Does AAA Sell Annual Passes?


Walt Disney World Lover-DVC Owner Since 1/07
Jul 4, 2000
Just wondering if AAA sells and gives discounts on premium annual passes. I know the DC gives a discount as well....thanks



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No, that is the only ticket that isn't available outside of the Disney places. You can get one at the DS or at the parks and resorts. Sorry!


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AAA does not offer annual passes, but I know that there is a way to buy hoppers lets say & then trade those in for an annual pass when you get to the parks... I don't think this would give you any better a discount than the DC though... Maybe someone else has done this?
I am not a member of AAA, but have been considering it for a number of reasons. Re: ticket purchase from AAA: do you have to buy the tix through AAA, or is there a AAA discount if purchased at WDW? Thanks!

<font face="Harrington" size=5 color="blue">Sammy</font>


<font face=:Harrington" size=3 color=red>Have a Disney Day</font>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=orange >1975 - offsite
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<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=blue> Sept. 2000 -<font color=green> Dixie Landings</font>
You have to purchase you tickets AT the AAA to get their discount. And different offices carry different ones (ie: they may carry the five day hopper but not the six day one) so you have to call and make sure that they have the ones that you are interested in.
Hope that this helps... :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
Thanks BethR....answered my question perfectly!

<font face="Harrington" size=5 color="blue">Sammy</font>


<font face=:Harrington" size=3 color=red>Have a Disney Day</font>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=orange >1975 - offsite
1981 - offsite
1990 - offsite</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=blue> Sept. 2000 -<font color=green> Dixie Landings</font>
Okay, I work at AAA so I have the scoop. However, every AAA is run by a different organzation and board of directors so what my AAA offers might differ from what your AAA offers.

My AAA sells a 4-day, 5-day, and 6-day hopper pass. You purchase the tickets at the office and then use them at the park. The should not be transferred nor can you use them to purchase AP or PAP. The tickets you get in the office are the actual ones you use at the parks.

note*-My AAA also sells discount Universal and SeaWorld passes so those who are going to these parks should check with thier local AAA.
Hi. I am wondering, how much is the 5-day Hopper if you buy through AAA? Thanks.
You must certainly can trade in any ticket purchased at either AAA or Disney store on an annual pass. There is nothing on a AAA ticket that states that this is prohibited.
This, btw, came from my AAA in CT.


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I need to be able to upgrade unused 4 day hopper pass I purchased at AAA to get my AP discount. If I get there and I can't do it I will have to buy AP and save hopper for an other trip, or lose my discount. I really need to verify ahead of time so I know how much $ I will have to lay out for AP.
Okay so like I'm very sorry about the annual pass thing I misunderstood the question. Check with your local AAA about the price of a five day hopper as every AAA sells tickets at different prices.
You can call CRO for this information. 1-407-wdisney. But, trust me, you can do this. You could also call your local Disney Store.


Offsite - 88
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Jamaica-SandalsInn 98&00

Every AAA sells at different prices? I don't think so. They do sell different length passes at different locations, but, they are all at the same price due to an agreement with Disney.
The persons I spoke with at 3 different AAA offices would love to know at what office you work. Your information is somewhat misleading and does cause confusion and angst among some posters here.


Offsite - 88
CBR - 89 & 90
PO - 91
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OKW-99 2X'S,OKW-00 2X's OKW-01 1X
Jamaica-SandalsInn 98&00

...that this may be a case of DIS newbie nervousness and not posting exactly what he/she is meaning.
"All AAAs sell tickets at the same price" is true 95% of the time. But we have been reading on this board the ever since the price increase that a FEW AAAs still have the old passes in stock and are selling them a the old price.
This has also happened at The Disney Stores in the past, but I have not read about that recently.
I hope that this helps...

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
At one time the FL AAA were able to sell the FL resident passes (and even some of the FL resident annual/seasonal passes). I'm not sure if that is still true.
We just got back from Disney this past weekend. We purchased our Annual Passes at our local AAA office here in Florida. We saved about $10 per person. We got vouchers which we then activated at Disney with a expiration date one year from the date of activation. (I mention this because there has been much discussion on these boards about the topic of vouchers). Also, our AAA office sells the Florida Resident Seasonal Passes. Hope this is helpful!
Thanks for the help. I called the main Disney number today and they connected me to the Annual passholder department. I asked about the upgrading theAAA hopper and the CM said no It could not be done. But then he offered to check with someone else. When he came back to the phone he apologized and said the person he'd checked with said I could upgrade it . What a complicated mess. I hope the person at guest relations knows that it can be done when I get there. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
My AAA office (Chicago Motor Club) sells the 5-day hopper for more than what I've seen quoted by other people. I believe each regional AAA office signs contracts with Disney, so it IS possible for the prices to differ.


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