DVC... for sale by owner (FSBO)?

6% of $250,000 is $15000. 10% of 15,000 is $1,500. 6% of 15, 000 is $900. The realtor fee is usually divided four ways when you sell a house, the selling agent and company each get 1.5%, the buying agent and company each get 1.5%. So the higher cost to sell a timeshare reflects the amount of work the agent does to sell it.
On the 4 contracts we have been in the only one which seemed expensive was our first contract and that is because it was a 25 point contract. We wanted to try out DVC without a big commitment but when I look at the cost for those points (and what it will cost us in fees to sell it) it seems like a lot.

On our most recent (biggest) contract the fee was such a small percentage of purchase price that it doesn't seem to be a big deal.


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