Everything You Do, CELEBRATE YOU! - Polynesian - Club Level - TPV

we'll be there August 31st - September 21st this year :hyper:

:dogdance: I'm a little embarrassed that I did a little happy dance on the couch. We'll be down about the same time Sept 10-20. So hoping I end up running into you two. I've really enjoyed your joy filled trip reports.
(Books = MK castle, crystal ball = Epcot, plant = Animal Kingdom, hat = Hollywood Studios)


And as a bonus, we got to meet TALKING MICKEY!

Isn't it cool?! Wonder if they'll be doing this for all the characters eventually.


Drunk Mickey?? And the CM behind him is like, "Ugh, Mickey I said wait till after the show to start drinking!" :laughing:

Who needs a shrink when I’ve got you guys?
I’ll reign myself back in.


The line smelled really bad, I’m pretty sure someone had puked.

Ew. Thank God the queues have AC, can you imagine puke mixed with hot Orlando weather?! :crazy2:

That totally does look like a bruise! I would have freaked out too.

But what is the deal with these wrappers?!
Unless we’re being totally dumb, they seem impossible to remove.
We made a bit of a mess trying to cut the cake in half still in the wrapper :laughing:

Yes! I'm not the only one who had trouble. Phew!

Much different weather then when you left that morning!

Very cool that you got recognized! And oh my gosh their costumes are FABULOUS!!! :worship:

(Which is ironic considering the video that surfaced recently… :rolleyes1)

...off to look now...

Okay not finding it. :sad2:

I’m THAT guy that gets THAT shot at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Hey, you're allowed to do it once and only once in each location where cheesy poses occur :thumbsup2

Nailed it.

It was still BOILING hot while we were walking around, so we were ready for an icy cold bus-ride!

Sometimes those buses are just too cold. Well, i'm anemic so i'm cold ALL THE TIME.

As we rolled into the resort I realised I hadn’t done enough research on this little semi-impromptu resort hop, because Coronado Springs has about a billion bus stops.
Ok, like four.
But still.

I've stayed here once and the resort is MASSIVE! I think we stayed in the Casitas which felt far after a long day in the parks but the rooms were really nice.

Agh never noticed!

I lost Hymie for a minute

Hee hee. I seriously laugh every time you do this with his name! :lmao:

e next paid a visit to Pepper Market.

Such a great little place!

But I don’t really know what I’m talking about.


(And as it turns out, this is where we'll be staying this year!)


I can’t believe they still do this t-shirt!!
I had this when I was a kid, only it was a plain white tee.

Are you serious?! They need some new material.

There's my absolute favorite mug, the ones on the right :love: I use it on the weekends when I know I can relax. But now I need to check out those other mugs next time that are hanging. Don't remember ever seeing them!


Not fair, I want to be in a Boma Coma :snooty:


Good girl :thumbsup2 Also, can't believe they serve this brand of beer for free! I for sure thought it would be the cheap beers like Coors or Bud.

Would anyone believe me if I told you I actually lost weight on this trip…?!

Yay! I think the only time i've ever gained weight on a Disney vacation was on one of the cruises. Totally sedentary that entire time :rotfl2:
The hotels are probably what I obsess over the most out of everything at Walt Disney World.
I wanted to visit three brand new resorts that I’ve never been to before. One value, one moderate, and one deluxe.

Sounds like a fun idea. Probably a lot cheaper than staying in them all to test them out!

Here’s plate #1.
Boma knows how to end a meal on a high note!
I had steak, pork and Durban chicken, with all five side dishes.
This was all just from the first buffet station!!!
I’m such a mess.
But no ragrets.



I have seen that film way too many times (if I told you you'd probably die of embarrassment on my behalf) - and he is definitely one of the best parts of it - You do you Scotty P!
Wow, I envy you!!! This looks like the trip of a lifetime! I can't wait to read more!!!!

It was so so great! I still can't believe it was real. I'll cherish the memories forever! :lovestruc

Oh my gosh, that family of Wilderness Explorers is the cutest!

Right?! They were so sweet :goodvibes

Great updates -- thanks for capturing such fun details of the resorts you visited (And also for sharing Jamie's range of amazing facial expressions @ AOA. You've got a keeper there, as if you didn't know!)

Thank you! I love visiting the resorts. Hahaha, he does make me laugh. I love that he isn't too cool to enjoy himself at Disney :goodvibes I sometimes wonder what it would be like if he was a grump and didn't want to go to Disney with me.. :sad2: sadness!

Wait, no. #bomacoma5ever
I recognize and respect your buffet choices. :thumbsup2

Ahahaha 5ever, HOW DID YOU KNOW that's one of my favourite sayings :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Okay, time for a burning question: How do you guys power through jetlag and make it to rope drop (and beyond) the day after your flight??
I did a 7 or 8am AKL rope drop after my first Transatlantic flight to Disney in 2014 and it was seriously life-ruining.
Although I'm about to turn 30 :sad: so it could just be that.

Still, tips/tricks/AHS-related witchcraft appreciated!

Ok, first of all...


...is another one of my favourite sayings.. Can we be friends?! :laughing:

Regarding jet lag - we're usually fine on our way into Disney, it's on the way back that's the issue for us!
So when we land in the USA and it's evening and we're still on UK time, and we've been up since the crack of dawn, it's tough but we just power through. We definitely don't nap!!! It was so hard when we arrived at the Poly because of all the hypnotising Hawaiian music playing :laughing: But we unpack and get some food and go to bed around 9 or 10pm.. so like 2/3am UK time :faint: and then it's easy to get up at 6 or 7am for rope drop!!!
We alway get a night flight home though, and that REALLY messes with us!! I'm a very light sleeper and I don't really sleep on planes.. So we arrive back in the UK exhausted, and it's like 9am! :headache: But yes, as far as Day 1 rope drop, we're usually pretty good at it!

