DVC'ers who have children & how they use their points?


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2005
We're seriously looking into DVC but I'm struggling with how we're going to do this because we tend to go to WDW during the times our kids have off from school. It appears that we will need more points for those time periods as opposed to going in the "off seasons"

I don't know what to do. We would most likely stay in a studio and the most would be a 1 bedroom.

So is worth it ....could we make it work with our point usuage. We'll be buying either 160 pts or maybe 200 if we can. Or is DVC just not for us right now? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks! You all have been so helpful on here!!
If you plan to go to WDW at least every other year and if you usually stay in either mod or deluxe on-property hotels, then yes, DVC is a wonderful option.

We have 3 little ones and we LOVE DVC because of the extra space and the washer/dryer and the kitchen....all of these are so helpful when traveling with kids.

I would definitely suggest a 1 BR though....a studio won't feel much different than a regular hotel room. We initially did great with our starter contract of 150 points....we just avoided Friday and Sat. nights.
We only travel during school break times because of our 3 children and the fact that DH & I are both educators. It has worked well for us. We bought because a regular hotel room didn't work well when there are 3 children - we needed the option of a 2BR. We have never regretted our purchase. We initially bought 200 pts. and have since added on twice for a total of 300 pts. With banking and borrowing and not always staying for 7 straight nights (avoiding either Friday or Saturday) we make do. We also like to visit HH & VB and tend to hit those during our fall breaks when points aren't so high. We've also used the member cash discount for weekend nights at those resorts to make our points go a little further. I would probably suggest if you can swing it for 200 points to go ahead and do it now. You will likely want to add-on and points only cost more as time goes by.
Late August and early June are lower point times. We usually go in late May/early June for the cheaper points and our son is out of school.
I think 160 - 200 points would be enough if you plan to stay in studio accomodations (depending on how long you intend to stay and at what time). 1 bedroom is quite a bit more points. You should check out the points charts that are available on this website.

I have only 60 points and just made my first reservation for 4 nights during ds's spring break (magic season) next year. I am supplementing that with 5 nights before it at Pop Century. I plan to add on, but until I have all the points I need, I think supplementing the time with value resorts will work for us.
We have 4 kids, so we need 2 bedroom villas. We bought 150 points to begin with and later added 50 more. We just went in July at OKW for 5 nights (150 points) and will borrow to go at Spring break to BWV (250 points). Then, in July of 2008, we are going to borrow (our use year starts in June) 150 points to stay at OKW again. This is a little out of the ordinary for us, and I will not have points again for awhile :eek: . But, in the past, we have gone during school breaks, sometimes only staying 4 nights during peak seasons and 5 nights in the summer. I never book Friday or Saturday because of the points, and we just stay at the value resorts or off property on the weekends. I think you should be fine, especially if you can stay in 1 bedrooms or studios.
When we purchased DVC, we made sure we got enough points to cover Christmas/Easter week for a studio (there are only 3 of us). This way we knew we had enough points for when my dd's school was out. I didn't want to stress about Fri and Sat, paying cash, switching resorts, etc, so to purchase enough points for high season is the decision we came to.
We're seriously looking into DVC but I'm struggling with how we're going to do this because we tend to go to WDW during the times our kids have off from school. It appears that we will need more points for those time periods as opposed to going in the "off seasons"

I don't know what to do. We would most likely stay in a studio and the most would be a 1 bedroom.

So is worth it ....could we make it work with our point usuage. We'll be buying either 160 pts or maybe 200 if we can. Or is DVC just not for us right now? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks! You all have been so helpful on here!!

What sort of accommodations do you usually book now? If you are happy with the whole family in a room at a Value Resort, DVC isn't going to make a lot of FINANCIAL sense (although it could make a lot of EMOTIONAL sense).

If you are currently booking Moderates, the answer becomes "maybe."

If you are currently booking Deluxes - and go at least every other year, then the answer is PROBABLY.

Since times when school is out means higher room rates for cash stays, the more points thing is pretty much a wash.

