Donald's Defiant Dashers (AKA Triple D's/Duckies/The Ducks) Dashing into 2010

Thanks Tricia, I hope you get your better numbers. I'm guessing mine will remain the same, it makes sense based on my proof. But we'll see.
Hi to all my Duck friends.
I managed a 10.6 mile run today, it was pretty cold and some of the trail still had snow on it, but it felt pretty good. Because of our family Christmas party next week, I won't be able to run over the weekend, so I think I am done with the 10 mile long runs until the WDW half. I'm looking forward to the January trip, it's going to be a nice 5 day gettaway with Stephanie (DD). I have the Feb/March trip all planned. Three nights near Universal and then 4 nights at Old Key West Resort. I will be doing the Dicks Sporting Goods 5K that Saturday we check out to head home. I am also working on a 4 or 5 day solo trip in February just before the franchise national meeting at the Double Tree near Seaworld. I have to get the most use out of my annual pass before it expires in May :thumbsup2.

Hmmm, let me think about that... Um, NOPE! I practically tore my hands up the last time I rode it from gripping onto the metal mesh on the wall!

Let me tell you about my first visit to the Hollywood Tower Hotel, it was 94 and the attraction just opened, Stephi was 3, so she couldn't ride it and Debbie didn't like motion rides :confused3, so she didn't want to go on it. Motion ride? Back then, their wasn't a ton of websites telling everything their was to know about Disney, so I didn't know anything about this new ride. For some reason i thought this was a motion ride, like Star Tours or Body Wars. i mean its Disney, Small World, Peter Pan, etc. surely they wouldn't launch you down an elevator shaft :rotfl2:. I make it through the line and into the basement, pretty cool, once in the elevator they close the doors and I get that feeling we are going up, all I was thinking "it's so cool how they can make you feel like your climbing. The visuals were awsome then the car moved through the room, sweet! Then the feeling of climbing again, these imagineers are really good....then the window opened and I saw how high we were, all I could think was "OH SH...AAAAAAAAAA!!!:scared1:" then back up and did it again. THAT WAS NO MOTION RIDE!"
What a great ride, I like the randomness of the drops, they stopped it during the Summer Nightastic, hopefully it's back.

Have a good week everyone.

Joe :santa:
Let me tell you about my first visit to the Hollywood Tower Hotel, it was 94 and the attraction just opened, Stephi was 3, so she couldn't ride it and Debbie didn't like motion rides :confused3, so she didn't want to go on it. Motion ride? Back then, their wasn't a ton of websites telling everything their was to know about Disney, so I didn't know anything about this new ride. For some reason i thought this was a motion ride, like Star Tours or Body Wars. i mean its Disney, Small World, Peter Pan, etc. surely they wouldn't launch you down an elevator shaft :rotfl2:. I make it through the line and into the basement, pretty cool, once in the elevator they close the doors and I get that feeling we are going up, all I was thinking "it's so cool how they can make you feel like your climbing. The visuals were awsome then the car moved through the room, sweet! Then the feeling of climbing again, these imagineers are really good....then the window opened and I saw how high we were, all I could think was "OH SH...AAAAAAAAAA!!!:scared1:" then back up and did it again. THAT WAS NO MOTION RIDE!"
What a great ride, I like the randomness of the drops, they stopped it during the Summer Nightastic, hopefully it's back.

Have a good week everyone.

Joe :santa:

Ummmm - Joe. Not sure your story is helping me get the courage to ride ToT! :rolleyes1
Ummmm - Joe. Not sure your story is helping me get the courage to ride ToT! :rolleyes1

Okay, Carissa and's the God's honest truth. Both of my kids went on at age 3. Were they scared? Yes. Did they love it and go again? And again? Yes. It is their favorite ride (except for is second to Rock n Roller Coaster.)
Okay, Carissa and's the God's honest truth. Both of my kids went on at age 3. Were they scared? Yes. Did they love it and go again? And again? Yes. It is their favorite ride (except for is second to Rock n Roller Coaster.)