Way late to the party on this

But I have a hugely important (to nobody) revelation for you: the Virgin flight map shows a veritable cornucopia of, erm, notable shipwrecks? (Is that even a thing? I mean, it is to Richard Branson I guess.)

DH and I had a spirited conversation about it on our last trip because when you see a random name and date on your flight tracker, one's first thought is hopefully not "historical sunken ship," so it took us a while to figure out what we were looking at and, when we did, obviously I was like "WHO DOES THAT? WHY, VIRGIN?!"
I'm not the best flier, so my thoughts were more along the lines of "These people also died while traveling over water...how comforting."

Hahahah ANOTHER favourite meme of mine.. please keep posting on this TR :rotfl:But LOL, I honestly never thought much of it, but I've only ever noticed the Titanic.. there's more??!! I only realised it was weird when people here pointed it out! WHY VIRGIN?! It's like they're subtly saying.. "CARE TO JOIN THESE SHIPWRECKS?" Erm, no thank you. :eek:

... WHY.

On that uplifting note, thanks again for your glorious TR. :rotfl:

Hahah you are very welcome! Thank YOU for making me laugh :laughing:

It was super sad when we were there last month to not have this to listen to as we walked through the hub! :(

Oh wow, did you have a fun trip!?! I know I'm sooo sad.. and like I said in the update, I don't even care about the plot of the show that much! It's just hearing those songs.. Waaa :sad:

I HATE...and I do not like to use that word...but I HATE when people take flash photos on dark rides! I can't even! I want to yell at them every time! ...and sometimes I actually do! LOL!

Hahah I KNOW. I can actually deal with one or two flashes here and there. But when a flash ruins a part of the attraction (like this stretching room example), or someone is constantly flashing, or - THE WORST - when someone VIDEOS WITH THE EXTERNAL LIGHT ON (Tower of Terror - September 2014).. then I start to get mad/REALLY mad! :furious:

YAY!!! Our home resort! When are you planning on going? :)

Woo! We'll be there in September :hyper: I'm excited, although I hope the bus transportation is ok?! I've heard mixed things.

Well if I have to...:laughing:


I know!!! IT'S SO CLOSE!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

And the weather?! Snowing one second sunny and hot the next! I AM SO CONFUSED! :faint: :rotfl:

Summers in the UK be like...


:rotfl2: :umbrella:



How very dare you! I don't recall them making a very classy reality TV about Sheffield like our wonderful Geordie Shor----oh wait....nevermind :rotfl:


Hahahah well at least Newcastle is fun, and their trashy show is also fun.. A show about Sheffield would just be people drinking cider in the park and falling asleep on a bench :laughing:



Okay. I am going to make a confession here. I never meet Mickey. Ever. :duck::blush:

How is this even possible. Not acceptable!


Okay, what ever these guys have been drinking...I totally want some! :rotfl:

Godiva liqueur flights :thumbsup2



Bahhahaa perfect.

So it's actually all your fault? Okay everyone need to change that hashtag from #thanksshanghai to #thankskatie :laughing:

:rotfl2: Seriously!!! Don't ever take me to see your favourite Disney show. I'll say that I like it, and it'll get axed within the hour. NOT OK!

Hahahah you really do have the best gifs. How do you do it?!



That video :crazy2: :sad2: :scared:

I know!! So gross. But maybe I'm gross, because if I ever drop a chip on the table, I never even hesitate to eat it. That video made me rethink my entire restaurant manner!

I was thinking about this the other day and I think Coronado is my favourite Mod. If I was going to do a Mod I think I would be CS, or Riverside if CS was full. :thumbsup2

It's really nice!! I'm into it. Riverside will always be my moderate home though :cloud9:

Yay!! Animal Kingdom Lodge!! Less than FOUR MONTHS GIRL!! :hyper: :hyper:

Oh my gaaaaaaad see my private message :jumping1:



Hahahah I feel like this is a fair representation of us :laughing:

But really if you don't finish a Disney meal feeling like that does it even count?! :rotfl:

Omg this year will be tough. Every day - a quick service entree and dessert, a table service entree and dessert, a snack, AND club level offerings.. (again, see private message! :hyper:) oh boy, that's so much food. I'm thinking about hoarding most of my snack credits and just using them at Food and Wine!? 21 Hawaii pork sliders please! :lovestruc

Wait. A. Minute. You fell asleep while Ryan Gosling had his shirt off?! :eek:


I'm so ashamed of myself. What kind of woman am I ??!?!?!

I couldn't help it! @BibbitybobityLu
It's kind of an automatic response for any hetero male anyway.

Course it might be stuck there for a little longer than normal....... :rolleyes2

Oh, and Katie, I'm honestly not ignoring your update.
Read it all right away.... but I need to find time to reply....
and that's going to take more than 1/2 hour which seems to be all I've got of late.

There are no rules here pkondzi. You just keep talk smut to my friends and ignoring me.. it's cool. :snooty:

Heh, just kidding, come and go as you please! No rush here.

You will not be disappointed - I love their breakfast buffet!! We pretty much make a special trip over to the AKL regardless of where we are staying so that we can eat at Boma at least once. During our trip last September, we ate a breakfast and a dinner there! :thumbsup2

Awesome, thanks! Disney buffets are something I always regret not doing more of. I'm looking forward to it :goodvibes

We loved POFQ when we stayed there in Sept. I really love the small and cozy feel of it and the fact that there is a boat to DS! I've never explored Saratoga Springs or Fort Wilderness, but I did part of my horticulture internship at Caribbean Beach. It is larger and spread out... not one of my favorites at all but I haven't been there since 2000 so maybe it's improved a bit.

Oh cool, I'm glad you enjoyed it :goodvibes I like how small it looks too, seems to be quite unique among the values and moderates. Caribbean Beach doesn't really grab my attention either to be honest, I might not get around to it this year but I do want to see it at some point. I guess I always thought that Coronado looked "quite nice" but when I saw it in person I was very pleasantly surprised. So I'll give it a chance!

Look forward to reading more about your trip!!

