Fastpasss Question for Dodie


Earning My Ears
Dec 29, 2000
In your trip report you mention a fastpass that came with your vacation package. I also used Disney Travel for our package and am hoping for the same pass. Did you get to use it on the fastpass attractions without going to the fastpass machines? Is it a separate ticket from the gate admission ticket? Is there any time frame on the fastpass, or do you just go right up to the FP line at the attraction whenever you want? I am getting pretty excited thinking I can use the package FP and then get another FP with my gate ticket. Am I completely off base? Thanks for your info and your great trip reports.

[This message was edited by Mal on 04-08-01 at 07:36 PM.]
We had the same thing with our package. It came with our tickets - it is separate from the tickets and is good on any attraction any time. It lasts your whole stay. You don't have to go to a machine - it's like a pre-printed fast pass. You just go to the attraction and present your fast pass just like a regular one.... I hope that answers your question....
We used it on Soarin when there was a 60 minute wait...well worth it!

cuter - 39, works for and with abused children; DH 46 - school police detective.
WE WENT TO DISNEYLAND! 3-11-01 to 3-15-01
Thanks Cuterlt for the speedy reply! It sounds like a great perk. Can I use the FP on multiple attractions or just one attraction multiple times during my stay? For instance, at DCA, going on Soarin', Screamin, and GRR using only the FP line. Or do we just choose one ride to go on over and over again thru the FP line?
It is to be used one time only - but doesn't have anything to do with the passes you get by inserting your ticket.

You just pick your ride, walk in the Fast Pass Return line when you want to go, and hand your pass over to the CM working there.

That's it. They keep it. You'll need to use the electronic ticketing system after that.

<font size=4 face="Comic Sans MS" color = blue>D°o°die</font>
<font size=1 color = blue>March 2001 - Our first trip to Disneyland!! (Grand Californian)
March 2001 - WDW Surprise!! (Disney Institute & Dixie Landings)
March 2000 - WDW (All Star Music)
May 1998 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1997 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
May 1996 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1995 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1994 - WDW (Honeymoon! Dixie Landings)</
Thanks! I guess we'll hold onto the passes and see which ride we love the most and then use them for one last shot before we leave.


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