Double the Anniversaries, Double the Fun! Jan 2013 PTR | TR HAS STARTED! 2/13

I just followed you over from your TR. I started reading it last night and had to tear myself away, so that I could get some sleep:coffee:. Then as soon as I got to work this morning (I work in a very quiet antique store) I opened up your TR and read until I finished. I have been having a tough day, so it was a bright spot. You made me laugh and go "AWWW" more than once. My husband and I (well, mostly "I") are planning our one year anniversary trip to WDW in Sept. I got some great inspiration from you for things to do and I am thinking about starting my own PTR. My hubby isn't as big of a Disney fan as yours :sad2:, so I definitely need DIS to come to when I am in need of "Disney Talk":mickeyjum. Thanks and I will be checking in on your updates!
Hi, I'm Dani. Remember me? Okay, totally understandable if you don't, considering I've been MIA from the DIS for a whole month! :sad2:

It's pretty terrible on my part, and I'm super sorry. So I don't know if you remember my last post, where I said I was going to go home because I felt sick? Yeah, that turned into a full-blown FLU. :sick: It was pretty terrible and I don't know that I've ever been THAT sick. I eventually ended up in Urgent Care with a temp of 103.7! :scared1: Buuuut I survived, and am fully recovered now, so that's good news!

Outside of that, work has been bonkers because we're still short-staffed. So DIS time is kind of non-existant during the day. I think I sound like a broken record with this stuff, I swear.

BUT! Nothing was going to hold me back from posting here today, on this very day, because...

WE'VE HIT THE 7 MONTH MARK!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana:

Okay, some of you are probably thinking, "Big whoop, 7 months, you still have more than half a year to go before your trip!" And some of you know EXACTLY why I'm super excited about the 7 month mark.

This meant that this morning, Matt could call DVC and see if we could switch over from Old Key West to Beach Club Villas.

I normally wouldn't be worried about it, since last year we were able to get a studio at BCV 4 months out from our trip, but this year because we're going over the MLK Jr. weekend, I got myself a little freaked out that we wouldn't be able to get the 2 studios. Plus, BCV fills up FAST, no matter what time of year it is.

Anyway, unfortunately... when Matt called, they couldn't get us into BCV for the entirety of our stay...

But ONLY because I guess you can only book up to a week, so basically they could book the first week of our trip, but the final 2 days we have to call back to change over.

Strange, but I don't care because umm, we are officially going BACK to Beach Club! :cool1: Our home away from home! :love: And I am beyond thrilled! I think Matt is going to call them again on Wednesday to book our final 2 days of the trip, but yeah! I knew I had to update because we are now not only officially booked, but we are booked at our favorite favorite resort! :yay:

Outside of that, there have been minor rumblings around here of a possible weekend trip to... DISNEYLAND! It's VERY VERY early in the works and we're not talking about it furhter until after Matt's birthday (because if we go, it's going to be a birthday trip for me), but I have never been to Disneyland so it would be amazing to go!

SO! This actually may become a DOUBLE PTR if we end up deciding to go to Disneyland, as well! :yay:

Outside of all of that, I've been working on collecting Vinylmation. It really is an addiction! I think I have somewhere close to around 100. :scared1: I promise I'll post a photo of my collection at some point soon, if anyone is interested. :thumbsup2

I can't wait til our trip starts to get closer and we can do things like make ADRs and start planning! It's been hard to update when nothing is going on, but things should start to pick up over the next 7 months, and I CAN'T WAIT!!

Now, I'm going to work on responding to all of you guys now, because it's BEYOND overdue! :)
Hi Dani,
We've missed you, but totally understand! We knew you didn't abandon us!
CONGRATS on getting the Beach Club!!!! OMG, you must be soooo excited!

Sorry about your Flu :( that must have been awful...

p.s. did you ever frame that pic of you and Matt...the shadow with the Mickey ears?

EDIT - how did I forget that you might go to DisneyLAND!! that would be soooo awesome!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
AHHH! I love Rizzo!! I just wrote in my TR yesterday, I think, about our family's obsession with Muppets, and I LOVE HIM!

That is a hulk of a car! Very nice!
And congrats on booking. I booked something extra secretive this weekend. I'm trying to finish my TR so that I can start that PTR!:thumbsup2

Rizzo is so funny! I just love him, especially in Muppets Christmas Carol.