(try www.mousesavers.com for a pretty good analysis on if DVC is for you).
We have 4 kids, so we need 2 bedroom villas. We bought 150 points to begin with and later added 50 more. We just went in July at OKW for 5 nights (150 points) and will borrow to go at Spring break to BWV (250 points). Then, in July of 2008, we are going to borrow (our use year starts in June) 150 points to stay at OKW again. This is a little out of the ordinary for us, and I will not have points again for awhile :eek: . But, in the past, we have gone during school breaks, sometimes only staying 4 nights during peak seasons and 5 nights in the summer. I never book Friday or Saturday because of the points, and we just stay at the value resorts or off property on the weekends. I think you should be fine, especially if you can stay in 1 bedrooms or studios.

You sound like me. I also have 4 kids and need a 2BR. We have 175 pts and are borrowers not bankers. We stayed BWV preferred view for 5 nights in August 200pts and will be staying BWV 5 nights std view during Easter Break 220 pts.
Thank you so much everybody. I'm thinkin we might try and swing buying the 200 pts instead of the 160 to help out with needing more pts in our situation.
We're seriously looking into DVC but I'm struggling with how we're going to do this because we tend to go to WDW during the times our kids have off from school. It appears that we will need more points for those time periods as opposed to going in the "off seasons"

I don't know what to do. We would most likely stay in a studio and the most would be a 1 bedroom.

So is worth it ....could we make it work with our point usuage. We'll be buying either 160 pts or maybe 200 if we can. Or is DVC just not for us right now? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks! You all have been so helpful on here!!

Yes, you'll need more points to stay during the busier times (typically when the kids are out of school).

But keep in mind, resort rates are higher during those times too.

So, in the end, it's likely at LEAST a wash between the two (and, from the data I've looked at, it actually leans towards DVC's favor slightly).

We'll be taking our kids out of school for a trip every year. I know that doesn't work for everyone, though (whether it be because of personal decision or school system rules). But, even if we had to travel during the more expensive, busier seasons, DVC still works out to be cheaper, I think, than paying the room rates during those times (all keeping in mind what many of the above posters point out...I'm taking into account staying in a deluxe).
The number of points you will need not only depend on the time of year in which you visit, but also the length of your stay. DW, 5yoDS, and I visit at least every other year and usuaaly go during the cheaper 5 days of the week - Sunday to Thursday. We visit relatives or go to Sea World, etc. on the weekend days and stay at a cheaper hotel care of Priceline.

Going for shorter stays also allows you the luxury of staying in a one-bedroom which is really worth it in my opinion.
We have two kids and have been happy to stay in a studio (we like each other :), our kids are best friends, I'd have never dreamed of getting two hotel rooms anywhere pre-DVC, and DH and I are not used to a king-size bed at home - so a studio is really fine for our family). I'm a teacher, and we travel completely during school breaks.

175 points got us roughly 3 five-night stays in a studio (one of those three trips is to VB or HHI) . Honestly, staying in studios and traveling Sunday-Thursday, we make out like bandits in terms of how much vacation time we get for the money. We added on to 275, and now we'll be able to add one 5-night in a 1-bedroom plus a short three-night "get-away" to HHI if we choose.

One great thing. IMHO, about DVC is the flexability. We're using more points to take my parents this year, and we've switched it up to do 12 consecutive nights :cloud9: . It's really an issue of personal travel style and family dynamics. If you are happy staying in a hotel room when you vacation, you'll be happy in a studio. If you really hate being in a single room and want a bigger unit with private bedrooms and bathrooms for everyone, you'll need more points or a different time-share.

We've been a very happy family on all of our DVC trips. :hug:
Another parent with 4 kids here--while we could technically fit in a deluxe hotel room (little guy's still in a crib), it would be a REAL tight squeeze. So, we bought DVC last year, and are eagerly awaiting our first trip "home".

We can no longer take our kids out of school--oldest is in MS and on the "advanced" track. Plus, she does XC in the fall, possibly other sports, which have practices and can affect travel times, especially as kids get older.

Here was our logic on points: We wanted to get enough points to go to WDW every other year for one week, in a 2BR, even in the worst possible season. We bought a 240 point contract at BVC on the resale market, which fits the bill.

