Dollar rental car for June


DIS Veteran
Feb 2, 2002
When should we see codes that would include June 22-27?? So far nothing on the Mousesavers site works with these dates. I'm spoiled since 11/2002 trip we used the entertain code!! another thing, why do we see so many disounts for minivan, but not for regular cars?
You probably won't see much before May. We're going February 22nd and I haven't seen much of interest as yet.
I've been watching too. Nothing good yet. The best I can find is $179 (base amount) for a intermediate at Dollar. I guess after all of the current special expire, the new ones will show up. I would guess after President's Day. I only use National or Dollar, so those are the only ones I watch.
Thanks mom_rules!!

The KISS3 code dropped the price from $214 down to $169. This is a great site! I'll wait a little longer but tentatively booked with the KISS3 code for now. By the way the FVG comes up as no cars available regardless of what or when you enter.
Thanks again for the site.


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