Do you buy MYW No Expiration tickets?

I 'm almost positive(99.4%) that even though you used up all your theme park days that whatever is left over is good untill used .I'd love to know the website you use but since i'm a newbie i'm not allowed to PM you until i have 10 or more post.
If you buy NE tickets you will tend to go commando in the parks on the day you choose to go to the park, get your monies worth. With AP you could go everyday for a few hours at a time.

If you don't mind commando for your park days your 10 day NE tickets could last a few years and make future visits less costly.

But I thought if you bought the 10-day non-expiring with the park hopper option you could park hop and avoid the commando issue and you could visit more than 1 park per day. No? Why add the hopper option then?

We have only done the Premium AP so far and I figured we'd do the reg. AP for next time bcuz we go to each water park only once per trip and I think just paying for the admission at the gate with our DVC discount woud work out just as well. It would also save on the up front cost of the PAP if we only bought the reg. AP. We have thought about doing the 10 day non-expiring but we USUALLY (but not ALWAYS) go for a full week. We ALWAYS park hop and we we ALWAYS go to parks every day. Since we almost always go for a full week the 10 days is not long enough. The only way it would be good for us is if we planned a week with a couple days off-site at Universal or something.

Yes, they never really expire - quick Non-Expiring story: 2 summers ago we were sitting at a table in that Cantina place in Epcot (in Mexico) waiting for Illuminations and 2 older spinster-type sisters came up to us and asked if they could share our table. They had been cleaning out some drawers or something and had run across these old tickets from like the 70's or early 80's or something. They were really old tickets (at least 20 years) and they had 1 day left on them. So they just decided to hop in the car and drive to Epcot and use them up. It was kinda cute but really neat that they were still good.
We tend to plan our trips around our APs. We buy APs and plan at least 2 trips in those 366 days (yep, they are good for 366 instead of 365), and then we take an amount of time off before we start new APs rather than doing the renewal thing. For example: Last year we used our APs last in March. We have not been back to Disney since then, and will start new APs on our trip that starts the 20th of this month. We then have trips planned for May and December of this year, and after that will take a break again until later the following year.

Those "off" years seem long between trips, but it does save us quite a bit. We tend to get about 30 park days on each AP. If you only go once a year, you can still make it work by shifting your dates a week or so. For example, go the last two weeks of January one year and the first two the following year....two AP.
We are rarely able to go twice within 12 months so we always buy the 10 day ph no expiration tickets.
Since we don't "Hop" every day, I buy, on different trips, a 10 day non expiry hopper and a 10 day non expiry ticket. We decide which days we are going to hop and I use the Hopper on that day. One of us will usually have a Annual pass for the added discounts. I hate to waste the Hopper option if we are not Hopping. My hopper ticket is several years old. I buy more stripped tickets than anything else. My goal is see Disney the cheapest way I can. We usually get about 4 trips out of one 10 day non expiry ticket.

If we did the water parks, I would sure add that feature on, it is just not us. It sure sounds like a deal.
We do. Last year we bought the 10 day hoppers with water parks and more. We only used 4 park days and none of the more days (we planned to use them, but decided there was a lot to do at AKL/AKV). We will finish up the park days this year and use a couple of the more days. I am thinking about buying more 10 day hoppers without the more days before the price increases agian and saving them for our trip next year.

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