Of course, for our trip next year, we can go in late August, which isn't prime time, so we're "forced" to go for 11 nights instead of 7. Oh, the trauma! But our needs are likely to evolve as our kids get older.

If you know your family is going to stay at 4 members, and you don't mind studios, your numbers will be a lot lower than ours. And of course, adding on is always a possibility. Making judicious use of weekday rates works well for some--we didn't want to have to worry about that, only because airline tickets and the work of schlepping 4 kids anywhere makes it much less appealing. It truly is a personal choice based on your circumstances.
We have one daughter (3.5) so this thread is one that I am interested in. So far we have been able to travel during the lower point times, but we know at some point we will have to follow the school calendar.

We have 150pts at SSR, and with borrowing we should be fine. I am not sure that we will be going every year once she is in school, so we will have to determine what our vacations will be once she is older.

We should have our DVC paid for in another 2 years, so it is possible we would add on if we continue to go as often, and have to go during higher pt times.

One thing is for sure - the 1 bedroom is a must have. One of the reasons we joined DVC was for the deluxe accomodations, so we really dont want a studio unless nothing else is available.

Thanks for the info
AKL 6/2003
FW 6/2004
FW 7/2005
POR 11/2006
You have gone every year for the last 5 years :). That says to me that you would be a good candidate for DVC. You will end up spending more on DVC than at FW or POR, but you will be getting a much nicer place :).

I think you could swing a week in June/July for 200 points, especially if you switch off between a studio and a 1-bedroom. A savanna view studio is 135 points and a savana view 1-bedroom is 268 points for mid-June. Go in early June (like you did this year), or select a value or standard view or book at SSR or OKW and you'll save some points.
We bought 150 points then added on another 30 points when we could afford too. I would like to add on again since I borrow all the time but I'm waiting for the CRV.

160-180 gets us 6 -7 days in a 1 bdrm at the boardwalk in a standard view room depending when we go. We usually go in Feb around Presidents day, however, we usually go to Florida and stay 2 weeks (my mom lives there so we stay a week with her) so we usually go the week before or after presidents week. The week before is cheaper. this year we are coming in on a Tuesday night and will get 4 nights at the lower rate before the points go up.

We bought at the BWV for several reasons. #1 was that I absolutely LOVE it there, but also because you can book standard view rooms for lower points.

Another thing you could do is book the OKW resort. The rooms are bigger and the point value is the lowest. The BWV standard view rooms are the next best value then SSR.

Good Luck with your decision and remember that you can borrow for awhile until you don't have any more points left (like me ) and just have to do an add-on. :rotfl2:
6 n in a studio at SSR in July would run you 94 points - a full 7 n week is 123 points at SSR. 6 n in a one bedroom in July would use 189 points. A full week in a std. view studio at AKV would use 110 pts in July or 99 points during the 2nd half of Aug. And as another poster said, OKW uses even less points - only 98 pts. for a full week at the end of Aug or early June. I would get a minimum of 200 points if it's feasible if you would like to try to squeeze in 2 trips / yr. because this way you COULD! You could also alternate and do one year in a studio, bank the remaining points and then go to a larger unit the following year.

We started out this past year with 250 points and I'm already itching BAD to do an add-on at AKV - we saw the models in Aug. and they're just gorgeous! Good luck with your decision!:goodvibes
Being an educator, all of my trips have to be during breaks. And it does work. Planning carefully can get you the accomodations that you want. Studios are really fine. I like having the washer/dryer but I still like studios. I bring an electric skillet when I can if I feel like doing some cooking. OKW is great for studios because they have 2 beds.

Good Luck in your decision!
We live about 1.5 hours from Disney World and make about 6 trips per year, using 300 pts. Most of our trips are 2-4 nights and we often incorporate one five night trip in September.

Our three kids are 8, 6 and 2 and we homeschool. This provides quite a bit of flexibility. We usually go in off-peak times and typically stay in a 1 bedroom.

As homeschoolers, Disney has been fabulous for us. The kids were studying Colonial times last year, so we incorporated some time on a trip to Epcot's American Adventure at World Showcase and MK's Liberty Square. This year the kids are studying space, so I've already started planning some time at Epcot's Innoventions, Imagination and Mission Space.

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