I've had other friends tell me the same thing. Doesn't help! :rotfl: I hated RnRC. None of it bothered me too much just hated that crazy take off.
Ummmm - Joe. Not sure your story is helping me get the courage to ride ToT! :rolleyes1

I should have added that I loved the ride:banana:. I really like that each time you get on the elevator it is a different ride, sometimes it can be lame and most of the time it is great. Liz you probably got one of the lame drops. Walking through the attraction and looking at everything in the hotel is really cool. One of my favorites at HS.:thumbsup2

I should have added that I loved the ride:banana:. I really like that each time you get on the elevator it is a different ride, sometimes it can be lame and most of the time it is great. Liz you probably got one of the lame drops. Walking through the attraction and looking at everything in the hotel is really cool. One of my favorites at HS.:thumbsup2


That's the main reason I want to try it. The theming looks awesome. :thumbsup2 Just be prepared that I might scream in your ear! ;)
Okay, Carissa and's the God's honest truth. Both of my kids went on at age 3. Were they scared? Yes. Did they love it and go again? And again? Yes. It is their favorite ride (except for is second to Rock n Roller Coaster.)

I've ridden it. I'm done. I'm very happy for the brave 3 yr olds out there who ride it again and again. I am happily not riding it again!

I should have added that I loved the ride:banana:. I really like that each time you get on the elevator it is a different ride, sometimes it can be lame and most of the time it is great. Liz you probably got one of the lame drops. Walking through the attraction and looking at everything in the hotel is really cool. One of my favorites at HS.:thumbsup2


If my ride was lame, I would hate to be on a great one.

And btw, I LOVE RnR!!!
Hey Ducks!

I'm still here. I've been lurking on our thread for the past few months, just reading along. I finally got back to running this weekend, so I feel worthy to post here again. I took a little over a month off from running. Painful hamstring and waaay too much work.

I came home from work on Friday evening...late. As I stood in my kitchen, looking out into my living room, I realized I hadn't even put my Christmas tree up. What's worse is that I hadn't even thought of doing it this season. That's when I realized I've been working way too much and need to take a bit of my life back.

So I went to a special Christmas event on the other side of Edmonton Saturday evening, and took a 5K run on the treadmill. OMG, that hurt! So I did it again today - the 5K part, that is. Hoping some of the soreness will subside and I'll get back into an "indoor" running groove. Temps up here are consistently below 15 degF and the roads and sidewalks are all snow packed, so outdoor running is out of the question anymore.

The project I'm on was supposed to be done by Thanksgiving weekend. That didn't happen and we're still dragging on. Hopefully, we'll wrap it up by this Friday (17 December) so people can take off for the holidays. We'll see.

I still have "no next assignment" and I'm not sure how long I'll be here or what the plan is. Management keeps giving me positive thumbs up, but no real answers. Once the project slows down at the end of this week and we get through the holidays, I think I'll start demanding some answers.

In the meantime, I really want to get back and keep at my running. I forgot how good it makes me feel (after the initial pain dies down).

I'll be rootin' for all the marathoners and halfers next month. Go Ducks!

Liz and Carissa? You NEED to just trust Joe and Augie and get on the ToT. Take one for the Duck Team, eh?

Quack on!
Liz and Carissa? You NEED to just trust Joe and Augie and get on the ToT. Take one for the Duck Team, eh?

Quack on!

Hey Renee! Great to see you around here. :goodvibes

Poor Liz - She has been on ToT and has no interest in repeating. I'm the one who wants to give it a try. Besides Liz is landing later than me on Friday and won't have time to head to the Studios before we need to hit the Expo.

I will go on ToT even if I scream all the way! :scared1:
Thanks Carissa :hug: I was beginning to think that if I didn't find some way of getting to HS right after my flight and ride ToT with you guys that I would be disowned as a Duck! ;)

Renee good to hear from you! I hope you get back into the swing of running again.

I'm trying to decide what to do with my runs this week... I was going to do 4 today then 10 on Thursday. But the Thursday forecast is not looking good...and I'd rather not do 10 on my tm. So, 10 today even though I just did 8.5 on Thursday? And then my next long run won't be until the 28th! Hmmm...
Thanks Carissa :hug: I was beginning to think that if I didn't find some way of getting to HS right after my flight and ride ToT with you guys that I would be disowned as a Duck! ;)

Renee good to hear from you! I hope you get back into the swing of running again.

I'm trying to decide what to do with my runs this week... I was going to do 4 today then 10 on Thursday. But the Thursday forecast is not looking good...and I'd rather not do 10 on my tm. So, 10 today even though I just did 8.5 on Thursday? And then my next long run won't be until the 28th! Hmmm...

