Epcot parking?

Parking is on the north side of Epcot, with the main entrance near Spaceship Earth (the Epcot ball).

Road access to parking is direct from northbound World Dr (eg if you’re coming from US-192), or from Epcot Center Blvd (from I-4).
Just follow the signs to Epcot. It is well marked, though a smartphone with GPS can also be handy when driving around WDW.
Just follow the signs to Epcot. It is well marked, though a smartphone with GPS can also be handy when driving around WDW.
For going to any of the big 4 parks, everything's very well marked. For going to one of the hotels, water parks, or other attractions, I would definitely recommend the smartphone GPS. Couple years ago I stayed at a Best Western out by the intersection of 27 and 192. I wanted to go to WinterSummerland Minigolf. The GPS took me in one of the "side" entrances that I never would have found or figured out on my own. (Still had to park at Blizzard Beach next door. The tiny minigolf lot was full.)


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