Thanks! :hug:
Can we be friends?! :laughing:

please keep posting on this TR

First of all: why is there no heart-eyes Dis emoji for me to use right now?!


As long as you're writing TRs, I'll probably be here annoying you and/or your dedicated followers.

For real, I am so honoured to have made the queen of hilarious GIFs laugh!
Summers in the UK be like...


:rotfl2: :umbrella:

That is actually the most acurate weather report ever! :rotfl: It actually snowed for a hot (or really cold) minute today then the weather was like nahhh let's just go really hot again :confused3 WHY UK WEATHER?! WHY?!


Hahahah well at least Newcastle is fun, and their trashy show is also fun.. A show about Sheffield would just be people drinking cider in the park and falling asleep on a bench :laughing:

I would watch that ::yes:: :rotfl:



I know :sad: :sad: :sad:


How is this even possible. Not acceptable!


I'm sorry!! Characters just aren't usually on my radar. I'm usually too busy with rides or let's be honest food! :laughing: BUT I promise this year I will totally make it right and meet Mickey :thumbsup2

Godiva liqueur flights :thumbsup2

I keep having dreams about that!


I cannot wait!! Monorail crawl we be coming for ya!
:rotfl2: Seriously!!! Don't ever take me to see your favourite Disney show. I'll say that I like it, and it'll get axed within the hour. NOT OK!

I don't mind, we can still go the shows I like :thumbsup2

*Note to self don't take Katie to any of the shows I actually like*

Hmmm? What? No I didn't say anything :teeth:



I know!! So gross. But maybe I'm gross, because if I ever drop a chip on the table, I never even hesitate to eat it. That video made me rethink my entire restaurant manner!

That's why I always carry hand gel and never eat off the table :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2:

Oh my gaaaaaaad see my private message :jumping1:

I did! Girl you as almost as crazy as me!! :rotfl: But I wholeheartedly approve of your choice :thumbsup2


Hahahah I feel like this is a fair representation of us :laughing:

Yes, with a little of this thrown in:

:dancer: :dancer:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Omg this year will be tough. Every day - a quick service entree and dessert, a table service entree and dessert, a snack, AND club level offerings.. (again, see private message! :hyper:) oh boy, that's so much food. I'm thinking about hoarding most of my snack credits and just using them at Food and Wine!? 21 Hawaii pork sliders please! :lovestruc



All my snacks are reserved for F&W too! :rotfl:

I'm so ashamed of myself. What kind of woman am I ??!?!?!

Clearly a blind one :sad2:


:rotfl::rotfl: :rotfl:
There are no rules here pkondzi. You just keep talk smut to my friends and ignoring me.. it's cool. :snooty:

I'm so sorry. I need to talk smut with both of you.

Annnnnnndddd.... banned from the boards.

(off to comment now on your update (finally) before the banning takes effect.)
Good morning!

Morning sunshine!

We got up and ready at around 9:45am.

Is this even possible?
I'm too used to going to be around 1am and getting up for the next day at 5am.

We left the room at 11:15 and there was a boat waiting there to take us to Magic Kingdom!
Talk about Disney service!

Ah. So you purchased the VIP bus pass did you?
(Which applies to boats too, of course.)

Here’s our lovely longhouse, on a somewhat cloudy morning.

It's a somewhat lovely longhouse on a cloudy day.

Has anyone who’s visited Mickey at the theatre noticed this before?

Never visited Mickey.
I can't look him in the eye after trapping some of his relatives.

These items on the shelves are meant to represent the four parks!
(Books = MK castle, crystal ball = Epcot, plant = Animal Kingdom, hat = Hollywood Studios)

Cool! Did you notice that on your own?

Ugh. You're so cute. Run away and marry me right now.

Oh, right. You've got a younger and better looking guy already.

Oh, well.
Probably for the best.
Ruby probably wouldn't approve.

(Then again, she might not disapprove.
"I'm running off to marry Katie!"
"Fine. Whatever. Just take out the trash before you go."

So much going on in this photo!
From left to right.

1. Minnie, obviously in mid faint, is about to face plant on the stage.
2. 1st lady in a blue dress has just managed to free herself from Disney servitude and while her hands are still bound behind her back, she's making a break for it. Poor thing is crying hysterically and no one is helping her.
3. First guy with a tie is holding his eye from when...
4. ...Mickey, obviously drunk, whacked him in the eye with his ear.
5. 2nd guy with a tie is holding up...
6... 2nd girl in a blue dress, who's obviously been drinking whatever Mickey was drinking but is in the giggles phase instead of the obnoxious phase. Still needs help standing though.
7. Donald is sleeping standing up. I thought they tucked their bills under their wings when they did that? Whatever.


OMG! You're using all caps! You must be terribly upset!

But you know what, honestly,
I don’t even particularly care for the plot of the show.

So upset about a show that you don't even like!

I’m glad Princess and the Frog will be a part of it, I love that film and its soundtrack.

Finally saw that movie a couple of weeks ago!

Who needs a shrink when I’ve got you guys?

I would've thought you'd need a shrink because of us guys.

We went to Memento Mori where Jamie bought his Ghost Host t-shirt for the Halloween party!


Then we used our fastpass at Buzz.
Who’d have thought?!

:sad2: So. Shocked. For reals. Seriously. Yup.

We defended the galaxy against the evil Emperor Zurg.
Some of us better than others :thumbsup2

Considering the "thumbsup" I assume you won.
And therefore, Hymie pouted.

As we sat down I experienced a momentary panic attack where I thought I had some kind of huge blood clot bruise on my leg…!!!! :crazy2:

:laughing: I thought it was a temporary Darth Vader tattoo that was already half rubbed off.

Today we did something unprecedented; we sat in the gallery!

Only place I haven't eaten yet.
Hadn't planned on it... perhaps I will now.

We both got the turkey sandwich with green beans, as always.
Don’t ever underestimate our ability to be totally boring.

