Does Disney care less about DVC members now?

We would prefer the FastPass+ as well, even if it was paid, over the Genie+. We did pretty well with maximizing Genie+ our last trip, but just the stress of trying to get the most out of it was a pain..... and we have no problem with the 7 am wake up time (usually up by 6 to 6:30 am most days) but still hated having to do that instead of one day 90 days before our vacation.
It’s like you’re paying them to make you work on your vacation. If that doesn’t say it all about what disney thinks of their customers I don’t know what does. It’s like Disney is a frat bully coming up with ways to haze people. Can we get them to cut the lawn with scissors? Can we get them to wake up at 6:30 in the morning on their vacation and waste valuable vacation time messing around with our poorly conceptualized, lousy sign up system and make them pay extra to do it? Here, drink this entire bottle of bourbon if you want to get into the fraternity, I mean theme park. Or have a chance of riding Guardians.
And that's one area where I must have rose-colored glasses on, when it comes to the elimination of Magical Express. I can't help wondering if Mears just looked at what Disney was paying them and decided they could cut out the middle man and make tons more. So perhaps they just demanded too much from Disney to renew the contract, and Disney wouldn't pay. Maybe I'm way off, but I do wonder.

You're not wrong, but Disney started to view literally everything as a profit center right down to the shampoo bottles. Old management knew that the loss leaders helped make the magic and Magical Express was one of those things.
Sadly, I wish Disney would have just started charging for DME and the Luggage Service instead of just canceling both. We would have probably paid up to $300/trip for these services, but I understand how it all fell apart during covid. Same thing with FastPass's, probably would have saved them a lot of money on IT if they had just asked people to pay for it.
@New Mouse and @Matty B13 did y’all read @TiggerBouncy’s post #36 in this thread? I got the impression it was more complicated than just canceling or renewing one contract. Did you understand it differently?
@New Mouse and @Matty B13 did y’all read @TiggerBouncy’s post #36 in this thread? I got the impression it was more complicated than just canceling or renewing one contract. Did you understand it differently?
Yes I understand it, but wish Disney had thrown money at it to keep it going. I'm sure if the price was right for the companies involved it would still be around. Might have required paying them while they did nothing at the beginning of covid. Then again Disney was laying off people left and right so, I'm sure they didn't mind cutting this unpaid perk.

If there is a will, there is a way.......... especially if the price is right. I just think Disney doesn't want to deal with it.
Yes I understand it, but wish Disney had thrown money at it to keep it going. I'm sure if the price was right for the companies involved it would still be around. Might have required paying them while they did nothing at the beginning of covid. Then again Disney was laying off people left and right so, I'm sure they didn't mind cutting this unpaid perk.

If there is a will, there is a way.......... especially if the price is right. I just think Disney doesn't want to deal with it.
Maybe - but having read the Transportation forum for many years, I'm also sure that DME was losing a lot of riders to Uber/Lyft prior to covid, not to mention when the parks and resorts first reopened. So it probably wasn't just covid that killed DME, it was probably a lot of factors.
Yes I understand it, but wish Disney had thrown money at it to keep it going. I'm sure if the price was right for the companies involved it would still be around. Might have required paying them while they did nothing at the beginning of covid. Then again Disney was laying off people left and right so, I'm sure they didn't mind cutting this unpaid perk.

If there is a will, there is a way.......... especially if the price is right. I just think Disney doesn't want to deal with it.

Except, when DME came back without the luggage service, my understanding is that is because the company that did it changed ownership and was out of business for a bit.

So, I think there were a lot more pieces beside the contract with Mears that lead to it ending. But, in the end, if Disney did not feel that what it would cost to run it made financial sense, then it makes sense to stop it.

We have used Sunshine Flyer ( and have had great luck. We are only paying $24/person round trip for our trip in a few weeks so honestly, not a huge added expense...
Long post, but I will give you a little more insight into DME's thinking if you care to read it.

Yes I understand it, but wish Disney had thrown money at it to keep it going. I'm sure if the price was right for the companies involved it would still be around. Might have required paying them while they did nothing at the beginning of covid. Then again Disney was laying off people left and right so, I'm sure they didn't mind cutting this unpaid perk.

If there is a will, there is a way.......... especially if the price is right. I just think Disney doesn't want to deal with it.

hindsight is 20/20. Disney was closed itself. These is no way to have known bags, inc would go out of business, and I promise you Disney had no visibility into how many other companies were involved. Some of them were subcontractors to subcontractors to subcontractors. We alone were a critical piece and were subbed by Bags. Disney knew who we were.... But we used 2 other companies - at least one which also went under and I know Disney did not know our technology or programming or what libraries and services we had deals with - we did not sell our software to Bags or Disney - we were a service and it was proprietary. More than that, we brought the connections - the Airlines, the TSA.... those were meetings we could arrange. At the beginning of the pandemic, COULD Disney have paid tons of money to prop up other businesses so they didn't go under? I mean I would be richer than Elon if I knew who was going to survive and who was going to flop.