And yes, it IS a hulk of a car, but SO nice to have! I need to hear about this secretive trip you have planned! Ugh, I have missed the DIS and hope I can start visiting it way more often again.

Did they have any Sam the Eagle stuff? He's my favorite and I can never find him! :worried:

There was no Sam the Eagle stuff unfortunately! Just these guys. :(

We saw the Avengers this weekend too! DF is a HUGE comic book fan, so it was a must.

I ended up seeing it TWICE because of how awesome it was!! I love that movie so much! Matt is also a huge comic book fan, so we've seen them all, haha.

YAY FOR NEW CAR!!! :yay::yay::yay:
There's nothing like driving a new car. I sold my Saturn before I left NY (I kind of hated that car, we had personal issues) and I got a Mazda 3 when I got out here and I love it. New cars are just more fun to drive.

I LOVE the smell of a new car... and the space of this one! We can even talk to the car! I've never owned something so fancy!

Glad everything is booked for you. I didn't even think of booking at BLT (our home resort) and then switching it. I'll just be calling in June to make reservations at BWV.

Thanks! Yeah, I'm kind of obsessive and would panic if we didn't have SOMETHING booked ahead of time. :rotfl: As you can see, we called and got Beach Club, so we're in good shape now! :) Have you called into BWV yet?

Can't wait to hear about your dining choices, I just figured all mine out over the weekend. WHOO!! Deluxe Dining here we come. We'll be rolling of of the world. :rotfl:

Ahhh I can't WAIT to book ours! You guys are going to have a blast doing Deluxe! Lots and lots of amazing food!

Congrats on the new car!!! I actually meant to say something about it on twitter but I forgot... :confused3

So glad that you booked! Just makes it so much more real. DANG THOUGH. Why did I think January was so much sooner than it is?? Your ADR date is only a few days before my trip! :faint:

Ahhh thanks! No big deal, we are definitely enjoying driving it though!

It does make it way more real... But making the switch today just excited me beyond belief!! BACK TO BEACH CLUB!!! :banana: 7 months seems soooo far, but if we decide to do a trip to Disneyland, then that's always helpful to count down to, as well! YOUR TRIP IS SO CLOSE AND I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!

:thumbsup2Yay for the new Flex, Dani! I've always thought those things were so cool looking! I LOVE it!!! And you surely can't beat the fact that it has lots of room AND came in under budget!!! That's so awesome!!

Awesome, thank you so much! They are amazingly awesome cars and I would HIGHLY suggest it to anyone who is looking for a car with lots of room! Plus, they are super cool-looking!

When I first heard about the Avengers movie, I thought it would be something like Tron, so I had no desire to see it. But, now that I've read all these great reviews, I think it might be something I'd like to see!!

I hope you saw it because it really was terrific!!

I'm loving all the new Disney additions to your very awesome!:banana:

Haha thanks! There has been another one, actually, which I will post here soon. We've also "Disneyfied" our Flex, too. :rotfl:

Oh yay congrats on the new car! I think we will be looking at purchasing a new one by the end of the year. And a Ford Flex is on my list to look at. Let me know how much you love it!! We need something good for the snow, winters can be crazy in NY...

Neat purchases, my bf loves the muppets!

Thanks so much! The Flex has been amazing!! So much room and it drives smoothly; I really can't say enough good things about it! Handle hills amazingly well, too!
Could I ever forget you :hug:??? NEVER!

First of all, the flu sucks, and I'm glad you kicked it's tail. Secondly, WOOT:cool1:! Beach Club! Yeah, it's kind of weird that you have to call back later, but more than likely everything will work out fine, duh!

DISNEYLAND?! Whoa. I am more than a little jealous! I do realize you live a whole country closer that I do, but I want to visit there sooooo badly! I hope that all works out for you!