That's okay. I'm the same with the braised beef.
Maybe I'll have the turkey sammie next time to go with the new room.

Probably not, though.

He was upset today though because I got three slabs of turkey in my sandwich, and he only got one.
I gave him one of mine because I know how much protein means to him. I know, I'm great.

You shared your meat?
That's real love.

I guess you really won't dump him for me.

We also split a strawberry cupcake!
Doesn’t it look perfect.


Actually... yes. It does.

But what is the deal with these wrappers?!
Unless we’re being totally dumb, they seem impossible to remove.

Why don't they make the wrappers out of sugar? Why?

When we were in the stretching room, right after “of course, there’s always MY way…”, ie. the most intense moment in the preshow,
SOMEONE TOOK TWO FLASH PICTURES that lit up the room and totally ruined that momentary effect on the ceiling.

Jerk! Too bad someone (come on, Jamie!) didn't take his camera and stuff it up his ask anyone and they'd agree!

We had a fun ride, and the ghosts at the end swapped our heads over!

:laughing: Love that. Freaked out Kay, though.
She didn't want an old dude's head.
I believe her exact words were: "Noooooooooo!!!!!"

On the way out we saw the piano player outside Casey’s.
He’s always worth stopping to watch, even in the heat.


We walked up Main Street and exited the park, and there was a boat right there.

Isn't the VIP bus package so worth it?

The hotels are probably what I obsess over the most out of everything at Walt Disney World.

For me it's the atmosphere and the way I feel totally relaxed and happy.

And the food.
And the rides.

And the food.

As we walked through the upper floor of the lobby towards the monorail I realised it must be a Halloween party night because there were a few people walking around in costumes.

Cool! That must've been fun to see.

Then, as we were waiting to board the monorail, one of the Russells came up to me, and asked if I was Katie from the Disboards!!!

I keep hoping someone will do that to me, but.... probably never happen.

Those costumes are great!

Jamie was really excited too, I don’t think he realised that some people actually read my Disney ramblings! :laughing:


This gift shop has a lot of resort-specific merchandise such as clothing, mugs, flasks etc.
I love that kind of thing.

And the Disney accountants that you for your interest.

(Which is ironic considering the video that surfaced recently… :rolleyes1)

What's this video you mention?
Haven't heard of it.

And apparently you can hear music playing under the water!

Heard about that. I love that idea.

This model of Crush is HUGE!
I think maybe you’re supposed to be Nemo-sized in this section?!

Cool! I bet you're right!

We liked this guy best.


Of course you did.


Yeah, okay. He's a keeper.

I’m THAT guy that gets THAT shot at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
(Yes, I’m being serious. I actually have that picture.)

I believe you.

Jamie took that picture? And he didn't get jealous?


Katie. psssst..... turn around reallll slow.
There's one. Right. Behind. You!

(Unpopular opinion: I kinda like Cars.)

Why unpopular? It was a good movie.

I put together a little video, because we were singing this song from the movie the whole time we were exploring Cars!

Shoot. At work. Later.

Our next stop was Coronado Springs!

I've just heard too many bad things about CSR.
Too big.
Pepper Market too weird.
Too many business people.
I dunno if I'd risk staying there.

This was our first visit to Hollywood Studios this trip, and we were passing straight through!

How could you do that!?!?

Coronado Springs has about a billion bus stops.
Ok, like four.
But still.

Four. One billion. Almost the same thing. Close enough.

Coronado has a large convention center so there were a lot of business people about. We hardly saw any children throughout the entire resort!

I love seeing the kids all excited though.
It's part of what makes me smile at Disney.
I dunno, girl...

Who’s spotted the hidden Mickey in the check in area?! :goodvibes


I'll admit I didn't at first.
I was looking at the print on the wall, not the light.

I lost Hymie for a minute, but I found him crouched down playing with the Star Wars toys :rolleyes2

Just an FYI. That never changes.

They had huge cakes and muffins, and the muffins were just $3!

Did you buy one billion of them?

The gelato looked great too.

I'll take one of everything.

Ha. Ha. Just kidding.

Make it two.

We got a bottle of water from Pepper Market, and I had to be dragged away from smelling everyone’s food.

"Excuse me? Miss? I'm awfully hungry. Could you please remove your nose from my taco?"

An unused hammock and you passed it by?????


Even though we didn’t take a proper look around, Ranchos would probably be my least favourite option at Coronado.
But I don’t really know what I’m talking about.

Ah. Thanks for clearing that up! :laughing:

Jamie said he wouldn’t want to stay here because it is so huge, and if you were placed at the back of Ranchos it’s quite a trek to the main building.

And that makes a huge difference for me.
After staying in another State while at ASMu.... nope.
I'll take close, if I can.
Or at least not stupid far.

An Animal Kingdom bus came along real quick, and Jamie mentioned how lucky we’d been with transportation today.


But just as he said that, the bus drove straight past us as we stood out in the rain.
It was like a comedy sketch :laughing:


We got off the bus and had no idea where to find an Animal Kingdom Lodge bus, so we were dashing around leaping over puddles like crazy people :laughing:

Now that would've made for a fun video!

Although those icy-cold buses aren’t the best when you’re soaking wet!

erp. No. I guess not.

:laughing: Someone doesn't look all that comfortable.

What a beautiful place.

::yes:: AKL is my second favourite Disney resort for theming and overall appeal, just ahead of WL.
(Aulani would be first.)

The resort lobbies usually have a distinct smell, but AKL just seems to smell of food!

I'm okay with that.

We spotted a big fireplace that was calling our names.
We needed to warm up and dry off!

Good idea. Must've felt great.

I can’t believe they still do this t-shirt!!
I had this when I was a kid, only it was a plain white tee.


I so want to photoshop the tiger with Pooh in his mouth.

The gift shop also had an African man making hand-made gifts!

Cool! I remember watching a guy carving in AK.

We couldn’t admire him for too long, because when in Africa, we had to do as the Africans do.

Lightsaber fights.

