Ever been diagnosed with addonitis?

I was recently diagnosed with Addonitis when we were buying an another 160 points, only 2 months after the additional 200 points we got in December :oops: . I was told that points are fun and just let nature take its course, only 440 to go till I join the 1000 point club!! :cool1:
It’s apparently rather contagious. My wife and I have been passing it back and forth for at least 8 years now. As soon as one of us gets over it by looking at the annual dues statements, the other decides we need more at a different resort. Then the cycle begins again.
My spouse diagnosed me with this today. At this point I feel he is a professional qualified to make this dx. I am hopeful for a quick cure but January is too far away.
I've had it 3 times, each time it was cured by the traditional method. My last infection was in 1996, and since then I have been addonitis free.
Do tell. I am anxiously seeking the cure!
I've had it 3 times, each time it was cured by the traditional method. My last infection was in 1996, and since then I have been addonitis free.

I'm hoping this will be me after I find a small VGC contract. I don't want anymore infections after that!! (The dues would kill me, ha!)
What cured me was moving to Florida. Added on quite a bit back in the early 2000's, but purchased a home in central Florida in 2010. Within a couple of years managed to shrink from 600 points to 210.
The existence of this kind of off-ramp is what makes me feel comfortable adding on at this point
I am grateful for our points and trips that we take annually, however, because of the current housing market, I do have a greater awareness that our DVC ownership interest has impacted the size and location of our next home. Saving more, rather than spending on add-ons, before the market changed would have been wiser.
That's a good point. I was adding up what we've spent on DVC the last year and yeah...it's a lot.

We've had future plans of a huge backyard renovation that will have a large price tag. And I was thinking about how because of DVC, that project is definitely getting pushed a couple years. I mean, I don't regret it, by any means, because I'm excited about DVC and our upcoming trips. But the reality is that if definitely effects others aspects in our life. And it will keep up from adding a lot more in the future, I think.

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