltily. It's what some people call "make-work." This is just my honest opinion, which was solicited, I'm not disparaging anyone's efforts or amusement.
I've run 1 FE and am running the FE for my current cruise.

~ Can add to the budget
~ Can be confusing/overwhelming
~ Can make you feel stress (delivering/making/purchasing/etc.)
~ Bad things can happen (broken/stolen FEs)
Honestly? This is a gamble for every vacation you do. Everything can be said for any aspect of cruising (but we'll just stick with DCL for this).
DCL can add to the budget (palo, excursions, merch, spa, in room gifts, staying night before/after)
DCL can be confusing and overwhelming
DCL can make you feel stress
Bad things can happen on DCL (drowning, falling off ship, illness, hurricanes, missed ports)

All stresses that the FE has, booking DCL also has. You don't have to add the FE to make your cruise magical. You don't have to book a Disney cruise to make your cruise magical. You don't have to book a cruise to make a vacation magical. But you do need to book a vacation (mental health! :) )

If you don't want the above to ADD to your already budget tight/overwelming/too much of a gamble Disney Cruise … then, perhaps not.
If you're easily intimidated by what other people are doing, then don't do it. If it's too much stress … don't do it.

That being said … the FE can be something magical and is unique to Disney culture … it's just something you cannot find on any other cruise and I think is something that can be seen as a benefit.

~ Can add to your experience
~ Can make you feel special
~ Can be a positive thing for less than an excursion/BBB
~ Can meet people you would have never before, and make lasting friends
~ Can get 'free things' that you would have forgotten to pack

Everything in the positive column is an EXPERIENCE. And really, I think people do DCL for an experience and you should try signing up for an FE if your budget allows.

A big thing I've noticed is that people feel they need to 'have amazingly awesome gifts'. Well, I say give it the same standard for you. Would YOU want to be given the gift you're giving? If so, then it's good enough. If you find that you (you as an individual as well as you as a family) would not be happy with a simple sack of candy, then don't give a sack of candy.

Really, I think the key is to have an organizer that can help people when they have questions and makes people feel easy with whatever decision they make (signing up/dropping out/adding more/whatever). I've had a family drop because they think it's too much stress. I've had a family ask me for help because the main person contacting me is nervous, but really think their family will like it, so I gave all advice I could and let them decide. I think it helped, they have not dropped! lol

Ultimately, if you don't want to deal with the FE, then don't. If you think you can deal with it, then try it out! You do not HAVE to do it, but it is a fun thing to do and it really just adds to the experience.

* On another note ~ The FE can help children/adults interact on a fun and non-thretening way if there are any disabilities (mentally/physically).
My example is from my first FE, a son of a group going had issues interacting with people but loved interacting via the FE (dropping off gifts) and maybe saying hi in the hall when he realized the person is part of 'the group' (like me being the person running the FE).
My other example is for an adult, me. I have severe anxiety and depression. This FE has helped me to face my anxieties and put it in a place that can help other people, while proving theraputic for me. I'm a bit nervous about the ship but it's something that I need help with … and this will help. It may not be the best 100% of the time, but I don't have to interact 100% of the time. It will help me not be so closed off though.

There's my honesty; If your in the FE and are concerned about budget beyond what you already paid for your cruise (even $20-50 extra), then the FE is not for you. Don't do it. You'll be comparing the money spent to what you got and that's just now how the FE is suppose to be.
If you want the experience and think it will be fun with your family, then sign up.

I am open to anyone that is on the fence and will help the best I can. I come on DIS most every day and am happy to help. Truly I am :flower3:
We did it on our last cruise and enjoyed it. We are in the cruise group for our next cruise, but have chosen not to do the full FE and just be on the Pixie Dust list. :)
Please explain being on the pixie dust list and what it entails?
The FE experience can be anything you want it to be. On my first family cruise, we were twelve people in four cabins. Rather than join an FE group, we were our own group. There was a lot less stress, each family had a different day for delivering, so there wasn't too much to pack or unpack (I gave Disney gift cards, so very little to pack), and the kids had a lot of fun choosing their FE gifts. On our next cruise (this April for my parents' 50th anniversary - same twelve people in four cabins), we're only having one FE for my parents (they don't know about it) and we're giving them gifts related to weddings and their life together (their big present is a photomosaic of their wedding portrait made up of pictures of the two of them throughout their life together - don't ask me how long it took to go through every photo in their house and then scan them!). I'm giving the kids gift cards again, so they don't feel too left out.
The FE experience can be anything you want it to be. On my first family cruise, we were twelve people in four cabins. Rather than join an FE group, we were our own group. There was a lot less stress, each family had a different day for delivering, so there wasn't too much to pack or unpack (I gave Disney gift cards, so very little to pack), and the kids had a lot of fun choosing their FE gifts. On our next cruise (this April for my parents' 50th anniversary - same twelve people in four cabins), we're only having one FE for my parents (they don't know about it) and we're giving them gifts related to weddings and their life together (their big present is a photomosaic of their wedding portrait made up of pictures of the two of them throughout their life together - don't ask me how long it took to go through every photo in their house and then scan them!). I'm giving the kids gift cards again, so they don't feel too left out.

Sounds very nice!
We're going to cruise soon and I have been thinking long and hard about the FE. The main group is 22 rooms though (42 adults and 33 children) and that is just too much for me to take on. A smaller group would be much more workable. There is a "latecomer" group that is still open but it's already up to 14 rooms (29 adults and 20 children).