Yup. Pretty much. There's an epidemic of lightsaber duels happening in Africa right now.
Tragic, really.

Here’s the cute fire pit area :cutie:

That'd be great to sit around with some friends.

I love this building.


Never seen it from that angle.

Oh, wow! Look! Ducks!

Impressive. It's right there, but you can hardly see the fence.

Here are the children getting a better view:



Who am I trying to kid, I joined them up there :laughing:

Of course you did! I would've been shocked if you hadn't!

Boma time!

I was very curious to see what you thought of this.

The smells coming from the buffet were making me drool (staying classy).

Maitre D' approaches: "Excuse me miss, could you please put this on?" (Hands Katie a bib.)

Ok, I’m almost embarrassed to share this meal with you.
But we’re all friends here right?
Well, I had THREE PLATES of dinner,
AND I had an additional plate of pretty much every dessert on offer.

:eek: Holy cow! Where on Earth did you put it all!!!!!



But no ragrets.


Jamie got the coconut elixir


Can’t. Stop. Now.

Will. Burst. Before. Quitting.

Must. Try. Every. Dessert.

Bread pudding, chocolate cake, zebra domes, Mickey cupcake and Kenyan coffee tart.

mmmmmmmmmmmm........ zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebraaaaaaaa dommmmmmmmmmes.

The zebra domes were so tasty, they’re described as “amarula mousse dome covered with a chocolate ganache.”

described incorrectly.
Proper description: "Little spheres of heavenly awesomeness."

I’m quite a fussy eater, but I got to try some new foods without worrying.

I would say you are anything but a fussy eater.
I took the entire family there.
Ruby, Elle and Kay only ate the mac n cheese. :sad2:

On our way through the restaurant I saw a young boy who was literally passed out on the bench with his stomach out and food all over his face.


As we were calling at the Grand Floridian, we saw the Electric Water Pageant alongside us!


Jamie and I were the only ones left on the boat after stopping at the Grand, so the captain offered to take some photos of us on our private cruise!
How nice!

That was nice of him. :)

Hey! You brought a sweater along!
Smart cookie.
So while Jamie was freezing in his wet t-shirt, you were basically pointing at him and laughing while I warm and toasty.

We got back to the Hawaii longhouse at around 9:30pm, and we HAD to look at what desserts were out…

OMG. No. You didn't...

Nope, I just couldn’t do it.
You know you’ve eaten too much when you pass on free brownies.

Oh, thank heavens.
I know... I just know you would've exploded.


What are you trying to do to me, Disney?

:laughing: If you're too full to move, then you have to stay another night, right?

Would anyone believe me if I told you I actually lost weight on this trip…?!
Disney magic folks.


I’ll forever associate HalloWishes with our Poly stay.

Awww.... :goodvibes

It was difficult to get good photos of the fireworks, but it kind of added to the Halloween theme. It was more spooky I guess.


When the show ended everyone down our longhouse clapped and cheered again!
It was so great, I had a huge smile on my face.


Thanks for another fun update, Katie!
Yay! I love all of the new updates! :hyper:

I was tempted to send a picture of this to Mother bear and ask her what she thought of my new tribal tattoo, but I know better than that. :laughing:

If I did this my mother would be on her way to Disney to have a serious discussion with me :rotfl2:

We had a real nice ride, it was really hot today (as evidenced by the melting carrier bag!), so it was nice to feel that PeopleMover breeze.

The PeopleMover is ALWAYS the answer! Whenever we're stuck on what we want to do at MK, we end up taking a spin or two around Tomorrowland on it.

SOMEONE TOOK TWO FLASH PICTURES that lit up the room and totally ruined that momentary effect on the ceiling.

Ughhh... This is the worst. I wish people would understand how annoying flash photos in the dark are. :confused3
There was Lion King music playing too :banana:

I LOVE this! We stayed here once and ever since then I'm reminded of our trip when the score plays on my iPod! :blush:

(Unpopular opinion: I kinda like Cars.)

I don't like Cars, BUT this area of the resort is awesome to explore and take pictures with!

We got a bottle of water from Pepper Market, and I had to be dragged away from smelling everyone’s food.

I feel your pain!

An Animal Kingdom bus came along real quick, and Jamie mentioned how lucky we’d been with transportation today.
But just as he said that, the bus drove straight past us as we stood out in the rain.
It was like a comedy sketch :laughing:


We couldn’t admire him for too long, because when in Africa, we had to do as the Africans do.

Lightsaber fights.


I'm fairly certain it's a Disney rule that you have to have a lightsaber fight in a gift shop at least once every trip! :rotfl2:
we'll be there August 31st - September 21st this year :hyper: we spent so much money on our Poly stay we thought we'd dial it down a bit and book 2 weeks at AKL.. But we were so shocked at how cheap it was we added an extra week on, which totally defeated the point in the end :laughing:

We'll be at AKL Kidani September 9-16th in a 1 bedroom savannah view! Are you staying in Jambo house club level? Maybe we'll see you there! We weren't going to stay there this year, we were going to do the Swan (still are) and then switch to POR (which we also love) but we just had to stay at AKL one more time! I love waking up to those animals outside my window. And Kidani is so peaceful and quiet!

While reading your trip report, I told DH that for my 40th birthday we have to stay at Club Level at the Poly. Then we looked at the price. :scared: Luckily, it's not for another 5 years - start saving!!
First of all, I AM SO THRILLED THAT YOU ARE BACK WITH UPDATES .... wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


HAHA! In all honesty, when I first heard this announcement the first this that came to my mind was "Katie is going to be so upset!"

We both got the turkey sandwich with green beans, as always.
Don’t ever underestimate our ability to be totally boring.
But we love this sandwich, so we have it every single time.

Mmmmmmmm. BOG turkey sandwich, also my favorite and the thing I get EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

When we were in the stretching room, right after “of course, there’s always MY way…”, ie. the most intense moment in the preshow,
SOMEONE TOOK TWO FLASH PICTURES that lit up the room and totally ruined that momentary effect on the ceiling.


