Escape from Gringotts just.... meh

Universal has pretty much always been the "movie" side of the park, and IoA is the "actual ride" side. IoA has always been where we spend 80% of our park time, as the only ride we really love at US is the Mummy. I'm sure we'll flip and spend more than half our time on the US side next trip (5 weeks!) so we can check out Diagon Alley and Gringotts, but my heart belongs to IoA.
We love both parks but I prefer the Studios. My favorite themepark ride is the mummy and I love Men in Black, the Simpsons, Despicable Me and the shows Gruesome Horror Show and the Blues Brothers. IOA does have better food, Dr Seuss and Spidey though. :lovestruc
I feel that people are misunderstanding the underwhelmingness (word?) of this ride that it is bashing the 3d screen rides... No... To the contrary.. I personally am disappointed that Universal has once again managed to hype everyone into a frenzy ie..advertising a:. "Harry Potter Theme Park" "Harry Potter Land" and then open a small themed area. (one new ride - FJ). This time the advertising showed an incredible roller coaster ride. And what we got was quite different. (I foresee them removing the lap restraints on this ride soon, not needed).
It's not whether or not you like certain types of rides, it's simply false advertising!
I love the carousel of progress, but Disney doesn't bill it as some sort of crazy thrill ride.
And whoever said that TSMM is just a 3d ride. WOW, really? Soarin and TSMM are both so much more than just 3d movie rides. I'm sorry Universal fans, The imagineers still have the upper hand on theming, design, and technology.
I feel that people are misunderstanding the underwhelmingness (word?) of this ride that it is bashing the 3d screen rides... No... To the contrary.. I personally am disappointed that Universal has once again managed to hype everyone into a frenzy ie..advertising a:. "Harry Potter Theme Park" "Harry Potter Land" and then open a small themed area. (one new ride - FJ). This time the advertising showed an incredible roller coaster ride. And what we got was quite different. (I foresee them removing the lap restraints on this ride soon, not needed).
It's not whether or not you like certain types of rides, it's simply false advertising!
I love the carousel of progress, but Disney doesn't bill it as some sort of crazy thrill ride.
And whoever said that TSMM is just a 3d ride. WOW, really? Soarin and TSMM are both so much more than just 3d movie rides. I'm sorry Universal fans, The imagineers still have the upper hand on theming, design, and technology.

Actually the only false advertising going on is with Disney and SDMT which shows in the commercial going MUCH faster than it actually does. They also show a working Yeti in their commercials STILL after 8 or 9 years if it being broken down.

So TSMM isn't a 3D screen based attraction...please, tell me what else you see in the attraction besides a few painted walls??? Soarin' has no 3D in it at all...are you sure you've visited the parks, or are you just trolling?
I'm sorry Universal fans, The imagineers still have the upper hand on theming, design, and technology.

... and I'm sorry... but that is, at best, just plain wrong. All three counts.

I feel that people are misunderstanding the underwhelmingness (word?) of this ride that it is bashing the 3d screen rides... No... To the contrary.. I personally am disappointed that Universal has once again managed to hype everyone into a frenzy ie..advertising a:. "Harry Potter Theme Park" "Harry Potter Land" and then open a small themed area. (one new ride - FJ). This time the advertising showed an incredible roller coaster ride. And what we got was quite different. (I foresee them removing the lap restraints on this ride soon, not needed).
It's not whether or not you like certain types of rides, it's simply false advertising!
I love the carousel of progress, but Disney doesn't bill it as some sort of crazy thrill ride.
And whoever said that TSMM is just a 3d ride. WOW, really? Soarin and TSMM are both so much more than just 3d movie rides. I'm sorry Universal fans, The imagineers still have the upper hand on theming, design, and technology.

Universal may have taken some atristic license with advertising for the ride. If you look at the commercial you can see that it's footage of the film. Of course Disney has never done that type of "false advertising" in one of their commercials.

When was the last time you stood up during the Tower of Terror.

Or had scenery 360 degrees around you on Soarin'

And I don't remember the Gargoyle's moving or character's flying all around in New Fantasyland.

Or mickey waving from the top of Spaceship earth. (on my nieces first trip to Epcot she really expected to see Mickey up there waving)

Also, just because some of us call Soarin' or TSMM 3d movie rides doesn't mean we don't like them. I like both of them (although I don't think they are worth the wait without a FP). From a pure ride standpoint, Soarin' and Simpsons are basically the same except in Soarin' your feet dangle and you move more in the Simpsons. But in both cases you "fly up" into an Imax sized screen to watch a movie. You may like the content of one over the other but that doesn't change the heart of the attraction.
I personally am disappointed that Universal has once again managed to hype everyone into a frenzy ie..advertising a:. "Harry Potter Theme Park" "Harry Potter Land" and then open a small themed area. (one new ride - FJ).