I also hate the thought of throwing away items we wouldn't use (and I'm not a clutter type person) but I do love being crafty (although admittedly, I haven't done much crafting in a number of years now). I think we will do a FE when my son is on board (this trip is just hubby and me) as I think he would very much enjoy it.
I've only done the FE exchange for my first Disney Cruise to check it out I've completed 7 cruises since then and never participated in the FE exchange again. I think it's great for the kids but as an adult solo cruiser I realized it's just not my thing. I didn't like trying to figure out what to bring, worry about how to pack it and spending time walking all over the ship to drop them off.
If you are at all on the fence, I would say do not do it. It's a ton of work, and while you may have that extra excitement in the weeks before a cruise and you want to channel that energy, as the actual sail date nears, you may well be asking yourself, why did I agree to this? And you will definitely ask yourself "why did I do this?" as you have to pack up all the tchotchke at the end of the vacation, or throw it away guiltily. It's what some people call "make-work." This is just my honest opinion, which was solicited, I'm not disparaging anyone's efforts or amusement.

This is exactly how I feel - so I'm not doing it! LOL
We have done this and my DH did not like walking around delivering gifts with me so I did it myself. I agree there were some very cheapy gifts (I spent much time making things and getting age appropriate gifts) but as someone else said, it is the thought that counts. We had adult kids with us and someone left plastic mustaches in their FE. They had so much fun wearing them to dinner and the photos make me laugh every time I see them.

We did not join the FE on our recent Magic cruise (2/1) but I had some frames left over from a previous cruise and I made cruise labels and delivered some pixie dust to anyone who had a FE hanging outside there cabin.
We had adult kids with us and someone left plastic mustaches in their FE. They had so much fun wearing them to dinner and the photos make me laugh every time I see them.

i would have fun wearing them too, lol!!!
If its something you really want to do, go for it.

From our experience, packing for a cruise (7 day) was challenging enough without bringing all that stuff along.
What's the feeling on non-participants just gift giving? I have no desire to join an FE at all, but part of me likes the idea of leaving a special gift or two or three in a FE that I see, just for fun. Is that welcomed, or frowned upon?
If you've never done it, I would always say try it. Form your own opinion based on first-hand experience instead of solely going off others opinions here.

Problem is, there are normally many, many variables - so YMMV. First off, everyone's expecations vary greatly. Secondly, FE groups are a wild card. You can end up in a great group or a not-so-great group. It's a random sampling of the guests on your cruise afterall. The organizers of a group may or may not have specific rules or guidelines to follow regarding types of gifts, manner of distribution, size of groups, etc. or it could be "anything goes". Length of cruise will also make a difference. All those things will greatly impact someone's opinion after the fact.

So, as a result of so many variables, it is really difficult to expect a similar result to someone else's experience. For example, some in this thread (and others) have complained about the time taken out of their day to deliver all the gifts. That's one thing I never had a problem with. I'm such a night owl, I usually deliver our gifts around 12-1am when absolutely nothing is going on anyway. So I don't miss out on anything, plus the hallways are mostly empty. However, I realize that just doesn't work for everyone.
What's the feeling on non-participants just gift giving? I have no desire to join an FE at all, but part of me likes the idea of leaving a special gift or two or three in a FE that I see, just for fun. Is that welcomed, or frowned upon?
Everything that I have heard is that it is welcome! I will probably have something to leave for other FE groups if I just happen to walk past as I'm delivering for my group.:flower3:
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I happen to enjoy the fe if the group remains small...12 rooms or under. I find it relaxing to wall around the ship delivering the gifts and seeing everyone's doors and fe holder. I always make something I would enjoy getting. Some of the gifts we have gotten are awesom me, some..not so much. But I still love seeing what everyone gives.
Personally I have never done it and have no intention of doing so. I am not a souvenir person either though. I travel too often to buy gifts.
I don't ever want my vacation to feel stressed or like work.
To each is own though:D

This. I remember the last thing my mother said to me when I was leaving for my very first self-paid vacation. "Don't run around buying gifts for other people. It's your vacation, not ours. Just enjoy it." Reading this thread reminds me that I don't have the time--either now or during the cruise--to do something like this. DH and I both work full time. Any extra time and money that week is devoted to our kids and each other.
We did FE our first cruise and are doing it again next week. Last time it was only 8 cabins and this time it was cut off at 15. I would not participate if it was more cabins.

Yes it's a little work, yes it's a little space and yes it adds some expense but my kids LOVED it!!! They loved coming back to the room to presents. And honestly we had fun delivering them trying not to get caught!!! It didn't take more than 20 minutes and we saw a lot of the ship and a lot of cool door decorations in the process. So for that reason with kids we definitely think its worth it! We got a variety of things last time from CDs, stickers, little toys, bubbles, glow sticks, candy, pirate trinkets to BBQ sauce from a participants home city to handmade kleenex holders, bows for the girls' hair and a cool frame.

FWIW I asked my kids when I was trying to figure out what to give the kids on our group what they liked getting most last trip. You know what they said? The candy and the plastic pirate eye patches! So it may not seem "elaborate" to you but my kids thought it was awesome! Its the fact that people thought of us and dropped off something!

To each his own, but that was our experience and Im looking forward to it again next week!
We did it on our first cruise which was the DVC members cruise a year and a half ago. I ddn't put too much work into making it, but did make it personal to our family members. As our daughters are grown, I made our FE so if my husband I and or any combination cruises again, we can use the pockets accordingly. Lo and behold, it will be in use for just the two of us on the Alaska cruise this spring! I really liked doing it. Yes there were a couple of things that didn't make it home...but it was fun to walk around the ship and surprise people and fun to see what we got. If you think it will be too much work, it will. If you think it will be fun, it will. Go with your gut.


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