WT actual F.

And to make matters worse, one of the pictures was a selfie.
How obnoxious.

WORST! Some people's children. The Haunted Mansion will FOREVER remind me of my dad. When the lights go dark in the stretching room my dad always mad that "mmhahaha" evil laugh in my ear as a child. Even now, every time I ride this ride that's all I can think of.

We got straight on a bus to Coronado.

I've never visited this resort either, but keep meaning to! We'll have to be sure to go next trip!

Although those icy-cold buses aren’t the best when you’re soaking wet!

Terrible feeling! The worst is leaving a water park and getting on those cold buses! We try to drive (when we have a car) to the water parks JUST to avoid this feeling.

Zawadi Marketplace has a lot of fun stuff, I love Animal Kingdom merch.

I LOVE the giraffe and elephant figures they have in this shop. So cute!!!


IT IS TOO REAL. Did you try to peanut soup...to DIE for. I've actually been with a friend and we visited Boma's....he ate SO much that when we were leaving (walking outside to the bus stop) he oh so casually leaned away from me, got sick in the garden and kept walking like it was no big deal! Of course when I stopped and went "ummmmm" he said "What, Boma was just too good to be contained"

I’m quite a fussy eater, but I got to try some new foods without worrying.

Hubby LOVES trying different foods and I am a super plain jane. We LOVE this buffet because it suits both of us and allows me to try a few new things each time without worrying - If I don't like it or am not in the mood for "different" food I resort to the kidz corner, mmmmmm mac n cheese and chicken nuggets!

Jamie and I were the only ones left on the boat after stopping at the Grand, so the captain offered to take some photos of us on our private cruise!
How nice!

Super cute! Love the photos, such a special moment.

I’ll always cherish the memories of watching this show from our balcony :lovestruc

We stayed at the Poly for our honeymoon and watched Wishes from our balcony almost every night. Every time I see Wishes I always think of that special trip - he also proposed during Wishes so it's just all around special! I've never seen HalloWishes, but we will have to get to it!
Just found your trip report and I'm loving it so much! :goodvibes You and your boyfriend look like you're having the best time ever!! I'll be sure to check back for updates. :thumbsup2
My ADR day is a week from today and I keep going back and forth between Boma, Yachtsman, and eating with the rest of the group at Downtown Disney. Decisions Decisions... I am sure it will be a last minute impulse 5AM our time decision :hourglass

OH a week would be today right??! How did it go? ADR day is so much fun when it all runs smoothly.. But SUCH a stress when the system breaks down!

Actually we are already planning our next year trip! When we go this November we are upgrading to AP's, which will expire late Nov 2017. So plan is to hit the last week of October and First week of November (with a few trips in between). Hopefully timing it out just right so we can do MNSSHP, MVMCP and F&W. So when I explain this to my husband (who has no desire to do Disney at all) he thinks I am nuts.

UGH MNSSHP, MVMCP and F&W.. That's a dream trip right there!!! APs are a very good idea, I can't wait for the day I get my first! Maybe you'll end up going between trips too? May as well!!! :hyper:

We liked CBR a lot! We went with a mod that trip just because we were touring in commando style and only using our room to sleep. The theming is gorgeous, with lush grounds and lots of bright colors. The one thing we didn't care for was the large size, although Coronado is around the same size as CBR I think? We were upgraded to a Pirate Room (which was AWESOME by the way!), but it meant that we were about a 15 minute walk to the main lobby, which can be tough if you need to fill up mugs a lot, etc. But I would definitely check CBR out, it has such a tranquil feel to it!

Sweet! I'll have to check out CBR some time for sure. Haha that's funny that you were upgraded to a pirate room :laughing: I clicked on your TR in your signature to see if there were any kids with you... I love the idea of just you and your mom sleeping in pirate beds :lmao: Mind you, for mine and Jamie's first trip we stayed in a royal room at POR so I can't really laugh! Also, I'm going to read your TR :teeth:

WOW! That's a lot of money for a savannah upgrade! I am in the exact same boat as you, I would rather pay for other amenities besides a good view!

BAHH girl. Jamie totally paid for the upgrade again :sad2: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: - like literally the day that I wrote that out to you :rotfl:After I called Disney we were both like "noooo that's ridiculous." But later that night he was just like "I just KNOW I'm going to be disappointed if we get a car park view, and others have a giraffe view.." I'm still the same as you though, there's no way I would pay for that upgrade. But if that's what he wants to do with his money, I'm not going to complain..!! :lmao:

Cool, our dates overlap! 3 WEEKS AT DISNEY?!?!?!? Omg, I'm so jealous!! ::yes::

WOOO cool! I've opened up your PTR to read :goodvibes

I love your pictures from AoA :love: i stayed there last September. It is such a great resort, the theming is on point!

Omg Boma looks super delicious, I am making that a must due for my next trip and ill be sure to pack my fat pants!

I loved AoA! Which section did you stay in?

Boma was SO good I really recommend it! It's not your average Disney buffet, there's a lot of unique foods :goodvibes

Hahaha fat pants, reminds me of Joey wearing Phoebe's maternity pants:



I'm a lurker.....love your trip reports. Last year's got me ready for my vacation and this one is helping with passing the time until our visit in September.

We always plan on visiting AK when we know it is going to rain. It's is the best for animal watching. We found this out on our 1999 trip when a tropical storm hit Orlando. We ended up having our own truck and no-one in the truck in front or behind us. The driver kept stopping so we could 'ohh and awww' and at how playful the animals were.

Hey thanks so much! And :welcome:

That safari in the rain sounds great! I'll be heading straight to the safari if it looks like it's about to rain again for sure ::yes::
Thank you for reading!
OH a week would be today right??! How did it go? ADR day is so much fun when it all runs smoothly.. But SUCH a stress when the system breaks down!

