First trip to DL from a veteran of WDW--need suggestions.


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May 1, 2000
Many years of visits to WDW have spawned a desire to visit its west coast cousin. My wife and I, along with my sister and her friend will be staying at the GC for three nights in September prior to a cruise. I have the "Official Guide" to DL, which seems helpful, but I'm looking for the real inside scoop on how to tour the parks, what kind of passes to buy, where to eat, and especially how to avoid crowds. Since we only have three days of touring while in CA, I'd like to know if there are any "must do's" at either park.

Thanks for any help and suggestions.

I have not been to DCA yet, but must dos in DL:

1. Indiana Jones ride..similar to the Dinosaur ride at AK but WAYYYYYYY better.

2. Pirates - its longer and has more scenes

3. You have to eat at the Blue Bayou, its tradition for us. It is a restaurant inside the POC ride. beautiful atmosphere and cajunish/creole food. YUMMY and very romantic.
they have kids menus too if you need that.

4. New Autopia ride in Tommorowland

5. Matterhorn --- very fun but not too fast rollercoaster

6. Try to take in Fantasyland, much more quaint and has a couple more rides

7. ride the train ALL the way around the you can ride thru the Grand Canyon..corny but original from Walt's days.

8. just look for all the other differences and nuances...its fun.

Have a great trip. :D

<font face= "curlz mt" size=5 color=blue> Kim
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<font face="Book Antiqua"color=#FF0066>
Wyndham Palace 7-92
<font face="Book Antiqua"color=#6600CC>
CBR 9-95
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#FF0066>Dixie 9-98
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#6600CC>Yacht & Beach Club 9-99
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#FF0066>Dixie 9-00
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#6600CC>Poly Concierge 9-2001
Looks like Kim got the good ones. 3 Days will be plenty of time to see everything in both parks. Have a great time.


DL 1975 Off site
DL 1978 DL Hotel
WDW 1982 Off site
WDW 1984 Off site
DL 1993 off site
DL 1994 DL Pan Pacific
DL 1995 DL Hotel
WDW 1996 Polynesian Moorea Lagoon view
DL 1997 DL Hotel
WDW 1998 Polynesian Samoa Lagoon view
DL 1999 DL Hotel
WDW 2000 Polynesian Hawaii Lagoon view Concierge
DL 2000 DL Hotel corner suite Concierge
WDW 2001 Yacht Club
WDW2001 Polynesian Hawaii Lagoon view Concierge

NEW Polynesian pages!!!
3 more DL things for you!.....
1) If you like roller coasters, you have to do Space Mountain! It doesn't have as many drops as WDW but it is MUCH smoother and feels faster!

2) If they re-open Roger Rabbit, go for it!

3) See Fantasmic....much better than MGM's (IMHO)! Have a great time!

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<marquee direction="left" align="right" behavior="alternate"><font size=3><font color=#6600CC><font face="Comic Sans MS"><bold>"Diva of Dragons"</marquee></font></font></font></bold>
Since you are staying at GC-buy the hopper passes. This way you can see both parks on the same day. When in Sept. are you going? Friday and Saturday's are the busiest, not much of a crowd on the weekdays. The weather is great! Make sure you do the Haunted Mansion-I've heard it's better at DL. I haven't been to WDW in along time,so I don't remember it there! Take time out in the middle of the day for a swim, the pool is suppose to be great. I will find out in June. The Goofy kitchen character dinner is fun, better food than the breakfast in the park. Don't be surprised at the size of the castle it is small in comparison. Have a great trip, I love Disneyland. I hope you do too!
I absolutely agree with all of the above posts. We are WDW lovers and have grown to love DL just as much over the last several years as we visit yearly for busines in the San Diego area. We try to eat at Blue Bayou for the very first lunch ressie or PS. You can now book ahead at the Blue Bayou which didn't use to be able to do. If you are lucky enough to get one of the first seatings you are guaranteed a seat right along the water. The ambience is incredible. We loved staying at the GC. Great location and the hotel is gorgeous. We enjoyed breakfast at the Storyteller's Cafe. There are characters present and you can order from the menu or eat at the buffet. When we go back in May we plan on trying the Napa Rose which looks incredible. The staff at the hotel was very helpful and we loved our stay. There is a patio up on the 5th floor that has several tables and chairs and has a great view of DCA, if you want a quiet break with a great view. A CM pointed this out to us. We loved DCA, which has been somewhat controversial. Don't miss Soaring Over California. We ate at Avalon Cove and it was very good but want to try the Mondavi restaurant when we return. Also some of the fast food looks intriguing. Although I wasn't too interested in the parade as we are not from California, my spouse talked me into watching when were there for a CM preview in January, we did watch it and it was incredible. Don't miss it! Also, we enjoyed DD. It is smaller than the WDW version but still very enjoyable.


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