Fast Pass Tickets -where do you get them


Earning My Ears
Jan 29, 2001
I would love to have these since I am only going to be able to spend 1 day at MK and IOA. Can you give me some advice on where to get them. They will work great for my 1 year old and 7 year old. Thanks in advance
Fast pass is available at Winnie the Pooh ride, Buzz Lightyear and splash mountain. You insert your ticket into the fast pass machine and receive your ride time on these rides.
Keep in mind that you can only hold one FastPass at a time and can't get another until the first one's used.
Unless they have changed since August, you can do the following though...

If your fastpass time is 11:00, at 11:01 you can then get a FP for the next thing you want to go on. Then go to the ride you have the FP for and ride it. By the time you get done with that ride you are already less than 2 hours away from the next one. We weren't smart enough to figure that out right away so here we stood for 20+ minutes even in the FP line for Splash Mtn and then didn't get our next FP until after we came out.


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When you approach a ride that offers FastPass, you will see a large overhead sign for FastPass. It will list the wait time for "standby" (getting in line without FastPass) and nearby, a sign points the way to the FastPass ticket dispensers. So you don't need to get anything ahead of time.

When we see that the wait time is longer than 20 minutes, we take a FastPass. If we know we'll want to ride it twice, we take a FastPass and get in line even with a short wait. Sometimes, by the time we're done with the ride, the wait has increased quite a lot but our FastPass is ready to use for a second ride right away. :)


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