Also, I STARTED A PTR TODAY:dance3:! Like a few minutes ago, seriously. 88 DAYS! The link is in my siggy. I'd love it if you followed along. Like me! Please like me!:lmao:
1- I definitely just finished reading all of your TR posts, and we were there at the same time! We went for my birthday and then on a whim the next day (Jan 26 & 27), and were in MK the same time you guys were. Don't worry, I'm not creepin' in the background of any of your pictures. I checked. :thumbsup2

Oh awesome! Welcome to my PTR, I'm seriously super excited you popped in over here!! I think it would've been rather awesome if you WERE creepin' around the backgrounds of my photos, hahaha. :rotfl:

2- don't be scared of vinylmation "blind" trading!! I was super hesitant at first when we got a second Lando from the SW series, but most of the time the cast members will ask if there's something specific you're looking for, and let you see that one. If not, they'll ask you to pick a few numbers, and show you which ones were behind those numbers. If you don't like anything, it's the same as pin trading; you're not obligated to give yours up!

I can't WAIT to trade in the parks! So far I've only traded through Instagram and through some Facebook groups, which has been super fun, but I'm looking forward to doing it in the parks! I've got lots of traders to bring with me! :thumbsup2

3- I am super excited to read your PTR because I loved your TR! and we have the same name! +1n for me :] you make me want to do a PTR/TR, even though I live in Florida and we're not going for a "vacation" until next march. haha.

Haha, HIGH FIVE FOR THE SAME NAME! You should so do a TR/PTR! They're a great way to pass the time before your next trip!! :goodvibes

Yeah for booking your rooms!!

Well now it's even better because we are officially staying at BEACH CLUB! :banana:

People at work know me as the Disney Fanatic as well. However they never ask for help planning and then say when they get back they should have asked! I always offer but half the time they don't share they are going till they have come back.

Haha I love it! It's so funny; both my CEO and my CRO have approached me with Disney stories because they know how much Matt and I love Disney parks. I always tell people I'm more than happy to help them plan a Disney trip, too!!

I hope you are able to get your #1 DVC. We will be staying at VWL in October and are excited about it! (well I am, I haven't told my hubby where we are staying!)

We were able to get it, yay! You are going to have so much fun at VWL I bet! I LOVE that resort!

Congrats on the new giant car!!

Haha thank you so much! We love it!!

Having the trip officially booked is so awesome! And two studios- that sounds glorious! We're all bundling up in one on our trip.. cozy! Haha.

It's SUPER exciting! We were lucky that there were some extra points to do the second studio! That normally wouldn't happen! Being cozy isn't a bad thing, as long as there isn't mega amounts of snoring! :laughing:

hey Dani, where do you trade your vinyls, at the disney store? is there a time people get together to trade? I have 4 total, 2 of which I'm not thrilled with!

I have been trading through Instagram, some Facebook groups, and then at my Disney Store! It's been a total blast and I've gotten some really great Vinyls through trading! I can't wait to trade during our next trip!

hi Dani,
Sorry you are sick...hope you are resting and feel better over the weekend.

Ugh that was QUITE a flu I had! Glad I've fully recovered now. :goodvibes Thanks for the well wishes!

One month till you can try to switch to the BCV! I hope you can on your first try!

WE DID! How exciting! I think it had to be all of the good wishes from everyone. :thumbsup2

It will be a busy end of your trip if your in-laws, SIL and niece show-up! YIKES

I'm hoping if we don't bring up our trip to them again they'll just forget about it or show up after we leave. :rotfl:

Dont think I said 'congrats' on the new car!

Thanks! We absolutely love all of the space and the car drives amazingly well! And wait til you see the little additions we made to it. :rolleyes1

I'm a bit far behind - catching up now!!!

Yay for being booked!! And yay for your new car!! How exciting!! :goodvibes

I love all of your Muppets accessories. I agree, they are sorely under-represented in the parks!!

Hope you are feeling better soon!!

Noooo worries! I've been slacking on my PTR, but hoping I'll get better about it here as work maybe gets a little less crazy, or my evenings are a little more available! Lots of exciting stuff happening though, between booking and the car and yeah! Very exciting. :)

Muppets needs more love in the parks! I don't understand it! :confused3
Just catching up! Woohoo a new car! And it's such an exciting time for you guys with planning for children in the next couple of years. I hope you guys are able to get your Beach Club rooms! :goodvibes

Yes, new car and a month later, it still smells like new car! I LOVE IT! It's kind of weird thinking about having kids but yes, VERY exciting! And as you can see, we got our BCV rooms and we are SUPER excited!! :banana:

HEY!! I was wondering where you'd been. Busy is good! I miss work!! The job search has been a little more challenging than I anticipated, oh well...more time to Disney plan and read PTR!:rotfl2:

Haha, I went MIA again, great! I hope your job search has been better! It is tough; but at least you're making good use of your free time! :thumbsup2

I only have 3 Vynalmations, but I love them. Jack, Sally and Zero. Funny enough DF suggested we use them as our cake topper, he's not so into the traditional bride and groom topper. I thought it was a great idea, but I told him we have to put Zero on another layer to represent Chloe.