Maybe - but having read the Transportation forum for many years, I'm also sure that DME was losing a lot of riders to Uber/Lyft prior to covid, not to mention when the parks and resorts first reopened.

That's right. Disney did not lie when they made that statement. But it was more than just losing people on getting TO the parks. It was also losing the ability to KEEP people at the parks.

One key selling point to Disney for DME was to create guests as captured beings. That is, they wanted you to NOT rent a car because if you didn't have a car, it was less convenient to go anywhere else. If you were trapped on Disney property, they had most - if not all - of your money. Back in 2005, there was no Uber and there was no Lyft. You had to call a cab and wait, and wait, and wait. Then to come back, you needed another cab. In 2005, only 60% of Americans had cell phones (and less international had phones that would roam). Getting a cab was not an easy thing. It was - frankly - quite difficult to go anywhere else without a car. DME was not just about getting you to the parks, but keeping you there.

Here is another piece.... when DME was created in 2005, a key aspect was the ability to print boarding passes and hang those on your door with a letter that says you can skip the check-in because we did it for you. In 2007 - 2 years later - the first mobile boarding pass was created (by United). Now, checking in at the airport is the exception, not the rule. Many fliers do not need or even want a physical paper boarding pass. In the future, we won't even need mobile boarding passes as they will be replaced by biometric tokens. Another piece of "magic" that is no longer needed for DME.

Except, when DME came back without the luggage service, my understanding is that is because the company that did it changed ownership and was out of business for a bit.

So, I think there were a lot more pieces beside the contract with Mears that lead to it ending. But, in the end, if Disney did not feel that what it would cost to run it made financial sense, then it makes sense to stop it.
And that was not the only issue. A lot depended on cooperation from Airlines, TSA, MCO, and others. As I mentioned, a lot of jobs changed during COVID. I was a technical manager and could be easily replaced. What could not be replaced was the contacts. The agreements for offsite luggage processing. The agreements with airlines for manipulating their systems. The arrangements we had with TSA to bend certain rules... Those are not just money - they take years of negotiations that had been in place but no longer were and the people that championed them were no longer there. Trying to bring them back received a lot of new scrutiny from new directors who wanted to make their mark and were less inclined to break rules or participate in ventures just for the sake of Disney - and as much as I hate to bring this up - Disney right now is not the awe-inspiring customer it used to be. They have expended a lot of their political clout (not government politics, but the desire to say "we have Disney as a customer").

It was not an easy decision to not bring back DME. It was discussed. It was - if anything - assumed it would come back. It's after Disney started getting ramped up again and everyone came back and said "what about this, and what about that, and how do we solve this" that the reality sunk in - there were only 2 options on the table.

The first was to try to cobble together a new system with new vendors and start on those agreements all over again, and that was going to take A LONG TIME. We are talking years. It's possible someone is still working on it, but you wouldn't know it and Disney wouldn't admit it.

Option two was to restart DME as a bus only service. And frankly..... why? Anyone can buy a bus. It lacks "Disney Magic".

There are really 2 things that made DME make sense. One of them was to create guests as captured beings. The second is that piece of "magic" and "wonder". The WOW factor. The "how do they DO that?".

If you break down DME as it would be now....
* Do they keep you on Disney property? NOPE. With Uber and Lyft being so easy to get now, even if you do not have a car, you can still go off Disney property with a tap of your phone. 93+% of the people have cell phones.
* Do they add anything "magical"? NOPE. As I said above, the ability to check you into your flight is no longer a benefit. They could take your bags for you, but that is becoming increasingly common in some destination industries. They lack a sense of "WOW".

For DME to come back, it's not a question of could they form an alliance to do it - I am sure they ultimately could. Even if it doesn't keep you on Disney property, that's not a deal breaker. They can live with that. But it needs to be more than a bus service. It needs to be something that makes you go "WOW" and it needs to be something that only Disney can do. Universal can buy a bus. Disney has to do something uniquely Disney that ties you to their brand because it offers an experience that no one else can do, and right now, they just do not have that for DME.
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Option two was to restart DME as a bus only service. And frankly..... why? Anyone can buy a bus. It lacks "Disney Magic".
Thanks for that. It's really interesting to hear all of that information. The only thing that I disagree with is that, for me, DME was always just a bus service, but it was still magical. I travel from the UK so they never collected our bags, we always had to do it ourselves. They never checked us in, that was also for us to do. I still loved getting on the bus, seeing the videos and feeling that we'd arrived.

I fully appreciate the financial reasons for not bringing it back but I still miss it. Even if it was a bus only service it was the start of the Disney Magic. :)
Thanks for that. It's really interesting to hear all of that information. The only thing that I disagree with is that, for me, DME was always just a bus service, but it was still magical. I travel from the UK so they never collected our bags, we always had to do it ourselves. They never checked us in, that was also for us to do. I still loved getting on the bus, seeing the videos and feeling that we'd arrived.