I fail to see how any ads for this ride differ at all from "Come check out the all new Carsland at the Disneyland Resort. Where is Universal portraying this as anything but that??

This time the advertising showed an incredible roller coaster ride. And what we got was quite different. (I foresee them removing the lap restraints on this ride soon, not needed).
It's not whether or not you like certain types of rides, it's simply false advertising!

How would you have had Universal advertise the ride? I assume that had they showed images of the actual coaster cars moving on the track you would also be upset because that would have also portrayed that the ride had roller coaster elements? Should it have been portrayed as a dark ride? I can't see an alternative they would please you.

WOW, really? Soarin and TSMM are both so much more than just 3d movie rides. I'm sorry Universal fans, The imagineers still have the upper hand on theming, design, and technology.

This is one of the most ludicrous statements I have ever heard. I love Soarin' as much as the next guy, but let's not lie about what it is. If there ever was a ride that is SOLELY a screen-based attraction with absolutely NO theming to go along with it whatsoever, Soarin' is it. Soarin' is literally nothing more than a film-based-ride.

I mean, you ride "experience" on that attraction basically amounts to walking into a warehouse filled with steel where you are strapped in and lifted up in front of a screen… magical.
those of us who really want to know what gringotts is like, what it does to you, etc. wish this thread would get back on track ;).

start a new thread comparing (or arguing about) who does better rides, disney or the darkside.

I know threads take on a life of their own.
I feel that people are misunderstanding the underwhelmingness (word?) of this ride that it is bashing the 3d screen rides... No... To the contrary.. I personally am disappointed that Universal has once again managed to hype everyone into a frenzy ie..advertising a:. "Harry Potter Theme Park" "Harry Potter Land" and then open a small themed area. (one new ride - FJ). This time the advertising showed an incredible roller coaster ride. And what we got was quite different. (I foresee them removing the lap restraints on this ride soon, not needed).
It's not whether or not you like certain types of rides, it's simply false advertising!
I love the carousel of progress, but Disney doesn't bill it as some sort of crazy thrill ride.
And whoever said that TSMM is just a 3d ride. WOW, really? Soarin and TSMM are both so much more than just 3d movie rides. I'm sorry Universal fans, The imagineers still have the upper hand on theming, design, and technology.

I am a Disney lover at heart - have stayed on site at DW Deluxe hotels, Deluxe Dining -- three ten night stints in the last 7 years – was a signature away from buying a DVC membership.

Here now at Universal, first time, staying at HRH for 8 nights. Just did Gringotts this am twice (been here 4 days) -- see thread “7/16 Gringotts this morning” for my update on getting there early. Our family, arguably average fans of HP; by no means huge fans of HP.

Here are my quick observations -- will post more -- we're still on vacation --- not much time to post. :thumbsup2

Gringotts ride --- if this doesn't impress, then I don't know what can impress a person. I loved it. My wife and son liked FJ a little more -- but they were still blown away by Gringotts. My daughter and I were blown away with both FJ and Gringotts. Gringotts attention to detail – incredible!

Diagon Alley -- I say this with a heavy heart. We have spent a great deal of time there over the past few days. Disney World and the rest of the Universal park - can't hold a candle to the immersive experience of DA. In a word it's 'spectacular'.

I will always love Disney World - but DA, especially in the evenings -- is untouchable. I am blown away by the experience, the detail, the whole story, the shopping, the shows, the ice cream, the depth of detail, the back alleys, .... the everything.

I don't say this lightly. Add in the Hogwarts Express -- it raises the bar to an entirely new level that I doubt Disney can challenge.

I said this to my wife – again with a heavy heart. Can the Disney imagineers make something as technically interesting? .... certainly without question.

Bottom line – Disney doesn’t have the most important ingredient – they don't have the content or story that is as beloved as the HP series of BOOKS and movies.

That's going to be the key. There were kids and adults, TRUE HP fans, fans of the story, wiping a tear from their eye, as they walked around exploring DA. When I saw that – I said, it’s over. Not Star Wars, and certainly NOT Avatar is going to evoke such passion. The depth and breadth of the HP story, and passion that comes with it --- movies will never eclipse the loyalty / engagement of a book --- cannot be overcome by flash. You can recreate the ‘flash’ and technical wonder --- but never the depth and breadth of the story.

