Dumb question... Where do I get the vacation planning video..

Cindy B

<font color=blue>Have taken some furniture polish
Oct 8, 2000
Looked on the site and did a search under video (big mistake!) and planning video, vacation video, and what I was looking for didnt come up...

I know there was a number on the commercial a while back, but silly me, forgot to write it down...

Any info is appreciated.
You can also call 1-888-U-ESCAPE.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Roller coaster king

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Carefull...because the marketing department at USO and IOA will be happy to know that it was viewing the video a couple of weeks ago with the kids, that I'm now staying at the HRH in August and getting a 3 day pass!!

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!


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