Haha you totally should do that! We had Wall-E and Eve as our toppers for our wedding:


We'll be calling next month to reserve BWV, I'm hoping that we can get a standard room. If not we'll have to purchase a few points from the one time use bank. Do you know about that? It's new and actually a great idea. It lets you purchase up to an additional 24 points for a reasonable price. Perfect for situations like what we're in where we may be a few points short.

That's really good info to know! I didn't know that you could do that, but if that ever happens now we have another option! Thanks for telling me that!

Dani, I just spent my two days off re-living your trip to WDW. And can I just say, THAT'S HOW YOU DO A TRIP REPORT!

Haha that is EPIC! I love it! Thanks so much for reading it all the way til the end!!

I am sleepy now, because unlike you and the mister, I did not take naps throughout your vacation, I just kept right on reading, only stopping to grab something to munch on. But really, what an amazing time, the Beach club looked like such a treat and you both seemed to have had such luck with transportation (jealous).

Haha, I've SO done that with people's TRs and then been like.. OMG, it's 1am! :scared1: We really adored Beach Club, so much, in fact, that we're staying there AGAIN! And the transportation was absolutely fabulous! I think we lucked out big time!

I learned about some food goodies along the way, some new things to try and experience when I'm there this Sept. You and DH's humor was the highlight of the TR and I loved all of the faces you two made.

Aww thank you! And I'm glad you found some good food options along the way! I learned SO much from the DIS about awesome snacks; otherwise I would've missed out on a lot! And yes, we make ridiculous faces, hahahaha. Glad you loved them!

So of course I am thrilled to hear about this next trip you'll be taking with friends next January. Can't wait for even more details... BRING IT!

Ah I am VERY happy you decided to join! :)

I just followed you over from your TR. I started reading it last night and had to tear myself away, so that I could get some sleep:coffee:. Then as soon as I got to work this morning (I work in a very quiet antique store) I opened up your TR and read until I finished. I have been having a tough day, so it was a bright spot. You made me laugh and go "AWWW" more than once. My husband and I (well, mostly "I") are planning our one year anniversary trip to WDW in Sept. I got some great inspiration from you for things to do and I am thinking about starting my own PTR. My hubby isn't as big of a Disney fan as yours :sad2:, so I definitely need DIS to come to when I am in need of "Disney Talk":mickeyjum. Thanks and I will be checking in on your updates!

Haha, I am so glad you loved my TR so much! And even better, it helped brighten up your day?! I actually read this comment to Matt because it made me really happy! I hope you and your husband have a complete BLAST on your trip! Celebrating anniversaries in Disney is the BEST! I'm sorry your husband doesn't love Disney as much, but you've got the DIS, which is ALWAYS full of lots of Disney fans! :thumbsup2

Could I ever forget you :hug:??? NEVER!

Awww, I'm so glad you commented! This made me super happy! :goodvibes

First of all, the flu sucks, and I'm glad you kicked it's tail. Secondly, WOOT:cool1:! Beach Club! Yeah, it's kind of weird that you have to call back later, but more than likely everything will work out fine, duh!

Yeah, the flu was poop. Seriously, it was terrible. And YEAH, I'm super excited! I don't really know why they couldn't book our full 9 days but yeah, it's bizarre. Not too worried about not getting the last 2 days since they're during a really slow time, but yeah, fingers crossed!

DISNEYLAND?! Whoa. I am more than a little jealous! I do realize you live a whole country closer that I do, but I want to visit there sooooo badly! I hope that all works out for you!

I know, if we can manage to do the trip I would be SO stoked! I can't wait to talk about it more around here, but it would be AMAZING. I forget how close we are to Disneyland, though I am pretty sure it will not compare to Disney World... I still REALLY want to visit. :love:

Also, I STARTED A PTR TODAY:dance3:! Like a few minutes ago, seriously. 88 DAYS! The link is in my siggy. I'd love it if you followed along. Like me! Please like me!:lmao:

Haha holy cow, talk about good timing for me to come back to the DIS then! And uhhh DUH, of course I'm going to follow along and comment up a storm! I am SO jealous that your trip is so close! AHHH!

