~*~ Dream ~*~ Believe ~*~ Achieve ~*~ (Comments Welcome)

03/12/18 - 03/18/18

I did not make it to the gym once this week! I woke up Tuesday and I think I slept funny. My neck, shoulder and all the way down my arm to my wrist was hurting. I could barely lift my arm above my head. I was okay running though. It took all week taking Motrin, massage & a heating pad to start feeling normal again. I've neglected MFP for another week and forgot to weigh in this morning. I also ate out twice and had ice cream.​
Monday - Rest Day

Tuesday - My first run incorporating strides. They were so much fun and I'm looking forward to my next run with them.
  • 6 miles @ 12:20 + Strides
  • 12:15, 11:52, 11:52, 11:58, 11:57, 11:09
Wednesday - easy run, but I was much too fast
  • 4.5 miles @ 13:11
  • 12:13, 12:01, 12:02, 12:00, 12:07
Thursday - I finally upgraded my old Garmin 220 to the Garmin 645 with music. I had ordered this watch back in January and it finally got to me on Wednesday! There's so many new bells and whistles on it that it's taking me a bit to figure out the menus and get comfortable with it. My 220 used to shut down automatically after I used the workout feature. Not so with the 645. It stopped the workout, but kept running. I didn't realize it until I had gotten back into the house. I also worked in a new pair of running shoes. I've been wearing a cushioned shoe for years, but I wanted to try out something that weighed less for faster runs. I bought a pair of Brooks Launch. They are lighter than my Ghosts and have a smaller drop. They felt weird and awkward at first, but by the end of my run I was very happy with them.
  • 1 mile WU / 4.5 miles @ 10:41 / 1 mile CD
  • 12:25 / 10:34, 10:40, 10:34, 10:28, 10:28 / 12:04
Friday - Rest day. Went to Hollywood Studios with my daughter and had Pho at the Hollywood Brown Derby. Registered myself for the Wine & Dine Half Marathon while we ate lunch!!!

Saturday - I spent the afternoon with the family in Diagon Alley at Universal. I finally got to get ice cream there and it was so good. I had a scoop of Strawberry & Peanut Butter and a scoop of Sticky Toffee Pudding. We bought some Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, but haven't opened them yet.
  • 5 miles @ EB 12:20
  • 12:10, 11:56, 12:02, 11:56, 11:57
Sunday - Blind Run. I'm still not very good at these. I took my daughter to Animal Kingdom for a few hours. We ended the night with Flights of Passage then dinner at Tiffins. I ordered the swordfish and I don't think I'll order it again. It was delicious, but the I didn't care for the cut of fish itself. It was very thin. A person at the table next to me had ordered the same thing and their piece of fish was very thin too. I still highly recommend the restaurant though! My favorite dish there is the whole fried fish.
  • 7 miles @ 11:56
  • 11:45, 11:31, 11:31, 11:20, 11:17, 11:18, 11:05
Blah! Accidently hit the lap button during the last mile on my T pace run today.

In other news.....we are under a tornado watch here in Central Florida.

My first run incorporating strides. They were so much fun and I'm looking forward to my next run with them.
I also like strides! It makes me feel fast and that last mile just fly by!
I love that you registered for Wine & Dine while dining at Disney ... so appropriate!
Looks like you have already ruled out the Lighthouse Loop with your registration of the Wine and Dine, I have done the Lighthouse Loop many times and it is a great course and event. Maybe plan on it some other year in the future.

The bridge at mile 12 is not comparable to the ramps at Disney... much worse!!! At least you don't have to do it twice during the race like several other half marathons in the Daytona area.

Good luck in your training.
Looks like you have already ruled out the Lighthouse Loop with your registration of the Wine and Dine, I have done the Lighthouse Loop many times and it is a great course and event. Maybe plan on it some other year in the future.

The bridge at mile 12 is not comparable to the ramps at Disney... much worse!!! At least you don't have to do it twice during the race like several other half marathons in the Daytona area.

Good luck in your training.

I may do it next year. I was speaking to a woman at the 5K a ran a couple weeks ago and she's run it the last few years. She said that bridge at the end is a killer. That just made me want to run it more LOL!
I'm in need of some book recommendations! I'm starting Ken Follett's Century Trilogy tonight and my poor Goodreads shelf is looking bare. I love historical fiction (like ken follett), traditional fantasy (like lord of the rings, game of thrones) & urban fantasy (like the Fever series). Sci Fi is okay as long as it's not dorky and completely unrealistic. Not really into feel good books, romance or horror.
I'm in need of some book recommendations! I'm starting Ken Follett's Century Trilogy tonight and my poor Goodreads shelf is looking bare. I love historical fiction (like ken follett), traditional fantasy (like lord of the rings, game of thrones) & urban fantasy (like the Fever series). Sci Fi is okay as long as it's not dorky and completely unrealistic. Not really into feel good books, romance or horror.
I really really liked the first novel in the century trilogy. I read more fantasy/sci fi usually. I'm a big Brandon Sanderson fan especially his mistborn series. The court of thorns and roses is an interesting twist on beauty and beast. Its a bit dark but red rising by pierce Brown is an interesting sci fi. I just started the knife if letting go, which is going to be a movie with daisy Ridley, So far I like it.
So perfect that you registered for Wine & Dine while at Disney. :D I had the swordfish at Tiffins, but my cut I thought was pretty decent, but maybe they've started to skimp on the servings.
Hmm ... I'm more of a sci-fi person, so I'm not sure how much help I can be, but ... I really like Lois McMaster Bujold's Sharing Knife series (she writes primarily sci-fi but has a few good fantasy books too).
For sci-fi I really like Jack McDevitt. Most of his books take place in space and deal with aliens, but they kind of do it through archaeology, discovering more about aliens through the things they leave behind. I really like his books, but they might be too out there for you.
03/19/18 - 03/25/18

