Eller House
Sonora, California
Specialty Recipe
English Sherry Trifle
1 package jam rolls or sponge cake
One 30-ounce can fruit cocktail
I would use your strawberries instead of fruit cocktail
1 package strawberry gelatin
1 package (1 envelope) Birds custard mix
1 pint fresh cream
1 can mandarin oranges
1/3 cup (or more) Harvey's Bristol Creme Sherry or any good sherry
In a large glass dessert bowl, cut and lay jam rolls to cover bottom of dish. Pour the sherry over jam rolls. Drain fruit cocktail and lay on top of sponge cake.
Prepare gelatin and pour over fruit cocktail. Place in refrigerator to set 3 hours or until gelatin sets. Prepare custard according to package directions; while still hot,
pour over set gelatin. Place a film of plastic wrap (saran wrap) over top of custard so the custard will not form a crust. Cool; refrigerate to set 2 hours. Whip fresh
cream until light and fluffy. Remove film and spread cream evenly on top of custard. Drain mandarin oranges and arrange on top of cream.
You found this recipe on 1st Traveler's Choice Internet Cookbook. (