ADR day wasn't fun at all. The system was super glitchy! I think when they changed over the Fastpass+ reservations to booking 7am EST it messed with the system plus all of us "Free Diners" trying to make ADR's was an overload! Luckily I got everything we wanted, but that took over an hour online. :badpc:
I too am enjoying your trip report. My family and I will be down in mid September as well, super bummed about dinosaur being down during those dates. It was bad enough that BTMRR will be out, if anything else gets added I might just throw a giant man hissy fit. Keep up the entertaining report, it is helping pass the time until I get back home.
Girrrrrrrrl.. I'm struggling to cope!! :sad: Right?! It's ALWAYS on, I think I saw/heard it every day I visited MK this trip. SADNESS!! I can hardly listen to the soundtrack now, it makes me emotional knowing it's gone! :sad2:

I can't believe it... UGH!
It's going to be weird not seeing and hearing it the next time I go!!

Speaking of the next time I go (and this is exclusive news HOT of the press)... the next time I had booked to go back was September 2017 which made me sad because even though I've already been this year it was in Janaury so that's just a MASSIVE disneyless gap (except for DLP in Sept but SSSSSHHH)... WELL I was home in Dublin at the weekend and...... WE JUST BOOKED TO COME SEPTEMBER!!! AS IN THIS SEPTEMBER!!!!!


I actually think our trips will overlap! We're going 27th August - 4th September, staying mainly in AKL Kidini Village!!!!!!

Eeeeee you're excitement has just made me EVEN MORE excited for AKL!!! :hyper: I can't wait to toast some marshmallows, we've never done that before, but I love that big fire pit and seating at AKL :lovestruc :cloud9: That's awesome about the bridge, I'll check it out for sure :goodvibes And yep yep, Sanaa is booked!!! Yeah I am a fussy eater.. People highly recommended Sanaa and Jiko in my last PTR, but I was hesitant.. Well now that we're staying there, and we have free dining, I may as well give them both a go! And I feel much better after enjoying Boma, I'm sure I'll enjoy it. YES bread service is happening!!! And I already picked out the butter chicken when I checked out the menu (oh wow you know me so well) - I haven't picked my second yet.. maybe the braised beef. GAHH I can't wait!

NOW I'M EXCITED FOR ME TOO!!!!!! Rachel is super excited to toast marshmallows!!

I've already booked Sanaa... I've never booked a trip within the 6month window before so I don't even know where to start with reservations! Where are you going??! I need inspiration!! I'm thinking AKL will be great to take advantage of the late night AK opening... Considering the package with tuskar house with reserved seating...

You can also get butter chicken with butter chicken... it's that good!
:dogdance: I'm a little embarrassed that I did a little happy dance on the couch. We'll be down about the same time Sept 10-20. So hoping I end up running into you two. I've really enjoyed your joy filled trip reports.

Haha! Awesome! Please say hello if you see me :wave: Where will you be staying? Eeep not long now!! :hyper:

Isn't it cool?! Wonder if they'll be doing this for all the characters eventually.

That would be fun! I don't remember what went through my head as a kid when most of the characters were silently jumping around :laughing: this would definitely be less awkward for parents who have to explain this to their children :laughing:

Drunk Mickey?? And the CM behind him is like, "Ugh, Mickey I said wait till after the show to start drinking!" :laughing:

Seriously. At least one character is always wasted during DAWM. Someone always ruins my photos :lmao:

Ew. Thank God the queues have AC, can you imagine puke mixed with hot Orlando weather?! :crazy2:

Thank you kindly for putting this thought into my head. o_O

Yes! I'm not the only one who had trouble. Phew!

Haha glad I'm not the only one! The wrapper just doesn't come off, and you can't cut through it, whenever we're sharing a cupcake we end up with a heap of cupcake mush, held together by a very sturdy wrapper :laughing:

Very cool that you got recognized! And oh my gosh their costumes are FABULOUS!!! :worship:

It was fun! My first Dis-meet :goodvibes And the costumes made it even better, especially because we'd literally pointed them out beforehand, like "look how good they look!"

...off to look now...

Okay not finding it. :sad2:

Try googling "Art of Animation mop" ... :crazy2:

I've stayed here once and the resort is MASSIVE! I think we stayed in the Casitas which felt far after a long day in the parks but the rooms were really nice.

I hear you girl. Walking for miles to your room after a long day at the parks isn't ideal :sad2: booking a preferred location room is probably the best way to avoid that.

There's my absolute favorite mug, the ones on the right :love: I use it on the weekends when I know I can relax. But now I need to check out those other mugs next time that are hanging. Don't remember ever seeing them!

You're adorable :cutie: I always think about getting a little Animal Kingdom mug, I really like the designs. If I get one this year at AKL it will remind me of you now :goodvibes

Not fair, I want to be in a Boma Coma :snooty:

Every day that I'm not in a Boma Coma is a sad day indeed.

Good girl :thumbsup2 Also, can't believe they serve this brand of beer for free! I for sure thought it would be the cheap beers like Coors or Bud.

Sweet! I don't know much about beer, it's nice to know they weren't serving us filth :laughing:

Yay! I think the only time i've ever gained weight on a Disney vacation was on one of the cruises. Totally sedentary that entire time :rotfl2:

This is understandable, and excusable. It is never OK to restrict your food in a Disney environment :goodvibes

Sounds like a fun idea. Probably a lot cheaper than staying in them all to test them out!

Yes for sure!! Now I'm totally comfortable with the idea of booking Coronado if the occasion arises. I now know it's not dreadful, and actually very nice :goodvibes

I have seen that film way too many times (if I told you you'd probably die of embarrassment on my behalf) - and he is definitely one of the best parts of it - You do you Scotty P!

Hahaha "No regrets? Not even a single letter?" :lmao: He is so good! I don't remember what he says but it made me laugh so hard when he got his feelings hurt and looked like he was going to cry :rotfl:
First of all: why is there no heart-eyes Dis emoji for me to use right now?!