I did not make it to the gym again this week out of sheer laziness. I hate the drive there and the drive back. I really really really want the equipment here at home. I'm slowly getting my husband convinced it's a good idea. We are thinking of homeschooling our 14yo son next school year via the county's virtual school and getting him a tutor for a few hours a week. He has been in private school for kids with autism and as he gets older it's getting more difficult socially. Most of the high functioning kids move on to public middle and high school which leaves just the lower functioning kids. He is nowhere ready for public high school. He still needs a lot assistance in the classroom. I've had lengthy discussions with the special education department at the local and district level and it is impossible to get an IEP or 504 in place before he starts the school year. We have to enroll him in general education classes, wait for the 1st day of school then request IEP testing. Ridiculous. Anyway, having the equipment at home will make it easier to get weight training in for both of us while I homeschool.
Monday - Rest Day

Tuesday - Made sure to get my run in early due to severe storms moving in. Not so fun fact about living in FL. It's not just the hurricanes you need to be worried about. It's the tornadoes that pop up during stormy weather. Yup, we were under tornado watches and warnings all day and had a really bad hail storm. I accidently hit the lap button during my 3rd T pace mile. I ended up with .89 miles instead. I had a hard time holding a steady pace and ended up to fast...again...
  • 2 mi @ WU + 3 x 1 mi @ 10:18 w/ 1 min RI + 1 mi @ CD
  • 11:57, 12:23 / 10:03, 10:11, 9:52 / 11:51
Wednesday - I'm still struggling with 13:11 even though it's been weeks. It is uncomfortable. We went to Epcot today for Flower & Garden. I need to go back without kids. I didn't get to see nearly as much as I wanted to because according to my daughter it is boring. She also reminded me that I'm a flower and garden killer. Yup, black thumb of death here.
  • 4.5 miles @ 13:11
  • 12:13, 12:10, 12:11, 12:09, 12:20
Thursday - Tempo time! Too fast!
  • 1 mile WU / 4.5 miles @ 10:41 / 1 mile CD
  • 12:26 / 10:22, 10:22, 10:26, 10:22, 10:18 / 11:51
Friday - Rest day. Took the kids to Universal. I wish they sold a Harry Potter only admission. Other than the Hulk Coaster there is nothing I like at Universal besides Harry Potter.

Saturday - Had a great run. Weather was beeyooootiful.
  • 7 miles @ EB 12:20
  • 12:13, 12:08, 12:10, 12:10, 12:02, 12:17, 11:57
Sunday - Another fantastic run. Weather was great and I felt awesome. I'm selling some of my old running gear. Took my hydration belt on my run just to make sure I really want to get rid of it. Yup. It's going. I lost count of how many times I had to stop and make adjustments because it was too tight, too loose, bouncing up or falling down. I also tried Tailwind for the first time today. I'm now a huge fan. It kept me hydrated and fueled without gagging down gels or trying to chew and run without biting my tongue. I tried to get my husband to take it on his 10 mile photography hike, but he's being stubborn. He doesn't think he needs more than water and a protein bar in his weekly 4-5 hour hike. I went a bit fast in mile 7 when I zoned out from being lost in my Harry Potter audiobook. I also had a run in with a mastiff that nearly knocked me down after a tween/teen lost control of it.....grrrrrrrr!!!
  • 12 miles @ 11:56
  • 11:43, 11:41, 11:31, 11:44, 11:59, 11:20, 10:56, 11:47, 11:31, 11:25, 11:40, 11:32
I got to practice running tangents. Who thought this sidewalk design was a good idea? It's perfectly straight on the other side of the road LOL!

Solid week!

We actually like quite a bit of things at Universal, but nothing compares to the Harry Potter portions for sure!

That sidewalk is hysterical!!!
Um ... hold up. How can your daughter think that Flower & Garden is boring?
I don't understand kids these days.

Sorry to hear about what's happening with your son. It's rough ... as hard as I'm sure homeschooling will be, it definitely sounds like it's the best option you have. Hopefully your husband will agree to get gym equipment for the house ... that will definitely make the gym & school schedule work better!

That sidewalk is crazy. I think whoever designed it was drunk. Or just having way too much fun ...
There is a sidewalk near us in FL very similar to the one you posted. Rumor has it the sidewalk was designed that way to keep the golf carts from going too fast.
There is a sidewalk near us in FL very similar to the one you posted. Rumor has it the sidewalk was designed that way to keep the golf carts from going too fast.

We have a golf course, but it’s pretty far from where I was. It’s along a subdivision built in the late 80s and early 90s. I think that time frame might have something to do with it!
We have a golf course, but it’s pretty far from where I was. It’s along a subdivision built in the late 80s and early 90s. I think that time frame might have something to do with it!

There's not a golf course anywhere near our place. Golf carts are one of the default modes of transportation in the area, though. You see them everywhere from the grocery store to the bars.


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