You're going on EE with me, though! :cool1:

Do you get sore after running 8 - 10 miles? I was pretty sore on Saturday and Sunday after my 8 miles and I'm still somewhat sore today. My plan is to do 3 miles or so tomorrow and Thursday and then 10 on Saturday or Sunday - depending on the weather.

I guess if I were you and I wasn't sore, I'd go ahead and do the 10 miles today.
Yep I will be doing EE with you! :)

I think I have no choice but to do my 10 today. My knee was a smidge sore after the 8.5 but I'm ok now. I'd really rather space my long runs out more evenly, but oh well. The weather is deciding my fate!
Yep I will be doing EE with you! :)

I think I have no choice but to do my 10 today. My knee was a smidge sore after the 8.5 but I'm ok now. I'd really rather space my long runs out more evenly, but oh well. The weather is deciding my fate!

What's the weather supposed to be like on Thursday? Wintry weather or just rain?

It's snowing here now!
Well I did my 10. It wasn't fun. The cold wind gusts were crazy. At times I had to turn backwards to get my breath. I'm glad it's done!

Carissa our forecast for Thursday is freezing rain. 60% chance.
Carissa - Good to see you'll be screaming your way through the ToT. It's the only way to go.

Liz - Not to worry. That's why they call it a TEAM. Someone else can always pinch hit for you. And in this case, it's Carissa on the T0T. You'll always be a Duck!

Hope everyone's training is coming together for January, especially at this busy time of year. I worked late tonight (again) but still managed to get a run in, so I'm slowly falling back into the running swing of things.

Big snow storm heading our way in the next 24 hours. The weather flat out sucks up here this time of year. I'm hoping for a bit warmer "next assignment".

Quack on!
I did 8 miles last weekend and have to do 10 this coming weekend. But, the weather is not looking too cooperative! Lots of rain and snow showers on their way. Hopefully I can fit something in. Haven't decided yet if my 10 will be my last long run or not. It most likely will because I probably won't get myself motivated to run more than that. :rolleyes1
Hi everyone,
WDW marathon weekend is getting close! Is everyone ready? I didn't do a run this weekend, we had our family Christmas party at my parents this weekend, we hade a great time and had a couple good wipeouts while sledding (hineys a little sore). i will be doing a couple 5 mile runs indoors this week and try to do a 8 miler on Friday outdoors if the weather holds out.
Are we going to try to meet up the morning of the half, or just plan on a group meet for the parade and the fireworks Saturday night?
Don't forget some of us have a date on the Tower of Terror on Friday:cool1:! All are welcome.
Have a good week, if I don't post agoin this week, everyone have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.:santa:
I'm sorry I haven't posted more lately - feeling very discouraged.

The outside of my knee has been giving me tremendous pain & hasn't allowed me to run.
The most I've done is 17 miles now.
I've seen two PT's (one a knee specialist) & they both have told me it's a tight ITB & to stretch, ice & roll (which I've done & it hasn't helped)

I'm contacting a chiropractor now. :sad1:
I'm still doing the marathon even if I have to walk the whole thing or crawl across the finish line.
Are we going to try to meet up the morning of the half, or just plan on a group meet for the parade and the fireworks Saturday night?
Don't forget some of us have a date on the Tower of Terror on Friday:cool1:! All are welcome.
Have a good week, if I don't post agoin this week, everyone have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.:santa:

Not sure about Saturday morning. You and Liz will probably be in the same corral going by your numbers. Not sure you got my reply back on FB, but I will be arriving Friday morning around 9:30 and plan to head to the Studios then before the Expo. I'll be waiting for Liz to arrive and we'll go to the Expo together. We're heading to Epcot for dinner. Will you be able to do ToT between 11 and 1 or so?

I'm sorry I haven't posted more lately - feeling very discouraged.

The outside of my knee has been giving me tremendous pain & hasn't allowed me to run.
The most I've done is 17 miles now.
I've seen two PT's (one a knee specialist) & they both have told me it's a tight ITB & to stretch, ice & roll (which I've done & it hasn't helped)

I'm contacting a chiropractor now. :sad1:
I'm still doing the marathon even if I have to walk the whole thing or crawl across the finish line.

So sorry to hear you're struggling with knee pain. Hopefully someone can figure it out for you and help make you better. :hug: I'm having some issues with my groin/right leg and I've said the same thing. I don't want to walk the half, but I know I can if I have to.


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