DVC Rental Store to rent my points

They typically respond with booking details rather quickly. Obviously if it's after hours it won't be immediate but still shortly after they open. However, I made that post in January and things have changed since then somewhat. To be honest, I didn't even know they still maintained a list that could be seen without logging in but I see that link still works. All the listings via that link are 7 month listings though. Have you created an account/login with them? If not, that's likely the reason you haven't received a response.

ETA: Their site has changed since then and that's the old version. Again, I didn't even know they still published listings there for members. If you click this link it explains that you have to create an account at their member center here.
We got it all squared away. The first one a claimed was not available, but the second they responded within 5 minutes.
I used them to rent some our points this fall. They were great. We had a renter set up, then they canceled at the 30 day mark but DVC Rental had a new renter to take it. it was a huge relief.
I do know that you can call them to ask any questions, I did.
Rented two sets of points with Daves last year and couldn't be happier with the experience. Not, DVC rental store, but thought the data point is useful.
We got a fair price and no hassles.

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