Again I'm not a big fan of HP -- I'm blown away.
The evenings/nights --- dear I say it, 'magical'.

Avatar - will be technically as magical -- but the whole package/story/passion of fans .... no way IMO & therefore never as cool.

I will always love Disney, above all others ... I have drank the cool-aid. But my kids, who were raised on Disney/Pixar etc etc ... this may very well be their Disney -- it's that good.

The Harry Potter attractions, especially Diagon Alley, raise the bar to a whole new level IMO.

Just my 2 cents.
Gringotts ride --- if this doesn't impress, then I don't know what can impress a person. I loved it. My wife and son liked FJ a little more -- but they were still blown away by Gringotts. My daughter and I were blown away with both FJ and Gringotts. Gringotts attention to detail – incredible!

First off, thank you for your post. Just because I only quoted this part doesn't mean I didn't read the rest of your post, which in my opinion, was pretty much spot on.:thumbsup2

For me, the problem with Gringott's was the lead-in to the ride. It was better. Going through every part of the que was just so mind blowing. Combine that with the immersion of DA, the ride just left me thinking, "That's it?" Maybe I was let down because of the anticipation.

You mentioned the Hogwarts Express. That was pretty cool the 1st time we went on it with no wait. But it really isn't something I'd wait for more than just a few minutes. It felt more like set piece than an attraction.

Those on this board know me as being almost as big of a Universal fan as a Disney fan. But to answer your question on how someone can not be impressed with Gringott's, sometimes less is more. Soarin' I don't think belongs in this discussion, because it's just not that great of an attraction. But I look at the elves (or trolls) in the bank and I see that Universal is clearly capable of creating some amazing AA's. Screens, eh....Just doesn't do it for everybody.
First off, thank you for your post. Just because I only quoted this part doesn't mean I didn't read the rest of your post, which in my opinion, was pretty much spot on.:thumbsup2

For me, the problem with Gringott's was the lead-in to the ride. It was better. Going through every part of the que was just so mind blowing. Combine that with the immersion of DA, the ride just left me thinking, "That's it?" Maybe I was let down because of the anticipation.

You mentioned the Hogwarts Express. That was pretty cool the 1st time we went on it with no wait. But it really isn't something I'd wait for more than just a few minutes. It felt more like set piece than an attraction.

Those on this board know me as being almost as big of a Universal fan as a Disney fan. But to answer your question on how someone can not be impressed with Gringott's, sometimes less is more. Soarin' I don't think belongs in this discussion, because it's just not that great of an attraction. But I look at the elves (or trolls) in the bank and I see that Universal is clearly capable of creating some amazing AA's. Screens, eh....Just doesn't do it for everybody.

In fairness, my wife, who is neither a real Disney or HP/Universal fan (how we remain together is beyond comprehension :lmao:), said that the heavy reliance on screens for Gringotts (that and lack of a feel of 'danger' with FJ) is why she liked it a little less than FJ.

Again that being said, she was quick to agree that Disney, and even the rest of the rest of the Universal park can't hold a candle to DA. She's more level headed than I am :scratchin ... but she was truly impressed with the entire DA experience. Will likely be there tonight to do some more exploring. :goodvibes
Universal may have taken some atristic license with advertising for the ride. If you look at the commercial you can see that it's footage of the film. Of course Disney has never done that type of "false advertising" in one of their commercials.

When was the last time you stood up during the Tower of Terror.

Or had scenery 360 degrees around you on Soarin'

And I don't remember the Gargoyle's moving or character's flying all around in New Fantasyland.

Or mickey waving from the top of Spaceship earth. (on my nieces first trip to Epcot she really expected to see Mickey up there waving)

Also, just because some of us call Soarin' or TSMM 3d movie rides doesn't mean we don't like them. I like both of them (although I don't think they are worth the wait without a FP). From a pure ride standpoint, Soarin' and Simpsons are basically the same except in Soarin' your feet dangle and you move more in the Simpsons. But in both cases you "fly up" into an Imax sized screen to watch a movie. You may like the content of one over the other but that doesn't change the heart of the attraction.
Don't forget the fuss on the other forum over the ads that made the new dwarves ride look like it was really flying.
Diagon Alley -- I say this with a heavy heart. We have spent a great deal of time there over the past few days. Disney World and the rest of the Universal park - can't hold a candle to the immersive experience of DA. In a word it's 'spectacular'.

I will always love Disney World - but DA, especially in the evenings -- is untouchable. I am blown away by the experience, the detail, the whole story, the shopping, the shows, the ice cream, the depth of detail, the back alleys, .... the everything.