Hi Dani,
We've missed you, but totally understand! We knew you didn't abandon us!
CONGRATS on getting the Beach Club!!!! OMG, you must be soooo excited!

Haha glad you didn't forget me!! :goodvibes :hug: And I am SO thrilled! It just seems that much more real! :yay:

Sorry about your Flu :( that must have been awful...

It WAS terrible. I couldn't move from bed! :( But I'm better now!

p.s. did you ever frame that pic of you and Matt...the shadow with the Mickey ears?

OMG that's so funny, 2 days ago I FINALLY printed off photos from our trip and framed them... including that one!! I promise in my next update I will include a little photo of our arrangement! Too funny you brought that up since I just hung that photo up!

EDIT - how did I forget that you might go to DisneyLAND!! that would be soooo awesome!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

I know! I would be so excited if we make it to Disneyland! Fingers crossed we can make it work, but so far, it's looking pretty good. :thumbsup2
Yay! I was wondering what's been gOing on with you guys! Im so excited you got the beach club rooms!!! Woo hoo!!!!
OH MY GOSH. You have no idea how excited I was to see you had updated!!!

So sorry to hear you were so sick! I had no idea! Although, I don't know how I would have known... but I don't remember reading about it on here either. I'm glad you're better!

Happy 7 months! Wow, how weird that you can only book for a week! Weren't you able to do more than 7 nights last time??? Very odd. I'm a little confused though, how are yall gonna change it? Do you have to spend two nights at another resort? :confused3

Anyways... welcome back to the Dis! (At least for today... hahaah.) And I would love to see your Vinyl collection. :thumbsup2
Dani!!!! I vaguely remember you!!! ;):rotfl:.

I'm sorry to hear that you were so sick!!! That sounds like it must have been awful - I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better now!

Yay for 7 months!!! And yay for BCV!!! Hopefully you will be able to stay there for the entirety of your trip! And Disneyland would be so much fun too! :goodvibes
Getting that sick isn't fun. I'm glad you are well now. That's great news that you got BCV. Hope you get it the two last day of your stay as well.

Disneyland sounds like so much fun. Hope you get to go there as well :goodvibes
Dani!!!!! I'm on my phone and it is tedious to type but wanted to congratulate you on getting BCV at your 7 month mark!!! Rey and I had some changes and are renting points at AKL!!! First deluxe stay! Anyway, I will catch up with you more when I get back to my computer!
Yay! I was wondering what's been gOing on with you guys! Im so excited you got the beach club rooms!!! Woo hoo!!!!

Yeah, crazy amount of busy-ness going on in this household... BUT WE ARE SUPER THRILLED ABOUT BEACH CLUB! :banana:

OH MY GOSH. You have no idea how excited I was to see you had updated!!!

AHH it really does feel good to be back. I have missed the DIS and definitely have needed it in my life! Glad you were excited to see a post! :goodvibes I was a little concerned I'd lost everyone, haha.

So sorry to hear you were so sick! I had no idea! Although, I don't know how I would have known... but I don't remember reading about it on here either. I'm glad you're better!

Haha yeah, if I were on twitter I think maybe? I think I posted about how I felt really bad about being sick and making Matt go out to get us dinner and Chuck on DVD, hahaha. I'm glad I'm better, too!

Happy 7 months! Wow, how weird that you can only book for a week! Weren't you able to do more than 7 nights last time??? Very odd. I'm a little confused though, how are yall gonna change it? Do you have to spend two nights at another resort? :confused3

Yeah I seriously didn't understand why they'd only let us book for 7 days, it was so weird! Last time when we booked we were 4 months out from our trip, so we could book the whole 10 days since that part of the schedule was completely opened up to booking. You just call and they basically extend your reservation. So Matt called this morning and they just added the final two days to our reservation, and canceled what we had booked at OKW. DVC can be REALLY confusing sometimes, but I've done so much research I'm pretty good with it now, haha.

