I often use the mail-in ones for vacations. Snapfish is great but I also have used many others. I take the envelopes with me (I fill out the envelopes before we leave) and as I use up film, I drop the rolls in the envelopes and send them off. They are usually back shortly after we get back from vacation and last time we had some that beat us home! For the last few rolls of film that we take at the end of vacation, I make sure I have the envelopes for Wal-mart (where we usually develop our film). I can address them and put the film in and they are ready to go. On our way back from the airport after our Ireland trip in November, we stopped by Wal-mart to drop off the film (I knew I wouldn't want to go out for the next few days) before we headed home. Very convenient.
I know this isn't really a budget tip but I do think its a pretty good one!
You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know.
You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure where you step.
Step with care and great tact, and remember life's just a great balancing act.
--Dr. Seuss