I fully appreciate the financial reasons for not bringing it back but I still miss it. Even if it was a bus only service it was the start of the Disney Magic. :)
It's not a question of agreeing or disagreeing with me. I am not expressing my view of DME. Personally, I loved DME and felt it was all part of the Disney bubble. However I was presenting the thinking of those at Disney. So you can disagree with what I stated, but it's not me you are disagreeing with - it's the people at Disney making these decisions.

For the record, I disagree with Disney on a great many things lately. I can only hope they come to see things our way before I am forced into more.... drastic... actions.
Nothing really to add other than to say I really appreciate this post - I have no problem saying I had no idea how complex the process truly was (although now that i see it in writing, it seems fairly obvious)
Until I worked on the system, I really didn't understand it either. I was brought into the project after a series of failures that left Disney very angry at Bags, and Bags very angry at us. It just so happened that being DVC, I was down there often which made me a ideal person because first of all, I used it. Secondly, since I was there several times a year, I could take a day during my vacay and bump elbows with the people that mattered and I cared enough about being part of it all that I didn't mind. In some ways, I enjoyed spending time talking with the Disney people more then I did going into the parks - even if the talking was listening to how upset they were.

Some of the more complex parts do not matter as much anymore. For example, one of the most complex pieces was that boarding pass stuff. That was difficult and complex software that only 2 companies in the world COULD have made in 2005 (because only 2 companies had the connections with the airlines). These days, there are a number of cell phone apps that do it by scrapping the airline websites. It's not that hard since they all have web interfaces now. Technology has changed A LOT in 18 years.

Some of them are still challenges. As I mentioned, TSA has VERY strict rules about off-site baggage injection into airports - for obvious reasons. However, it is possible to overcome those - the industry still exists.

If anything, that - as I mentioned - is the biggest killer for DME. The fact that it's not all that complicated now. In Disney's eyes, it just doesn't bring the value.
Except, when DME came back without the luggage service, my understanding is that is because the company that did it changed ownership and was out of business for a bit.

So, I think there were a lot more pieces beside the contract with Mears that lead to it ending. But, in the end, if Disney did not feel that what it would cost to run it made financial sense, then it makes sense to stop it.

We have used Sunshine Flyer ( and have had great luck. We are only paying $24/person round trip for our trip in a few weeks so honestly, not a huge added expense...

We saw these buses while where at WDW this past Jan/Feb. They caught my eye because they are "dressed" to resemble a train. I had never seen them before.
We saw these buses while where at WDW this past Jan/Feb. They caught my eye because they are "dressed" to resemble a train. I had never seen them before.

They are cute...they had cartoons on and I can imagine, while not Disney themed, they would be fun for little ones! and, with the current promotion, they are a great deal!!
I don't think they ever did care. It's a business and they are in it for the profit. What I think has changed is their ability to make us think they cared about us (and other guests). We've lost the warm and fuzzy. There is nowhere in the world that I felt so good after spending so much money. I guess the reality of the past few years, and the ham fisted ways of a certain CEO have taken away from the illusion. I still enjoy myself when I'm using my DVC points, but I've definitely adjusted my expectations.
I think it was an illusion to some and to others, not so much. I have always stated they were a company in business to make money. Maybe since I am DVC and stockholder with friends that work for them, I was never fooled. Therefore, seeing the man behind the curtain for what he was, was not a shock.

We actually really love Genie+ and ILL and would hate to see them go.
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We saw these buses while where at WDW this past Jan/Feb. They caught my eye because they are "dressed" to resemble a train. I had never seen them before.
The thing is they don't always use the train buses. We got a run down van. :(
I think it was an illusion to some and to others, not so much. I have always stated they were a company in business to make money. Maybe since I am DVC and stockholder with friends that work for them, I was never fooled. Therefore, seeing the man behind the curtain for what he was, was not a shock.

We actually really love Genie+ and ILL and would hate to see them go.
As with nearly everything Disney produces, there's the "Suspension of Disbelief" required to enjoy it, at least at face value. I enjoy WDW especially at two levels... the first is slipping into the bubble/belief that's provided there of safety, comfort, nostalgia, customer care, etc.... the second is the business/marketing/engineering effort that has gone into creating this massive entertainment complex.

LOL, my wife is not so good at doing the suspension thing (she mostly just likes watching documentaries) and isn't that interested in other level either, so I visit WDW with my adult kids.
As with nearly everything Disney produces, there's the "Suspension of Disbelief" required to enjoy it, at least at face value. I enjoy WDW especially at two levels... the first is slipping into the bubble/belief that's provided there of safety, comfort, nostalgia, customer care, etc.... the second is the business/marketing/engineering effort that has gone into creating this massive entertainment complex.

LOL, my wife is not so good at doing the suspension thing (she mostly just likes watching documentaries) and isn't that interested in other level either, so I visit WDW with my adult kids.
I love going, and I can appreciate the attention to details and the story, but I never forget that Main St is a facade.

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