I knowww, these will have to do :lovestruc :love:


As long as you're writing TRs, I'll probably be here annoying you and/or your dedicated followers.

Back at it again with posting my favourite things :laughing: Posting Michelle Tanner and all of my other favourite sayings is certainly not something that would annoy me :thumbsup2

For real, I am so honoured to have made the queen of hilarious GIFs laugh!



That is actually the most acurate weather report ever! :rotfl: It actually snowed for a hot (or really cold) minute today then the weather was like nahhh let's just go really hot again :confused3 WHY UK WEATHER?! WHY?!

Haha well UK, I guess that was it huh?!


If I had a conversation with Tom Hiddleston, I would look at him the exact same way the Cookie Monster does.

I'm sorry!! Characters just aren't usually on my radar. I'm usually too busy with rides or let's be honest food! :laughing: BUT I promise this year I will totally make it right and meet Mickey :thumbsup2

YOU SHOULD! He talks and everything. And he's very approachable and easy to talk to.

"Hey Mickey! I like your outf-"


"...ok sure."


I don't mind, we can still go the shows I like :thumbsup2

*Note to self don't take Katie to any of the shows I actually like*

Hmmm? What? No I didn't say anything :teeth:

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I'm sorry ok!!

I did! Girl you as almost as crazy as me!! :rotfl: But I wholeheartedly approve of your choice :thumbsup2


I knew you, of all people, would approve :thumbsup2 :laughing:

Is this even possible?
I'm too used to going to be around 1am and getting up for the next day at 5am.

You need to take a longer, more relaxed trip :goodvibes

Never visited Mickey.
I can't look him in the eye after trapping some of his relatives.


See my comment above to Lu.

Cool! Did you notice that on your own?

I definitely read it somewhere else, I'm not sure where though. I'm not sharp enough to notice these things by myself :laughing:

Ugh. You're so cute. Run away and marry me right now.


Oh, right. You've got a younger and better looking guy already.

Oh, well.
Probably for the best.
Ruby probably wouldn't approve.

Oh, erm, right, yeah.

So much going on in this photo!
From left to right.

1. Minnie, obviously in mid faint, is about to face plant on the stage.
2. 1st lady in a blue dress has just managed to free herself from Disney servitude and while her hands are still bound behind her back, she's making a break for it. Poor thing is crying hysterically and no one is helping her.
3. First guy with a tie is holding his eye from when...
4. ...Mickey, obviously drunk, whacked him in the eye with his ear.
5. 2nd guy with a tie is holding up...
6... 2nd girl in a blue dress, who's obviously been drinking whatever Mickey was drinking but is in the giggles phase instead of the obnoxious phase. Still needs help standing though.
7. Donald is sleeping standing up. I thought they tucked their bills under their wings when they did that? Whatever.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:It's like a clip from The Sims!

OMG! You're using all caps! You must be terribly upset!


So upset about a show that you don't even like!

:rotfl: I realised that as I was writing it. I just love the soundtrack so much!

Finally saw that movie a couple of weeks ago!

What did you think?? If Ray wasn't your favourite character I don't even want to know.

I would've thought you'd need a shrink because of us guys.

Some of you more than others :rolleyes1

Why don't they make the wrappers out of sugar? Why?

This would make my entire life so much easier.

Jerk! Too bad someone (come on, Jamie!) didn't take his camera and stuff it up his ask anyone and they'd agree!

:rotfl: that saying reminded me of this...

For me it's the atmosphere and the way I feel totally relaxed and happy.

And the food.
And the rides.

And the food.

All of the above.

And the food.
Especially the food at the hotels.

Those costumes are great!

I know!!! We pointed them out even before they spoke to us!

What's this video you mention?
Haven't heard of it.

Google "art of animation mop" :crazy2:

Why unpopular? It was a good movie.

I know it's fun! I really like Owen Wilson's voice too, I find it very soothing, so that adds to the appeal for me :goodvibes

I've just heard too many bad things about CSR.
Too big.
Pepper Market too weird.
Too many business people.
I dunno if I'd risk staying there.

WHY would you think Pepper Market sounds weird??? It sounds GREAT. You are crazy.

Four. One billion. Almost the same thing. Close enough.

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, don't exaggerate!"

I love seeing the kids all excited though.
It's part of what makes me smile at Disney.
I dunno, girl...

Girl you are so correct. :laughing: I agree, it was strange.

"Excuse me? Miss? I'm awfully hungry. Could you please remove your nose from my taco?"


An unused hammock and you passed it by?????


We did sit in it briefly, but it was VERY wobbly! Not as comfortable as it looks, when you're just worried about tipping out of it :laughing:

Ah. Thanks for clearing that up! :laughing:

This meant, "this is my opinion, but my opinion is literally worth nothing because I didn't even visit the area properly, so please don't base your potentially once-in-a-lifetime trip plans around my waffling." :lmao:

::yes:: AKL is my second favourite Disney resort for theming and overall appeal, just ahead of WL.
(Aulani would be first.)

Ooooh I must go to Aulani some day. You lucky being you. :beach:

Yup. Pretty much. There's an epidemic of lightsaber duels happening in Africa right now.
Tragic, really.


Maitre D' approaches: "Excuse me miss, could you please put this on?" (Hands Katie a bib.)

Accurate, again.

:eek: Holy cow! Where on Earth did you put it all!!!!!


mmmmmmmmmmmm........ zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebraaaaaaaa dommmmmmmmmmes.

sooooooooooooo goooooooooooood.

I would say you are anything but a fussy eater.
I took the entire family there.
Ruby, Elle and Kay only ate the mac n cheese. :sad2:

Oh dear, haha!! Money well spent :rotfl2:

Hey! You brought a sweater along!
Smart cookie.
So while Jamie was freezing in his wet t-shirt, you were basically pointing at him and laughing while I warm and toasty.

Natural selection :thumbsup2

Thanks for another fun update, Katie!

Thank you for reading darling pondzi!


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