Easter vs. End of August


<font color=FF3399>I've discovered I don't need to
Jul 10, 2001
Wow this Disney stuff is very addicting, I just got our first ressies done and now I'm planning how to use next years points!!

Here's the dilemma. We either want to go at Easter or End of August 2003. My parents will be joining us for the week we are there. If we go at Easter they will go the week before we arrive.
How busy will that be? Will they enjoy their stay or will they be overwhelmed with huge crowds?

If we go the last week of August they will stay for the extra week in Sept. (I can't, darn those school calendars). However my Dad really doesn't like the heat or crowds (great combo for Disney huh?) and I really want them to enjoy the vacation to the fullest.

So I guess the question is which is best and why? :confused:
Wow, tough choice! If your father doesn't like heat OR crowds, he's going to have to decide which he'd rather put up with. Easter is notoriously one of the MOST crowded times of year at WDW. The end of August is probably the hottest. We went Labor Day weekend this past year and crowds weren't bad AT ALL! Plus, if you're on-site (and with DVC I assume you will be) it's easy to take breaks during the day.

So the decision is Easter = crowded, but good weather or August = hot, but good crowds. You may also consider that around the end of August is typically when they reduce park hours. If you go during Easter, it'll be crowded but the parks will be open much later. If you're the type of folks to stay up late, it may be worth it as it gets less crowded the later it gets.
pat, haven't been there during easter but the crowds at the end of august are almost non existant.
I'd take my chances with Easter, the August heat is miserable. Maybe you could go for a few days before or after Easter and the crowds might not be so bad.
Easter: weather is usually close to perfect with little rain; crowd for the two weeks surrounding Easter is humongous (popular rides get sustained lines, meaning all day and evening, of 1 to 2 1/2 hours; Test Track goes to 3 hours).

Late August: crowd is about 40% of the size of the Easter crowd -- a huge, huge difference. Extremely hot (you can sweat sitting still at midnight) and you usually get a couple of thunderstorms in the afternoon to evening.

We have been there many times over the years at Easter and we finally just reached the point that we could not stand the crowds anymore and thus now go in summer (late or early).
I was thinking that perhaps the crowds would not be so large the full week before Easter (before the school break) that my parents could enjoy the climate and the parks. I figured that Easter weekend and perhaps the Friday before Easter as well may be really crowded, but we would be able to go back to the 2BR at either VWL or BWV and get a break. My parents don't travel much though, so I want them to be able to see things and enjoy themselves. I JUST DON'T KNOW!!!:confused:
Originally posted by patsal
I was thinking that perhaps the crowds would not be so large the full week before Easter (before the school break) that my parents could enjoy the climate and the parks

But the trick here is you're dealing with multiple school breaks around the country. They all tend to be a little different, but MOST tend to be right around Easter - either the week before or after. So folks who don't want to take their kids out of school, but want to avoid the summer heat, will go at this time. This makes for a LOT of people all trying to go during a very short timespan.

Luckily, we're childfree and can go whenever we like! Our preferred time is October as it's beautiful weather and light crowds.

If weather is the larger concern, Easter is your best bet. But if crowds will truly be an issue, it's definitely NOT one of the better times to visit.
Ditto to the above. US spring breaks are spread through March and the first half of April but the large majority of schools still have them either the full week leading up to Easter or the full week of Easter. In other words, those huge Easter crowds last almost two full weeks; so don't go at that time expecting lighter crowds the Monday to Thursday before Easter or the Tues to Friday after. You will see many say the crowds aren't that bad during that time and many say they are intolerable; but those impressions are a difference in fortitude and not crowd size. The fact is that the two Easter weeks are the two most crowded weeks of the year along with Christmas week.
Originally posted by WDWguru

Luckily, we're childfree and can go whenever we like! Our preferred time is October as it's beautiful weather and light crowds.

Furthermore, I believe the Food/Wine Festival takes place at Epcot around that time frame. + pts on stays are cheaper. Personally, I loved to go in early December, less crowds plus you get all the holiday events. Unfortunately, DW is in school now.
Thanks for the ideas and advice. I think I'll just show this stuff to my Dad and let he and Mom decide which they prefer. If they decide on neither I'll just help them plan thier trip without us ( boo-hoo:()

I don't know how I ever managed berfore this site!:jester:

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