Anyways... welcome back to the Dis! (At least for today... hahaah.) And I would love to see your Vinyl collection. :thumbsup2

Thanks! I swear I'm going to be around more often. I know I said it before but I am.. especially now we're only 7 months out! AND if I have a Disneyland trip to plan to?! I am going to have to do some serious DIS research because I don't know the first thing about planning a trip to Disneyland. And Matt's only been there I think twice, so we've got our work cut out for us... Buuut I'm not going to get too excited about that trip until we've actually booked some stuff and officially decide we're going. :thumbsup2

Dani!!!! I vaguely remember you!!! ;):rotfl:.

Haha I am not going to lie, I was a little concerned that people would totally forget me/not care about my PTR! I'm hoping people are still interested!

I'm sorry to hear that you were so sick!!! That sounds like it must have been awful - I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better now!

It was so bad. I couldn't move from bed for a day and I was torturing myself by watching some terrible reality show about La La's Full Court Life on VH1. It was terrible. :rotfl: But thank you, I feel a lot better now!

Yay for 7 months!!! And yay for BCV!!! Hopefully you will be able to stay there for the entirety of your trip! And Disneyland would be so much fun too! :goodvibes

I am so stinkin' excited! It's almost becoming more and more real. And I hope we can pull off a trip to Disneyland; it would be way too much fun! Keeping my fingers crossed, and hopefully I can start talking about it here in the next few months! :goodvibes

Getting that sick isn't fun. I'm glad you are well now. That's great news that you got BCV. Hope you get it the two last day of your stay as well.

No, it was bad... especially when you're just sitting at home alone, literally can't move from bed to get yourself water or food, and don't have the energy to even surf the internet. UGH! And yes, I am thrilled about getting BCV! :)

Disneyland sounds like so much fun. Hope you get to go there as well :goodvibes

I know! I really hope we are able to go. It'd be a short trip, which is fine by me since Disneyland seems like a great place to get a little Disney in your life in a short period of time. :thumbsup2

Dani!!!!! I'm on my phone and it is tedious to type but wanted to congratulate you on getting BCV at your 7 month mark!!! Rey and I had some changes and are renting points at AKL!!! First deluxe stay! Anyway, I will catch up with you more when I get back to my computer!

Hahaha you are such a trooper, typing while on the phone! I am so happy you popped in and commented though! I am SO excited you and Rey are staying at AKL; the points thing is such a great deal! I would totally rent points every time because of how great it works out. I saw your BFF trip isn't happening anymore, but just want you to know that I hope you keep updating your PTR for your trip with Rey!! :goodvibes
Guys, can you believe it?! 2 updates from me within such a short period of time... Could it be true, have I really made a return to the DIS? Well, I sure hope so, because I have missed it way too much!

This is going to be a photo-heavy post, mainly because I feel like I need to show off a few things that have been happening in the past few months... that are indeed, Disney-related! Trip-related, maybe not so much, but I'm going to show it off anyway because I know there was some interest!

BUT FIRST! Just in case you were totally freakin' out and on the edge of your seat (come on, who isn't?! :laughing:)... We did indeed get our last 2 days of our trip switched over to Beach Club. :yay:

So yes, we will be spending another 9 glorious days at our favorite resort in the whole wide world, and I could not be more excited...

Matt was talking this morning about how he can't wait to pull up to Beach Club on the Magical Express and walk into the lobby again and to smell that Beach Club smell... It's seriously a magical moment every time.

In fact, I wish I could just somehow capture the Beach Club smell so whenever I feel sad, I can smell it and be happy again. :cloud9:

ANYWAY! Now that that is all squared away, of course, this has to be one of my favorite sights in the world:


No guys, I'm not joking, I quite literally had that window open all day at work.. and I'd keep sneaking a peek at it and get really excited. Granted, we're still 212 days away from our trip, but just seeing that countdown and the reminder about our ADRs made my day!

So yes, very very exciting! Now, I wanted to show off how we Disneyfied our new car... and our other car, too! We knew we needed to added something more to both of them, outside of our Mickey Premium bar and Stitch antennas. So we did a little searching, and find these for our Flex:



How perfect, right?! I mean, Stitch is way too stinkin' cute, and then of COURSE we had to do the Haunted Mansion wallpaper.

But, what about our Pontiac Vibe, you ask? Well don't worry, we didn't forget about that little guy!