I don't say this lightly. Add in the Hogwarts Express -- it raises the bar to an entirely new level that I doubt Disney can challenge.

I said this to my wife – again with a heavy heart. Can the Disney imagineers make something as technically interesting? .... certainly without question.

Bottom line – Disney doesn’t have the most important ingredient – they don't have the content or story that is as beloved as the HP series of BOOKS and movies.

That's going to be the key. There were kids and adults, TRUE HP fans, fans of the story, wiping a tear from their eye, as they walked around exploring DA. When I saw that – I said, it’s over. Not Star Wars, and certainly NOT Avatar is going to evoke such passion. The depth and breadth of the HP story, and passion that comes with it --- movies will never eclipse the loyalty / engagement of a book --- cannot be overcome by flash. You can recreate the ‘flash’ and technical wonder --- but never the depth and breadth of the story.

Again I'm not a big fan of HP -- I'm blown away.
The evenings/nights --- dear I say it, 'magical'.

Avatar - will be technically as magical -- but the whole package/story/passion of fans .... no way IMO & therefore never as cool.

I will always love Disney, above all others ... I have drank the cool-aid. But my kids, who were raised on Disney/Pixar etc etc ... this may very well be their Disney -- it's that good.

The Harry Potter attractions, especially Diagon Alley, raise the bar to a whole new level IMO.

Just my 2 cents.

You are so dead on with this. I can't believe Disney is expecting something like Avatar to compete.

It won't. The end.
The member who started this thread just wants to stir the pot. If you notice...the thread activity lags and then the OP says something that just sparks it up and keeps it going. The old adage says, "you can expect rational behavior out of irrational people." I think that everyone should stop replying.
I can't wait to see DA for myself this October. My 17yo son grew up with Harry, wanted to BE Harry when he was 5. The books and movies are just so imaginative, creative and just have a way of putting a reader or movie watcher right there with Harry. I don't think my son remembers a time before Harry. So Harry holds a large part of our memories and my son's childhood.

Walking into Hogsmeade for the first time was so exciting for us, I had tears in my eyes. We were so thrilled, and are just as excited to see what UO did with Diagon Alley. I have no doubt that it will be phenomenal!

Just the pictures make me think that there is no way we will be disappointed.

And I don't think that Avatarland will evoke anywhere near the same response....
The member who started this thread just wants to stir the pot. If you notice...the thread activity lags and then the OP says something that just sparks it up and keeps it going. The old adage says, "you can expect rational behavior out of irrational people." I think that everyone should stop replying.

They're stirring the pot because they have a different opinion than you? I agree with them. Am I stirring the pot?
First off, thank you for your post. Just because I only quoted this part doesn't mean I didn't read the rest of your post, which in my opinion, was pretty much spot on.:thumbsup2

For me, the problem with Gringott's was the lead-in to the ride. It was better. Going through every part of the que was just so mind blowing. Combine that with the immersion of DA, the ride just left me thinking, "That's it?" Maybe I was let down because of the anticipation.

You mentioned the Hogwarts Express. That was pretty cool the 1st time we went on it with no wait. But it really isn't something I'd wait for more than just a few minutes. It felt more like set piece than an attraction.

Those on this board know me as being almost as big of a Universal fan as a Disney fan. But to answer your question on how someone can not be impressed with Gringott's, sometimes less is more. Soarin' I don't think belongs in this discussion, because it's just not that great of an attraction. But I look at the elves (or trolls) in the bank and I see that Universal is clearly capable of creating some amazing AA's. Screens, eh....Just doesn't do it for everybody.

Yeah, why are there so few true AAs anywhere at Universal? Disney parks are brimming with AAs. The only ones I've seen at Universal are the sorting hat, Imhotep (love that one) the T-Rex, and, uh...I'm sure there are a couple others :confused3

Don't get me wrong, I love Spider-Man and Transformers. I'm glad that Universal has done amazing things with 3D/4D (King Kong 360 at Universal Hollywood is also very well done). But after the great mix of elements that they put into FJ, it's a bit of a let down to learn that Gringotts is mostly 3D again (and yes, based on the concept art, I did expect that the new ride would be some kind of coaster).

I could be wrong, but I feel like they already pushed 3D/4D about as far as it will go. So it's time to do something else?

Granted, I haven't had a chance to ride Gringotts yet. But I wouldn't be totally shocked if I end up preferring 7DMT. I love an old-school ride which uses modern tech to create impressive effects. That was certainly how I felt when I rode Radiator Springs Racers for the first (and second, third, fourth) time.


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