Does the driving in WDW get easier?


DIS Veteran
Aug 23, 1999
I just thought I'd start this thread after realizing I'm not the only person who has gotten lost on WDW property! On our last trip we tried following signs from the Poly to DTD and got completely lost...we ended up out near AK, then back at OKW, before we finally found it! The signs are terrible...they just drop you somewhere and then give you no further guidance. And from what I could tell many of the roads weren't marked! We also had trouble getting back to CBR from Chef Mickey's...ended up at WL that time, after having to make a uturn on a MK service road!

So, anyway, who else has trouble? How many trips before you could really drive around like at home? Is it best to just use a map and ignore the signs?
It <i>will</i> get easier, Lesley!

When we're over there, our guests are always amazed that we drive around the place just as if it were our hometown - and we don't think anything of it!!

We go over quite frequently - but I'd say you'll have it down in a couple of visits!!

Hey - look at that! 1500 posts!! Congratulations, Lesley!!
yes use the maps - much easier - however to get to any of the MK resorts - go the same route as the buses - yes there is a security booth but he won't stop you if you have the parking permit in your front window. so at light turn right (not left like the signs say) at the end of this road turn right the security booth is on this road, after which is FW, when this roads runs out (you have no choice) on to the right. at the lights turn right for WL & VWL, turn left for the Polyn and GF, and go straight for the Cont. Come back the same way (reversed of course). Their signs you take you way out of the way. this is done for traffic control - however you would think WDW would realize the less time spent on the roads the better everyone is - they don't think that way.

So sorry you got lost.
My wife was commenting on our last trip how I had already figured out how to get around
the world after only driving it once. Of course, that put the jinx on me and I proceeded to get lost when we returned from VB at the end of Christmas week. :-)

Generally, we (I) have no problem when entering from rt. 192. It all makes sense to me. Entering from I-4 I get turned around faster than a mad hatter teacup. :D

Yes, it will get easier. I agree that paying attention to the bus routes helps when driving. Also, take a look at a map of WDW. You'll see that Buena Vista Drive is basically a road that will take you to a large portion of WDW -- from All-Stars to DD. If you know your way around this road -- you'll soon learn how to veer off and get to the GF/Poly/Cont/WL loop -- AK etc. You can then work on short cuts for getting around. Of course, every once in awhile Disney throws in a new road (like Victory Way)!
I've rented cars on 7 or 8 trips in the past 4 years and I now feel like I've gone there all my life. I have no problem getting around WDW and the whole area. We go for groceries at the Super Walmart in Kissimmee and to the Belz Oulets near Universal and never got lost. There are 4 main roads around WDW that form a square and if you know them you have it made - World Drive (to/from MK), Buena Vista Drive (Epcot Resorts & DD), Bonnett Creek Parkway (OKW & PO) & Vista Way (Fort Wilderness).
We haven't had any problems, but my dad sure did. If you look at the maps, and then try to count the roads, you will get lost. You see, the maps they give guests don't show service roads, however there are turn lanes for the service roads. Really the only way to learn how to drive around WDW, is to do it. Practice makes perfect!
I use a map whenever we drive at WDW but it's an old one, anyone know where to get a new one? The only place I still have a problem is getting to WL you go through the gates to MK you have to stay to the right - REALLY to the right :confused:

The good thing is the Disney must know of the problem. After our stay at OKW in December, I received an email asking me to take a survey about driving in WDW ... if the signs were clear and what could be done to help the situation. Hopefully it will get better.
This was the first time I really felt "at home" and drove without taking the map out. This was my 10th trip. I actually decided to take a backroad from MK to OKW one night to avoid the main roads. Still had the map with me in case I did forget where I was but the car magically turned where it needed to. ;)

I did get lost off-property though. I had to pick up a friend at Caribe Royale one morning and thought I had gone down the wrong road. :eek: All was ok though. I just needed to go a bit further but I did stop at a gas station to look over my Orlando/LBV map.
If I can do it, anyone can. This last November I was the driver for my sister & myself. I have been to WDW around 8 times and we've also had a car to get around, but I had never done the driving myself. I put my sister in charge of the map, but gave up on that after she had us taking the LOOONNNGGG way around a couple of times. I've decided on reading their signs that when it says "the next exit", they really mean 2. At least when I was there in November the roads were practically deserted, so much it felt like we were the only ones on the property, so driving was easy and taking a quick exit wasn't a problem as we had the roads to ourselves.
It does get easier! On our first couple of trips, I knew my way around, but my DH didn't have a clue where he was going, lol!! But, know after about 5 trips, he's got the place pretty down pat. But, I agree that the signs can sometimes be confusing!


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