Dumb question: Can you get on the Monorail on a day when you don't go to the Parks?


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2001
Sorry to ask such a dumb question when I have been around here so much (I should know the answer by now - but I'm mostly on the Community Board).

*** Can you get on the Monorail and go to Restaurants at Disney Resorts on a day that you are not entering the Parks?

**** Also, can you go to Rainforest Cafe at Animal Kingdom without entering Animal Kingdom?

I am trying to decide how many Connections Meal Vouchers to buy.
Use of the WDW transportation system is included in the price of any multi-day admission ticket. It is also "free" for WDW resort guests. That said, I've never heard of anyone checking for tickets or resort IDs on WDW transportation. So yes, you can ride the monorail on days you don't plan to visit the parks.

The RFC at AK does have an entrance outside of the park. You do not need to have park admission to eat there.

Enjoy your trip!
You shouldn't have to pay for parking if you are driving directly to a resort for a meal. Well, you would have to pay $6 for valet parking, if you want that.
Yes, you can ride the monorail w/o going into the parks.

We had a PS at Chef Mickeys on our arrival day last year. We got there early, parked at the Contemporary and rode the monorail to EPCOT and back before our PS. This was a great way to start our trip and get everyone excited for the parks the next day. We even told a CM that's what we were doing, and there was no problem.
Depending on who is working at the toll booth when you go to the Rainforest at AK, you may or may not have to pay to park. Just tell them where you are going. If it is later in the day, your chances are better for getting through free.

As far as the monorail, just park at the Contemporary as busymomof3 said and you can ride all three lines (regular from TTC to MK, resort to MK, and TTC to Epcot). I've done that many times and have never been stopped or questioned. One word of caution, sometimes the Contemporary uses a 3 hour visitor parking pass. I don't know what they will do if you go over the 3 hours or if they are still using those. I have noticed that after September 11, they are asking more questions and looking at ID's closer at the resort guard boths but I still have been able to go anywhere I wanted to without park tickets (except into a park of course).
We ate at the RFC at AK and had to pay for parking. The CM will tell you when making a PS that you will have to pay for parking. Let them know you are just going to eat and maybe they will not charge you, but that is not the usual procedure.
Hi: If you are a resort guest at wdw, do you still have to pay to park, to get into the rainforest cafe at ak for a meal?

You would not have to pay to park if you were staying at a resort, but the inital poster did not say they were staying at a resort. I am guessing they are not since they didn't know if they could use the monorail. If you are staying at a resort you can use all transportation whenever you like.


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