More Haunted Mansion, and a little love for the Partners statue. :love:

I also wanted to show off how I FINALLY changed some photos around upstairs, though I kept our 8x10 the same (I just love that photo so much from our honeymoon).. And yes, after so many of you told me to, I framed the photo I took of our shadows that I posted in my TR. :goodvibes


Okay, last part, if you're not interested at all in Vinylmation, you can just skip this, but I just had to show off my collection! I started collecting in early May and oh man, it has become such a fun addiction! It it way too much fun trading with people and I really can't wait to do some trading when we go on our trip!!

I've already gotten a couple of more rare ones (namely, the Up 9", Haunted Mansion Clock, Poncho Mickey and the Bride variant), but yeah, I love collecting ones that mean something to me. It's such a fun hobby!

This is the Bride variant, Limited Edition of 999 (how appropriate, right?!), with the Haunted Mansion clock behind her...


This is the 25th Anniversary for Disney Stores collection. It's super cute and you can put them on a little light up base! I really love this series, especially the Hippo and Buzz Lightyear.


This is a case of some of my favorites I've collected.. OF COURSE there are monorails in there! I'm hoping to get a nice collection of all the monorails that have been released... I've got 2 so far, with a 3rd on the way in the mail through a trade!


Yup, my top shelf display:


This is the latest Villains collection... Chernabog looks AMAZING in this one... as is Smee, Tick Tock, Gaston, and Mortimer..


The middle and left cases have a lot of other random Vinyls I've collected... and yes, there is definitely a Norway Troll in there! :rotfl:


And of course, my Wall-E collection, can't forget about that!


Sooo yeah, it's become a huge hobby of mine and I love it. Getting new Vinylmation in the mail makes it feel like it's Christmas all the time! :rotfl:

Okay, so now you guys kind of have a better idea of what I've been up to the past few months in my free time... Of course you had to know it'd all involve Disney! :rotfl:

I think the next biggest step for planning our trip will be ADRs! We have a list, so I'll go through those OR MAYBE steal Marissa's idea of having you guys guess a few. Don't worry, there will be clues. I love playing those types of games around here; it's way too much fun!

Anyway, time to head up to bed, but hopefully you guys enjoyed this lengthy update. Again, thanks for sticking around with me, it feels so good to be back on the DIS again! I've missed you all so much! :goodvibes :hug:
Yay for BCV for your whole trip!!!! I love looking at that Disney screen too! :banana:

I love your little Disney car stickies!!! Where did you get them???

I can't say I'm really into Vinylmation, but your collection is very impressive!!
Reading along :) I love your Vinylmations collection. I just got an email from Disney Store that they have a sale on some of them today for just $5.00 each, you should check it out to see if there are any you'd need!:thumbsup2
I have to know where you got your car stickers!!! PLEASE!

I am very impressed with you Vinylmations collection. I haven't started collecting them (yet) because I know that I'll become super-addicted. It will most likely happen, though. Same thing with pins. All I need is the word from one of my kids that they're interested and I am all over it!:thumbsup2

So glad you got those two other days; now I can sleep at night;)!
Oh believe me... I get it! I log on to like every few days just to see the number go down... my current number is THIRTY EIGHT. Is that not insane?!?!? Anyways... enough about me hahaha. I'm so glad yall got everything figured out and you get BCV for your entire trip!!! I'll be sure to tweet you if I get to visit Beach Club next month! (And I really, really, REALLY want to duh.)

OH MY GOOD GRACIOUS. HOW and WHERE did you find the partners sticker?!?!?! OMG. Dying.

I'm so glad that you framed that Beach Club picture because I remember the first time I saw it, I literally almost CRIED because it is the sight of perfection. Would you mind if I made it the background of my laptop? Not even kidding.

Your Vinylmation collection is AWESOME. You may have inspired me to start one myself!

Hahahah feel free to "STEAL" my idea! And yeah, I didn't even give any real clues. How mean. Haha! I'd love to try to guess though!
your vinylmation collection is IMPRESSIVE. I am in love with the UP 9". If there was a grabby-hands Smiley I'd totally be using it right now...

the decals are perfect! I've been wanting to slap a few on my car for a while now.

my DBf and I have the same holding hands shadow picture!! it's in my PTR :]

congrats on getting your last couple of days and I can't wait to see where you pick for ADRs!


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